Hi all! It’s time to share week 3 of my 40th year! Here we go!
October 20th: Ella got to be the star of today’s pictures. The first picture is typical Ella… always happy, except when she’s not 😉 The second is Ella with my beautiful niece, Kennedy. The last photo is Ella getting tickled by Grandma (Nick’s mom). We had a fun filled morning with family then the boys went off to watch the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Texans!
October 21st: The kids were out of school today, so I decided to take them to Schaake’s Pumpkin Patch in Lawrence, KS. Kelly’s and Jacob’s best friends came with us and we had such a fun time picking out the perfect pumpkins, running through the hay bale maze and enjoying the perfect fall day! I absolutely love pumpkin patch day!
October 22nd: My friend Heather (from the Scraps by Heather Blog) had the most precious baby boy a month ago. This is me, spending my afternoon, holding baby Sam. It was not a bad way to spend a day at all. Looking forward to doing it again very soon!
October 23rd: Leah goest to preschool from 10-3 on Wednesday so I decided to go on a little adventure. I had the most wonderful day today venturing out of my little part of Kansas City to a restaurant I hadn’t been to before. My friend Johnna and I met at the cutest little cafe called T.Loft. I fell so in love with their space and had a wonderful lunch time catching up with Johnna. Afterwards, since I had a few extra minutes, I stopped at Trader Joe’s and picked up a bag of indulgent must haves (flowers, Cookie Butter, ciabatta bread, etc). It was a wonderful day!
October 24th: I started my morning off today by sprucing up my workspace some with some of the fresh flowers I bought yesterday at Trader Joe’s. I love hydrangeas, don’t you? Also, my friend Jenny and I had the best time getting in touch with our inner artist at a wine and painting night by Friendship Art. This was one of the funnest things I’ve done in awhile! If you live in the Kansas City area, make sure to check out their Facebook page for future events. They also do private events! Jenny and I are thinking it would be fun to do a mother daughter painting party… don’t you?
October 25th: This may be one of my favorite pics of all time, just because it truly describes my “happy place”. Leah and I had a lazy day, where we stayed in our PJ’s and watched movies most of the day. We even ate lunch in my bed, which never gets to happen! At one point, both Meg and Leah were asleep (or almost asleep on my lap). It was a priceless moment I am happy I was able to capture!
October 26th: As much as I hate that it is getting dark so much earlier, I can’t help but love how long that perfect “golden” light sticks around in the late afternoon. I absolutely love it!
Well, that’s it for my week in pictures! Thanks again for being here. Remember, for pictures that may not make the cut for my #ThisIs40 posts, you can always follow me on Instagram!
All of these photos are so precious. Cheers to creating happiness in our lives!
Agreed Joanne! I definitely have this whole “live more” thing down… just really need to work on the “weigh less” part 🙂
Love your update!! Every picture invokes emotion and joy. You are so darn talented girl! And YAY for an awesome adventure week!!! 🙂
You and your kind comments about my photography always make me happy. Thank you 🙂 And yes – yay for adventure week! Not a lot of adventure but I’ve decided just normal everyday fun is adventure enough for me 🙂
Gorgeous pictures! I love that you spent an indulgent morning/afternoon on lunch and goodies for yourself.
Thank you so much! I always feel so guilty doing stuff like that during my “free” time, but this week I decided what the heck and just went for it! It was a great day 🙂
I just adore this series and this week especially! All such good and happy things. So much love and so many smiles. You’re making me excited for 40. 😉
You are so sweet. Thank you! I agree… it was a good, happy week 🙂
I agree, I’m not happy about the shorter days, but I do LOVE that golden glow that happens in the later part of the day this time of year! Such gorgeous pictures!
That light is amazing, isn’t it? I will be sitting at my desk and just pulled to head outside because the light is calling me!
I could read these posts every day. The photo of the sunlight is so gorgeous. And I love the one of you snuggling in bed in PJ’s!
You are the sweetest.. thank you! Friday was a very good day 🙂
What a wonderful And inspirational week. I can’t wait for the day when I feel like I don’t have to work my butt off and can start enjoying more of the things that I enjoy. I must remind myself that this is not a dress rehearsal… This is life!