I heard a story on the news a few weeks ago about a lady who lived without breaking the Ten Commandments for one whole year. She blogged about it and then wrote a book, of course. I cannot find the blog anywhere, but I thought that was an interesting concept. Then I started thinking, how hard really could it be to live without breaking the Ten Commandments? As I started going through the list of commandments, I realized that I would fail right away. I am pretty golden with most of them… I don’t kill, I don’t steal, I don’t cheat on my husband, etc. The one commandment that got me and that I know I am guilty of breaking is “Thou Shall Not Covet”. Yep – I am a sinner because right now I am seriously coveting all of you who have an Apple IPhone. I want one…. I really want one. I am not exactly sure why I want one, but I just believe that I need one 🙂 In fact, if it weren’t for the jumbo price tag combined with the fact that I am still under contract with Verizon, my spontaneous, impulse purchasing self would probably snatch one up right away. I am convinced that an IPhone would make my life complete. (I am exaggerating here, but it couldn’t hurt, could it?). If I could only figure out a way to justify it as a business expense. Don’t magazine writers and recruiters need IPhones. I mean, seriously… it seems completely like a necessity for those jobs.
Anyway, enough about my sinning. I really do not like to sin alone, so I have decided to let you all in on my coveting. At first, I was thinking something chocolate. Then, I decided to tempt you with something fried in butter, smothered in cheese and served over pasta. Tempting enough for you?? Sinner…So easy you can sin every night.
Sinfully Delicious Chicken Parmesan
- 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
- 1/2 cup Italian breadcrumbs
- 1 egg beaten
- 4 teaspoons butter
- 2 cups spaghetti sauce
- 4 slices mozzarella cheese
- 1 teaspoon grated parmesan cheese
- 1 Pound chicken to flatten.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Dip chicken in egg; then in bread crumbs.
- Fry in butter in hot skillet, turning and browning for 10 min or until chicken is done.
- Remove from skillet.
- To skillet add spaghetti sauce.
- Heat thoroughly.
- Add chicken.
- Place slices of mozzarella on top of chicken.
- Sprinkle with parmesan.
- Cover and cook until cheese is melted.
- Serve with a side of spaghetti.
Oh gosh, I covet those iphones as well. I find it helps if I only let myself read the negative press on them, so I feel better about not having one. I also insanely covet your blog.
For what it’s worth, perhaps to quell some of your covetousness, I have a friend who bought an iPhone and he’s not loving it. He kinda misses his RAZR, which is the phone I have right now. The other day, I got it out when I was with him and he looked at it kinda wistfully. His biggest gripe with the iPhone is that it’s not comfortable to hold as it’s not phone-shaped, but more like a little brick. Hinged phones give you that little angle situation.
But they do seem awfully cool, otherwise.
I’ve never seen much about those iPhones but maybe you will get one for Chrissy or something. 🙂
I work with a couple of people that have iphones, and after playing around with them a bit, I’ve decided that they are not really that cool. I really only use my ipod at the gym, and I don’t think I will be strapping my phone to my arm any time soon!! I’m sure they’ll come down in price soon once the novelty has worn off.
This chicken is worthy of coveting!! It might also be guilty of one of the 7 deadly sins after making this, too – gluttony!!
Who needs an iPhone when you can have a chicken parm feast???
A good friend of mine says the best way to overcome temptation is to give in. Then you don’t have to live with that nasty lust in your heart. Just go get the iPhone and – ta da!- coveting is gone!
Your chicken looks delish!
Kristen if I had an iphone I’d call you and tell you that your chx parm looks divine. It’s one of my all time favorites! Maybe Santa is reading your blog and will think you’ve been a good girl this year
Mike was telling me about using someone’s iphone and said it felt like he was holding a slab of metal to his face. But then he said, quite breathlessly (as, you know, only a man can do) ‘They are really cool though’
Me? I am a covet-er too. I covet stuff that I don’t even need just because I spent much of my life in dire financial straits and somehow my brain tried to tell me I deserve ‘stuff’. But I can’t take my ‘stuff’ with me when I go, and no one at my funeral is going to say "Wow, she had some great ‘stuff’, didn’t she?" so I turn it off and instead look around me at what I do have, which is pretty darn nice.
That is the only commandment I would break too. Especially when it comes to cooking stuff, wine, foods, etc. Man…..do I covet that.
You see, you want the rest of us to sin and join you in <i>that</i> and what makes <i>you</i> a worse sinner is that you are doing it deliberately! Tempt away my friend, tempt away 🙂
You know, the only thing I really covet is the Nintendo Wii but I don’t want it *THAT* bad…it’s only because I know how much my daughter would love it- plus, Guitar Hero? I do so much air guitar I think it would totally be worth it! LOL!
I’m so sorry I haven’t been reading much- it’s been nuts busy here lately! I don’t know how moms of more than 1 work full-time…I’m barely keeping up these days.
You win! I have an iPhone (do absolutely love it, not the least of which is I can make and always have my shopping list on it) but I do covet your chicken.
Very tempting… and I am sneaking out just to check your blog, not that’s a sin… 🙂
Sorry, I meant to say "now, that is a sin…"
My husband loves chicken parm. I will have to keep this delicious recipe on hand.
I covet good food everyday…so I guess I’m sinning too 😉
I so love Chicken Parmesan. It is the go to dish when we go out to dinner at most Italian restaurants. If they screw this one up I would question every other dish on the menu. Yours look fantastic. Also, I know a few folks who have the iPhone. The general feedback was that if you need something for email, it is not that useful as a device.
While I care nothing about an apple IPhone, I do covet chocolate and good food!
I just have to say that your table (or counter?) bears a striking resemblance to mine. The chicken looks good too 🙂
Does anyone else find it sad that it’s actually newsworthy/bookworthy that someone manages to follow the Ten Commandments for even a year?
I’m not sold on the iPhone yet, but put a stack of cookbooks in front of me and it’s impossible for me to not want them!
I’d lose it at the first sight of pizza hot out of the oven.
it looks delious!!!!!!! yum!!!