I was visiting my sister this week, working on some articles I had due, when my niece whispered to her mom, “Aunt Kris is Supermom!”. I didn’t hear exactly what she said but my sister then repeated it to me. I quickly put my niece’s assumption that I was some kind of wonder woman to rest and explained that there is no such thing as this “supermom”. She is as fictional as Tinkerbell and the Loch Ness Monster.
I get called “Supermom” by a lot by people. I’m not sure why, but people think that because I have four kids, a traveling husband, a social life and a work-at-home job that I am some kind of person who is able to balance everything going on in life with ease. Those of you who know me in real life know this isn’t the case at all. I really want to put that image of me to rest.
I truly believe that whenever you have so much going on in your life, something else suffers. Sure, I get to work from home, but you know what? While I’m writing right now, my kids are watching the movie “Hotel for Dogs”. I’m not mothering them. Instead, they are stuck in front of the TV. Ask my husband about how well I balance…I can’t remember the last time we actually went to bed at the same time because I’m typically up late at night working. I spent the morning with my kids at Shatto Dairy Farm. Because of that choice, I didn’t spend my morning cleaning, therefore my kitchen and office are still a wreck. See…. something suffers if you try to have it all.
I am no more of a “Supermom” than my sister, who is now a single mother, raising two teenage kids, working a full-time job as a teacher on top of a part-time job of teaching music lessons. She still manages to feed her children, care for them and have a good relationship with them.
Supermom is a myth and I would be thrilled to pieces if moms stopped trying to live up to these unrealistic, super high standards. Yes, there are people out there who seem to have it all…they can balance kids, work, home, marriage, social life, etc. I guarantee you that if you sit down and really talk to the “supermom”, get to know them and their life, you will be told that they really struggle with balance and trying to maintain it all. With everything they are achieving, something else in their life is suffering.
Anyway, just had to get this little rant of mine out there 🙂
Supermom would have gotten up early and made these lovely Banana Pancakes for her kids breakfast. Instead, “supermom” slept in some with the baby, had the older kids get their own cereal, and pretended all along like she meant to have a breakfast for lunch day. So long, supermom!
Banana Pancakes (from the lovely Jamie at My Baking Addiction)
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon white sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg beaten
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 2 ripe bananas mashed
- 2 shakes of cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- Combine flour, white sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together egg, milk, vegetable oil, vanilla and bananas.
- Stir flour mixture into banana mixture; batter will be slightly lumpy.
- Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/3 cup for each pancake. Cook until pancakes are golden brown on both sides; serve hot.
There is still time to participate in the newest Culinary Snapshot “Through My Lens” event and be a part of the giveaway for the really cool camera strap. Check it out at Culinary Snapshot!
I think breakfast for lunch or dinner sounds better anyway (unless someone else is cooking!) I’ve never been much of a breakfast maker–too draggy in the mornings. We may be having these for dinner tomorrow night…
Very well said – I’m more than happy being a regular mom, trying to get everything done and sometimes forgeting to put diapers in the baby’s diaper bag. 🙂
.-= Paula´s last blog ..Best apple cake of the whole wide world =-.
We will never doubt how hard it can be to be a parent. No doubt, everyone is a supermom or dad. Who wouldn’t love you making pancakes?
.-= The Duo Dishes´s last blog ..An Oddly Brilliant Inspiration =-.
Ditto! Makes me feel a lot better about the dirty laundry pile that is threatening to take over.
.-= Amy J´s last blog ..Oh my gosh! It’s ganache! =-.
Dear Supermom-
I am so glad you made these and hope you loved them as much as we did! 🙂
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..Vanilla Bean Waffles With Homemade Blueberry Sauce… =-.
Frankly, I think you are both “supermoms”. Don’t sell yourself short.
Well this “supermom” remembered to stuff her grocery list in her purse (finally), dressed the one year old and placed him in his carseat w/o a fuss, drove to the grocery and then realized she still had her pajamas on!!!
Maybe if I started out with a breakfast like this, my brain would be functioning better.
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..A Tiny Cake For A Big Birthday Month =-.
Well, I’ve always thought of my mom as supermom, but I know she struggled with balance. And now that I see all that she did through my own mom-eyes, I’m still in wonder and wish I’d given her more of a break than I did sometimes (oh, those pesky teenage years!)! Balance is hard, maybe even a myth in itself.
Balance is such a tricky thing. Somedays it all falls into place and other days…well that’s why I carry spare deodorant and those colgate wisp toothbrushes in the diaper bag.
