While on a recent 7-day cruise with Princess Cruises, I learned a thing or two about happiness. Here’s what I discovered!
I recently returned from a glorious 7 day cruise aboard the amazing Regal Princess ship. I’ve always been a fan of cruising and really believe it is the best way to vacation! With that being said, I noticed something while I was on my 7 day vacation… I was extremely happy.
I know what you are thinking…”Well, duh, Kristen. Of course you were happy… you were on a CRUISE vacation, spending time in the sunshine, eating amazing food, and getting away from this hellish winter weather.” OK, you’ve got me there, but despite the obvious reasons for my happiness, I noticed while away little things that the cruise staff did or even the cruise line itself had in place that increased my happiness.
As I was cruising along, I kept thinking (each time I’d feel that little jolt of happiness) what can I learn from this Princess cruise about happiness? What are some things I can incorporate into my daily life back home that will give me more of this kind of happiness? And so, I started to take note… and now I’m sharing with you!
Here are some of the top things I learned about happiness from my most awesome vacation.
Surround Yourself with Happy Colors
Doesn’t just looking at the colors in the picture above make you happy? The colorful Cabanas at Princess Cruises private island in the Bahamas made me happy… and as I traveled around the different ports we stopped at, I realized that bright, happy colors like yellow, pink, green, etc make me so happy! Spotting a yellow house is an instant smile maker for so many people. If these kind of bright colors make you happy, why don’t you add some pops of “happy color” around your own house so you can feel those good feelings everytime you see the happy colors!
Change Your Scenery
I have been so bored on my runs lately…and after running on the Regal Princess track with a view of the ocean at every turn, I realized my runs don’t have to be boring! Of course it’s boring to run on the same treadmill at the same gym day after day. Happiness is switching things up! Run outside on a trail, or change the time of day you run so you can watch the setting or rising sun. This morning I started to get bored on the treadmill at the gym and decided to hop off the treadmill and run on the indoor track. Sometimes all it takes to add a little happy in our life is to break out of a routine!
Take Notice
Meet Jeeves, the absolute best room steward around! Jeeves did a lot to make us happy aboard the Regal Princess, as did each employee I encountered. In fact it was Jeeves who really made me start thinking how the hospitality industry is onto something with simple ways to make people happy.
Jeeves ALWAYS took notice when he saw us. He’d compliment us on what we were wearing, ask about our day, see if our hands were full and offer to unlock our room for us so we didn’t have to dig through our bags for our keys, etc. Jeeves and so many of the employees aboard the Regal Princess took a moment to chat with the people they saw and always had a friendly word and smile ready to dole out. I’ve taken a bit of Jeeves home with me and am trying to take notice in others more often. I’m putting my phone down and talking to people I encounter, taking the time to offer up a compliment to someone and more. Making other people happy certainly helps boost our own happiness!
Savor Mornings
I know this and I always have, but waking up a little earlier in the morning and taking time to savor my morning, versus rushing through it, makes me so much happier. When I have mornings to journal or read or do something for me before getting everyone else up and ready, my day goes by so much better!

A little treat every now and then makes me happy. When I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself from things, I tend to be a lot happier! On the cruise ship, I’ll admit I let myself have a Pina Colada (or two) each day because…why the heck not? I saved the gelato for the final day on the ship, but knowing that I was going to treat myself later in the week gave me something to look forward to and made me happy!
Turn it Up
Almost everywhere we went on the Regal Princess, we were surrounded by music. Whether it was the jazz band playing in the Atrium, the steel drum band playing outside by the pools, or the soft music in the Spa, the music of the ship was the soundtrack to our days….and it made me happy. I noticed I had more of a spring in my step as I’d walk, and I’d smile more when a song I loved would come on. Since I’ve been home, I’ve created a Caribbean Pandora station and I listen to it daily. Even when it’s cold outside, the music takes me to a happy place.
Escape Your Comfort Zone
I’m kind of a chicken…just ask my mom how many times I went out the chicken exit on roller coasters growing up. But chickening out isn’t very much fun, is it? Escaping my comfort zone and doing things that can be a little scary (to me) actually really does make me happy! In St. Thomas I went on an Extreme Zip Line Excursion (you can watch one of my adventures above) and in St Maarten, Melissa and I went out on a jet ski in the ocean! The water was kind of rough that day (a big, yet brief storm came in shortly after we were done) but it was so much fun!
