OK – here is the warning right up front. Those of you who turn your noses up at convienence foods, boxed mixes, full of preservatives and sugar packaged snack foods, etc. I am giving you the warning to skip this post all together. What you are about to see will most likely make you want to call Child Protective Services on me. If the Kool-Aid slushes got your goat, this dessert is going to make you wonder what the heck this world is coming to. So, to avoid any unnecessary stress on yourself…just turn your head, plug your ears and yell “La, la, la, la, la” and you can pretend like you never even read this far.
Now, for the rest of you, I am sure that once you saw the picture of this dessert and saw how cute it was, you got right away why I would want to try it out. I just could not resist the sliced up Little Debbie swiss cake rolls and the cuteness factor this dessert has all together. No, it isn’t a complicated, gourmet recipe, but it is a lot of fun. Besides the fun-ness factor, this little recipe is really quite delicious. If Child Protective Services does happen to be called on me for feeding my children such preservative and sugar laden foods, I’m sure I can influence them to let me keep my children by bringing out this tasty dessert.
From the most recent issue of Simple and Delicious magazine.
Chocolate Swirl Dessert
- 1 package 13 ounces Swiss cake rolls
- 2-3/4 cups cold milk
- 2 packages 3.9 ounces each instant chocolate fudge pudding mix
- 2 cups whipped topping
- Cut each cake roll into eight slices; set aside any chocolate coating that separates from rolls for garnish. Line a 9-in. springform pan with cake slices, completely covering the bottom and sides.
- In a small bowl, whisk milk and pudding mixes for 2 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes or until soft-set. Pour over cake. Spread with whipped topping; sprinkle with any reserved chocolate coating. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Yield: 12 servings.
Sometimes girls just want to have fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that!
It looks so cute, and I agree a bit of fun in the kitchen is a good thing 🙂
I heart you. 😀 Great looking dessert. I bet the kids and hubby swoon over it. You are the mommy with the mostest. 😀
Loved your posting, made me smile, I bet my family will love this dessert
I think it looks wonderful! There’s nothing wrong with taking short cuts sometimes!
🙂 When I saw this picture I thought, "Those look like swiss rolls!" My brother would like this!
Definitely a cuteness factor idea!
Seriously? There should be some kind of something against this thing….I am in awe! Love it!!!!
This is fantastic, Kristen. And I agree with you, bribe the authorities with the same weapon.
You know, prepackaged and "artificial" stuff can be fun, cute and delicious. However, I wouldn’t recommend a steady diet of it.
One of my favorite food magazines to browse through is from Kraft and you can’t get more prepackaged than that. But…it’s convenient, relatively inexpensive and as we all know, sometimes it’s nice to open up a box and toss a couple eggs in the mix and pop it in the oven.
The cake, by the way, is waaaaay cute! 😉
This is adorable looking, although probably a bit, um, Swissy for my taste. I have to admit, though, I do enjoy an occasional Swiss roll–I can’t say as though I *love* the taste, but there is something about them that attracts me. They definitely put something especially addictive in there, I’m convinced 😉
LOL- I love Swiss Cake Rolls. Never would have thought to do that to them though. Looks quite tasty.
ha! swiss cake rolls….too funny
The only problem I see here is that I can’t have a slice of this beauty! 🙂
Oh, this is right up my alley!! Looks soooo good!
Kristen, you are a genius for being able to turn the humble swiss roll to this glorious looking cake. I have no problems using store bought items when it makes a lot of sense, such as for this cake. Thanks for the inspiration!
hehehe! Sometimes you just gota do what you gota do!
Cute yes even Wow! That’s neat.
Looks like it’d be fun to make! There’s something about indulging in this kind of dessert sometimes… 🙂
oh god, why???? why did you do this to me?? swiss cake rolls are my most favorite childhood addiction. Now that is ALL I am going to think about and I am trying to lose a few pounds. damn you..no no.no. i love you and all your wonderful desserts even if I think you are out to get me. I am think I have to take a rehab from your blog for a few weeks.
Hilarious!!! And I would eat a slice of this in a second. 🙂
very yummy looking!
That is simple & delicious:-)
I think I gain a few pounds just by looking at your pics. Not fair.
Admittedly, I am one of those nose-turner-uppers, but this looks so elegant I would love to dive right in. My daughter would LOVE this for her birthday party.
First off, I have had an opportunity to explore this blog and have found some great ideas that my family and I can use right now! Great ideas…
I just want to add one more thought to this fun dessert recipe. As an employee of the company that manufactures these yummy Swiss Cake Rolls, as well as a litany of indulgent snack cakes, I would recommend freezing the Swiss Cake Rolls before embarking on construction of the dessert.
First, they are so much easier to cut and, second, they keep that round shape better. I would also recommend using any extra cake to press into gaps on the bottom layer, creating a firmer base which eases transition from the springform to a serving piece.
I made this for my family yesterday, and all agreed it was a big hit! Thanks for posting!!
My husband would think he’d died and gone to heaven if I made this for him. Currently he’s battling the blogger’s bulge, but when he gets to goal I think I’ll treat him with this.
oh i love it!
At first glance, I thought these looked like Swiss Cake Rolls! But then, I thought, "Noooooo!. she wouldn’t buy those! She would make this dessert from scratch, and I wonder how many hours it took her!"
I am so glad to know how easy this is! Thanks.
Love this blog and have to put you on my list of favorites! Will try my hand at that yummy looking creation – wish me luck.
I’m not turning my head! This is adorable and a wonderful take on a classic snack everyone grew up with. Thank you for sharing 🙂
I would love to have a slice of that!
Thanks for keeping it real! You how many times they would look good cut up in a triffle bowl. I like the idea for the look, but I still would rather use from scratch, just for the taste. But you get major points for cuteness factor and from my neighbor, busy mom of twin boys! Great job!
Absolutely nothing wrong with swiss rolls, those filled cupcake thingies, twinkies, and those oatmeal creme pies. I love them! This cake looks awesome!
Wow. Did you cut the rolls at room temp or did you freeze them?
Also, I’m tagging you for the name meme. Everything you need for it is explained here http://cookiesetc.blogspot.com/2007/09/name-meme.html.
Oh, would my nieces go crazy over this one!
I want to go home and make this for my 30-year-old boyfriend. He would love it.