Glad to see this! You are blessed. As the banner your Dad gave me before you were born said: “Contentment comes not from getting what you want, but from realizing what you already have.! Love you!
Thanks Kristen! That is such a wise statement. And I really needed it today. So often I find myself caught up in this turmoil of wanting and looking at where others are and where I’m not…..that I forget to be thankful for the here and now, the where I am….which is also purdy dern good!! xoxox
Yessss, so true! xoxo
AGree!! AGree! AGREE!! Love!
Glad to see this! You are blessed. As the banner your Dad gave me before you were born said: “Contentment comes not from getting what you want, but from realizing what you already have.! Love you!
Thanks Kristen! That is such a wise statement. And I really needed it today. So often I find myself caught up in this turmoil of wanting and looking at where others are and where I’m not…..that I forget to be thankful for the here and now, the where I am….which is also purdy dern good!! xoxox
Could not love this more, Kristen. I love these posts from you!
I agree entirely 🙂
Love this!!
YES. A million times YES. I need this as a daily reminder too. Love this Kristen.