I’ve decided that adding more adventure into my life is one more way I can up my happiness!
Enjoy the Ride
Finally, my biggest lesson in happiness from my time on the Regal Princess is to simply, enjoy the ride. Things may happen in life that aren’t that great, but it’s how we deal with those things that determine our happiness. I’m trying to learn to take things in stride, understanding more and more that I am in charge of only my own happiness, and sometimes that means even going out and making my happiness happen. Let go, move on, seek happiness and be happy!
I’ll be sharing more about my cruise on the Regal Princess in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, be happy!
Disclosure: I was a very grateful guest of Princess Cruises on board the Regal Princess. All opinions expressed are my own. For more information about Princess Cruises and to book a cruise (I highly recommend it) visit their website at www.princess.com.
Ahh… you’re killing me!! I haven’t been on a cruise since before we had kids and I am itching to get back out there. I love all of these thoughts and how each and every one of them can be done at home – no cruise ship required. Thanks for taking us along for your journey!!
Nick and I have gone on 4 cruises and love it so much. We went on one for 7 days when Kelly turned 1 and it was glorious, although so hard because communication home back then wasn’t easy!
Thanks for reading along!
AAAAAhhh, I’m totally loving your tips at bringing happiness back from what you learned on the cruise. Such pretty pictures! I’ve never been on a cruise and am now dying to go on one!
You should definitely go on one, soon! It’s the best way to vacation!
Thanks for your sweet words 🙂
I LOVE your take on this! I haven’t been on a cruise, but this makes me just want to hop on and enjoy the ride. Your tip about music resonated with me. For a long time, I forgot how good it feels to turn up a Pandora station and just dance around the house, because I was always rushing from one project or task to another. Now I know that taking a little time to have a solo dance party is ok too! : )
Solo dance parties for one are the best! Music is so good for the soul – and happiness!
My husband and I are going on that exact same cruise in 10 days. We leave on Easter and I’ve had a countdown going since we booked it a few months ago. I’m so glad you had a good time. Now I’m even more excited about going.
Oh Jessie – I am so jealous! You will have such a GREAT time! If you have questions about anything let me know!
I love your insight and points about happiness. These are all very good points to take to heart. I LOVE that you got a photo of Jeeves!!! I miss that guy and his happiness and the excitement every time he saw us. Such a great lesson to bring that home and apply it to every day life. I miss being on the cruise with you and chatting! Such gorgeous photos 🙂
I miss everyone so much and loved getting that one on one time to hang out! Can we go back?
It looks like you had a wonderful time and your pictures are gorgeous. So many important take-aways from this post. Music does wonders and I’ve been cranking up my Pandora during the day and it really does change my mood. You’ve made me want to go cruising again, it’s been way too long!
Joanie – you should definitely go sometime soon if you can! It’s such a refreshing way to get away.
If you can’t, go crank up some caribbean music and let it take you away 🙂
Thanks so much for the kind words!
Just the thought of an all expenses paid 7 day tropical vacation away from my kids makes me happy. No responsibilities for a week other than to sit on a boat, get a tan and sip tropical drinks and no kids? YES that would make me happy too. LOL
On bright colors – This is why my kitchen and house are painted in fun colors that I love and not typical neutral house colors. I love COLOR it makes me happy. Music – we have music playing all day, and not super quiet either. We don’t watch much tv, but we always have music playing – it makes for a happy fun home
Also – I want my own personal Jeeves. One that cleans and does dishes. And babysits LOL
It was pretty darn awesome… I can’t wait to go on another one! This was my 4th cruise and each one just gets better and better!
I am now on a color kick – thinking about paining my kitchen yellow!
love everything about this, Kristen! Beautiful post and pictures!
Thank you so much, Julie!
Oddly enough, I was just writing about vacations myself earlier this morning when this came across my email. Nicely done!
Perfect timing then!
I love this post Kristen! I especially loved the part about putting your phone down and acknowledging everyone around you – from your own family to the cashier at Target. I definitely am guilty of being on my phone too much but I notice a huge difference when I come home from work and unplug for at least an hour to get some quality time with my husband. I also love the part about indulging – what’s life without a treat every once in awhile? Looks like you had a fabulous vacation!
Oh Taylor – thank you so much 🙂
Today I spent time actually looking people in the eye, smiling when I spoke to them, etc and it was pretty cool the reaction. I don’t do that nearly often enough!
