I’m not sure what Jacob saw this morning with steam coming out of my ears that made a garbage man (is there a better name than that) job appealing, but all the way to school he was talking about the fact that when he grows up, he wants to be a garbage man. I tried to explain to him that it is a really stinky job, but he could only focus on the fact that he would get to drive that really big cool truck.
After awhile, Kelly had to pipe in with her choice of professions. "I want to be a mommy when I grow up. I want to be a big mommy with a real baby and really big boobs." Let’s hope she can achieve such greatness… big boobs or not, being a mommy is the best job there is.
There must be something about the truck or the treasures that people leave at the curb, but when Jacob’s uncle Michael was about his age, he, too, wanted to be a garbage man.
Oh my, how cute. How hilarious!! Your kids are darlings.
When my son was four he wanted to be a scientist and a woman.
Not sure about the big boobs though….
Now he is content to become a man and a scientist which may be a bit easier for him.
Your kids might enjoy hearing about the blog I
keep with my seven year old – trying out the A to Z of vegetables. The aim is to widen his taste horizons and give him a love for all things green. Strangely – it seems to be working. Please do send us any recipes that your children really love.
GBVC in London
Yeah, I want big boobs to when I get to be a mom. My French genes won out over my Irish genes, so no boobs for me!
Kids are great for a laugh and garbage men are great for being buttholes!
My little one informed us that she wanted "long boobies" like mommy’s. Gee. Isn’t that nice. That was all the encouragement I needed to do a little lingerie shopping. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by to read about my crazy world. Sounds like yours is as nutty as ours. Must have something to do with having three?!?!