Our summer is officially over and the kids have been in school now for a whole week. It was so hard for me to let summer go this year because it was one of our best, yet. I intentionally didn’t do my typical Summer Bucket List, but instead deemed the summer of 2015 “The Summer of Yes”.
I vowed that this summer, I was going to say yes as much as I could. If the kids asked to do something or had an idea, even a far out there idea, I said yes (naturally within reason). We had so much fun!
It was the summer of lots of swimming, beaches, pink hair, reading, ice cream for breakfast, sno cones for lunch, sleeping in, staying up late, friends, family, baseball, bike rides, travel and more. I loved absolutely every last second of our summer! (Well I could have done without my mom being so sick and hospitalized for most of it, but even that brought some fun adventures for our family).
So, today, in honor of “The Summer of Yes” I’m sharing our summer in 1 Second a day. I was turned on to this app by my friend Cheryl. I’ve been doing a 1 second everyday video since March, but decided to give you a little snippet of our summer in 1 second everyday. Friends, I LOVE the 1 Second Everyday project and strongly encourage you all to download the app and begin taking more videos of your day. Just looking back at our One Second a Day collection makes me so happy! (Check out Cheryl’s finished 1 Second a Everyday video from her past year, here. If that video doesn’t make you want to do this, I don’t know what will! Isn’t her family fun? She also has an AMAZING tutorial on how to use the 1 Second Everyday app… check it out!)
I’m also sharing all my favorite photos from the summer. If you follow me on SnapChat Stories (do it – I’m dineanddish over there and am having a blast!) or Instagram (I’d absolutely love to connect there too) you’ve seen some of these already. However, most of them are new to the world photos that if I didn’t share them here would most likely be stuck on my hard drive forever and ever, amen. And that’s no bueno. Thanks for humoring me as I share scenes from our best summer yet!
LOVE THIS! I remember when Cheryl told us about the 1 Second Everyday app at Click Retreat back in January, and I totally did it for four days….and then completely forgot about it. I need to get back into it! Especially now that we moved to Chicago. It would be really fun to look back at our first year of married life in a new city! 🙂
do it Laura!! 😉
You totally MUST do it! Your snaps are so interesting – a second of those and you’ve got it done!
I love it!!! Thanks for the linky love too. Your family is so adorable!
I’m thinking I need to start another year soon!
Thank you so much for showing me what a cool thing it is. It is my absolute favorite “project” probably, ever. It makes me really happy 🙂
You are truly blessed to have such a beautiful family. Looks like this summer was a happy time of making memories. Nice to see that you allowed your children to “let their pink hair down”! Sometimes I think we get in the habit of saying no to things because of time constraints. Really a great idea to rethink why we can’t say “YES”!
Great post – keep up the good work!
I really am blessed…and looking back on things like this helps me to definitely remember that on those days where I may be feeling less than. Thanks so much for your support! 🙂
Wow…you were busy!! I’m checking out the 1 second app for sure, I’ve always been jealous of those people who take the time to snap something each day -some for years- and then watch it evolve in 5 minutes. We’re on our last week of summer and my kids have been in lots of activity camps but this week I promised them it was just going to be us and so far it’s been great, even with the usual work piling up behind me.
Gerry – I really think you’d love it! And your kids would too…mine love looking back at the videos!
I hope you enjoy the last week of summer. I expect lots of beach snaps!
OMG Kristen I love this!!! I’m going to go download that app right this very second. Also, love following your story on snapchat 🙂
Thank you, friend! I’m so excited you are going to download it! Your video will be awesome!
Que férias maravilhosas, família muito unida e feliz, adorei as fotos e quero dar os parabéns para todos!!
Thank you so very much!
This is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing a little of you heart today- viewing that video was such a treat!! xoxo
Thanks for watching, Amy! I really appreciate it 🙂 You inspire me all the time, so it’s nice to return the favor.
So much fun Kristen! How lucky your kids are, not only because you do such fun things with them, but because you take the time to document their lives. They will cherish these things when they are older!
I’m so lucky to be their mom and for the most part they agree to go along with my shenanigans 😉
This post makes me happy!! Great summer! And I’m glad I got to see you for a minute!
Thank you so much. It was such an incredible summer and taking off work certainly helped with that! I loved connecting with you so much over the summer 🙂
We had the best summer ever, too Kristen. I’m still having a hard time letting go of it and submerging myself back into school and work. GAH. Love this post!
I am so glad!! I’m having a really hard time too…summer forever!
That was wonderful — as are all the photos. Such a perfect way to capture so much in a small way. Loved the second of Meg with her head out the window of the car 😉
Thank you so much! That is definitely Meg’s “happy place” 🙂
Loved this! Thanks for sharing your fantastic summer with your sweet family. Summer went way too fast! Hope evryone has an awesome school year!
It really did – I wish we could just have summer all year long 😉
Oh how I love your video!!! This will be our very first year sending anyone to school and I feel like time is going to start going speed-lightning fast moving forward. I love having so many friends with older kids because I am constantly reminded of how fleeting time is. <3 Thank you, as always, for inspiring me in every way.
School changes everything…and sometimes that’s good, but it’s really hard for me!
Thank you so much for your sweet words.
I love everything about this post! The photos – so many memories! You guys had one epic vacation. I hope your mom is feeling better and you are adjusting to your new routine with all of the kiddos in school. Also, I just learned about the 1SE app from Cheryl’s post and love it! I’ve been using it for only a week but I am already obsessed! xoxo
Oh oh oh – I can’t wait to see your videos!! Yay!
I love the summer of yes! And what a wonderful way to capture all of your summer memories in an easy, 1-second moment, crystallised in time ready to be accessed again when you need it the most.
I’m so happy for you that you had a wonderful summer 🙂
Oh, and you rocked that pink hair!
“ready to be accessed again when you need it the most”… I think that’s it. It’s hard to always remember how blessed our lives our. Looking back on projects like this one is a great reminder. Thank you so much for that snippet of wisdom!!
I actually was able to access your Dine and Dish from a computer that usually denies me access! Looking at all those photos of you, Nick and the kids sure makes me miss you more than I already do. I hope you get to come and see me soon! I can’t believe how tall Jacob is! The girls are really growing up. I like your idea of “Yes”, that makes things more fun – good for you! Love you.
The Summer of Yes? Whoa! That’s brilliant. What if I gave up all the “No” that I could with my kids….for Lent. I might do that.
I also have to say that the idea of one second videos is super appealing. I’ve seen them before and have also dabbled in doing a little bit of video but need more practice and a low intimidation way to approach it. This is genius!