I always have a few bananas that are on the verge of bread or smoothies. I love different ways to use them up.
Where did we get this idea that we have to be all things to all people? I think it’s something we all struggle with. Thanks for reminding us that it’s okay to be human!
As for those pancakes….They look wonderful! I would definitely make them for lunch too. Of course, since I’ve never gotten up early to make pancakes before, my family just thinks they are a lunch dish anyway. 😉
.-= Susan at SGCC´s last blog ..Knicks Brunch Burgers with Balsamic Onion Marmalade =-.
I echo your own Supermom – you are both Supermoms and you should not sell yourself short!! You work hard for both your family and your job, and your kids are some of the happiest I have ever encountered! Sure, we all have our days that we seem to be “behind” on things or dragging our feet (and I only have 1 child!!), but we’re human. I agree that we all should not try to live up to some realistic expectation of what type of mother/wife we should be, but as long as we are putting forth our genuine best effort, then we are all Supermoms!
I LOVE banana pancakes and these look so yummy!! Maybe we can do breakfast for dinner for Dinner Club some time…
Oops! I meant to say unrealistic expectation… See where my mommy brain is on a Sat. morning!!
Can I still call you super friend? You need to get better at taking compliments my dear, I do find you amazing!
Oh sure there is Supermom…but she has a personal assistant and live-in housekeeper.
I still think you’re not giving yourself enough credit. I can barely get myself out the door in the morning let alone four kids 🙂
.-= maris´s last blog ..Public Relations, Melting Popsicles and Butter Pecan Cookies =-.
You’re right, it’s too hard to balance EVERYTHING perfectly, you’re bound to drop a ball sooner of later! These pancakes would make you super-mom at my house, though 🙂
.-= Marta´s last blog ..Sneaky Apple Cardamom Muffins =-.
I’m so with you on ditching the “supermom” label. It’s damaging to women, because it makes them feel like less of a mom – or less of whatever else they are – for NOT being supermom, perfect in all areas of her life. It’s so unnecessary, divisive, and demeaning. Anyway, you don’t have to be perfect at something to be good at it, and being pretty good, most of the time, is good enough for nearly everything.
.-= camille´s last blog ..Arroz Caldo/Lugao =-.
I was trying to decide what to cook for supper tonight and couldn’t come up with any good ideas, but then I read this recipe. Oh, my! These are delicious. The banana flavor really comes through and they are so moist. My husband and I both really enjoyed them and I am looking forward to leftovers for breakfast tomorrow!
It’s going to be hard to shake the label as we moms are our own worst enemies. I know at times I look at others and feel so inadequate and less accomplished in trying to balance it all, home, work, husband the kids…reminding myself that it’s not a competition helps:-)
.-= Wizzythestick´s last blog ..How to Give someone Bad News =-.
Those are some super tasty pancakes you’ve got going on there.
I bet in the mind of your kids you are super mom. 🙂
.-= peabody´s last blog ..“I know this much is true”…. =-.
Well said, Kristen. However you should know that you are an inspiration to us!
We’re pancake fiends around here and these are on our ‘to-make’ list.
.-= Aimee´s last blog ..WFD? Peach & Ginger Glazed Salmon with Baby Beets =-.
u must be a mind-reader bc i was thinking about doing this just this past morning LOL great minds i guess 🙂
.-= dani´s last blog ..#66) Strawberry Almond Brownies =-.
… and that’s the truth!
I like best the idea of “the good enough parent”. It’s real and the if there’s plenty of love, your kids look back and know you were/are a super mom … that may not happen until they have kids of their own.
balance..balance..balance…I have a hard time with that. Something suffers when we do so many things but in the end it’s all about priorities. Lovely stack of pancakes!
.-= veron´s last blog ..A tribute to Julia =-.
I get that alot as well… If they had a peek into my life, they’d realize that I have a lot going on, and something is always falling between the cracks because of it. We need to get over the “supermom” ideal and assuming that the other mom is doing it better.
.-= patsyk´s last blog ..Chocolate & Peanut Butter Duo Cookies =-.
well, i’d never thought about how difficult for a single mom would be until i hv my own kid. the thing is even my busy husband is helping, i still feel helpless sometimes. and that really made me appreciate what single parents have been through.
deep down, every mom must’ve thought of a moment where she would consider herself as a supermom.
well, how to define “supermom”?! does it matter?
.-= lululu´s last blog ..Miso Soup with Clams and Tofu =-.