Thanks so much for reading and your comment! I hope you have a great weekend!
I had so so much fun hanging out with you! This post made me happy 🙂 I absolutely want to cruise again and remember the HAPPY! I think it’s the most relaxed vacation I’ve ever had honestly!
I MISS YOU! Let’s go back, soon!
Great happiness pointers! I especially agree with your ‘happy colors’ mention. One of the first things I did when moving to our current home was to paint our family room a light yellow, and our master bathroom light green – both made such a positive change to my perception of our house.
I really want to paint my kitchen yellow! I think it would totally make me happy when I was in it!
I love the little take away tidbits that you brought home with you after your vacation. I find that little changes make a big difference!
It really does, Kari – it’s all in the attitude!
Thanks for your comment!
Can I say how much I LOVE this post? And all your posts about life, happiness and such. They truly make me rethink my day to days. Ever since your talk at Chopped Con, I have set my 12 hour long days of blogging aside and started to live again. Let me tell you, that is happiness for me! Keep this posts comin 😉
This is one of my favorite comments, ever, Meg. It makes me so happy! Thank you so much for sharing how that little talk changed things for you!! 🙂
With winter arriving back here tomorrow, I’m eying that azure blue water with envy! Great lessons you’ve shared—I, too, get up before dawn and enjoy the quiet of the morning and crank up the radio in the car to sing along. So many little joys in life–I need to take a few more deep breaths and enjoy. Thanks for the inspiring post.
LOVE this post; you are amazing! Your posts make me smile and I adore your ‘happiness’ messaging that you give to all of us. You’ve been a tremendous positive light to me in my health healing journey. Honored to know such a fabulous gal like you.
Big hugs from NYC.
Kristen, I loved following your holiday on Instagram. Even though I was stuck at my desk, I felt like I had a little palm tree and blue water escape right there in my chair!
Your lessons on happiness are so right. Taking the time to notice things about people and offer a compliment costs you nothing, but is worth so much. We live in such a distracted world that when someone takes the time to actually see you it is so valuable.
And definitely Treat yo’ Self and add some adventure! Small steps to happiness that we can all add to our lives 🙂
Can’t wait to see more about your adventures. Stay happy!
Lovely pictures Kristen. Yum and cheers to those Pina Coladas, the colorful cabanas, and everything about your trip glad it was a great getaway hope your spring break went well too!
What an awesome post. I should have expected nothing less, with your happiness themes – love how you translated it from this awesome vacation and made it so meaningful to everyday life!
I left that trip feeling happy, relaxed and a little bit sleepy 🙂 The colors and music are enough to make you feel like there is not a care in the world. I honestly felt like you were so brave for going jet skiing that day. I was way to scared to go out in the water that day. You’re the most awesome!
Weren’t the stewards the best? I love this post!
Also great point about indulging. I think I did it at least once per day but felt great knowing how active we were able to be on the ship! Great photos and wish we could do it again!
oh, how I loved this post so much. I think we often forget that we can bring the happiness from vacation home with us, and these words are gold!!
This is such a great post! I don’t normally come back from vacation with such insight. Sounds like I need to go on a Caribbean cruise. 😉 I had a rough night and reading this post and looking at those pictures made my morning a little brighter. Thank you. 🙂
Sounds like you had a great time. My entire family is planning to take a cruise on the Regal later this year. We’ve sailed with Princess several times in the past and loved it, but it’s been at least 10 years since we’ve been on them. So I have a few questions. (from me and other member of my family) I already saw you mention they played the steel drum music by the pool. My mom will be thrilled, that was one of her favorite things and she was disappointed the last cruise we went on (Disney) didn’t do that. I see that they now offer steel drum lessons. Did you happen to see that? Was that something you had to sign up for in advance? Also when you start the cruise, do they still play the Love Boat theme when they are leaving port for the first time? Thanks. Hope, I have as much fun as you did!
We had such an amazing time!!! I hope you will too. It’ll be so much fun with your whole family!
On the Regal they do play the love boat theme, but it’s as the horn! It’s so fun!
I did see them doing the steel drum lessons, but I am not sure if you have to sign up for it in advance or not. I’m thinking not – but can’t guarantee that. It looked like so much fun!
Let me know if you have any other questions 🙂
Sounds like such a great trip, Kristen. LOVE this recap. Would be a blast to take your kids one day, right?