Do you see that picture right up there? The one with the bright, shining sun and palm trees? The kids and I are leaving on our annual 16 hour road trip to find the sun… down near South Padre Texas, where my parents live! I am so excited to leave the chill behind and head towards the warmth! The thought of warm weather in my near future is obviously making me smile. I thought it would be a great time to share what else is making me happy these days!
Have you seen this video with Billy Joel and the college student? Find out what happens when Billy Joel gives an unexpected answer to a student willing to take a risk. The moral of the story? It never hurts to ask! Love this life changing moment – it makes me smile from ear to ear!
Flip flops in 4 sizes make me happy!
Did you hear that Google Reader is shutting down? That doesn’t make me happy, but finding out that I can still subscribe to my favorite blogs RSS feeds via the Reeder app and Feedly makes me happy!
I’ve been using the “If it won’t fit on a post-it, it won’t fit in your day” method for trying to maintain organization in my life, and I’m loving how this simple method seems to be working for me!
Dancing granny? She makes me smile! I love this rockin’ grandma!
I had the time of my life a couple weeks ago at the Maroon 5 concert. It was so much fun! My crush on Adam Levine is only that much stronger now 😉 I honestly think it was a good 2 weeks before the high from that night began to fade. Even better, the time I had hanging out with my girlfriends Sandra, Lisa and Gina totally made the night. I love what Lisa wrote in her blog post “Adam Levine and the Art of Dancing Alone“.
When people have the courage to hit publish on a vulnerable blog post? That makes me happy (great post, Irvin!)
Finding Butterbeer that can be shipped directly to my house thrills me to pieces!
Downtown Abbey season finale (yes, I was way behind)? Did not make me happy. Having a great friend to watch it with and bitch about it together? That makes me very happy!
I’m currently reading and practicing The Magic. What a great book and I can already feel it working. That makes me happy!
That’s it! I need to get packing… but first, before I go, I want to hear what is making you happy! Make sure to share your happy in the comments below.
Have a great week!
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
That butter beer made me happy! I woke up to snow unexpectedly and that didn’t make me happy, but I’m glad summer is getting closer and closer! Have fun on your trip.
I LOVE the picture of the palm tree! I am so wish I was and Vacation! Have fun!
So excited you’re getting away somewhere warm!!! Loved reading your friend’s blog as well. Oh and I definitely skimmed past whatever you wrote about the Downtown Abbey finale…. I don’t want it to end!! (I just started season 2.)
You won’t get any spoilers from me – I promise! I’m sad it’s over 🙁
I always think of you when I hear “Butterbeer.” Always.
Thanks for sharing Irvin’s post. I needed that. 😉
Have a wonderful vacation, Kristen! Glad I saw your post on Twitter this morning. It was a great way to start my day! Enjoyed your photos, related to Adam Levine love, read Irvin’s post, ordered The Magic, and still have more to do thanks to you! 😉
Thanks for resetting my day! Reading your happiness post made me smile and laugh out loud at Dancing grannie!! Have a great trip!
Where did you get all your happy pretty flip flops from? – minus the black skull boy ones of course.
Old Navy! They have a huge selection for girls right now. (And why do the boy ones always have to be so not cute?) 🙂
Ooh, have fun on your trip! I could use the warm weather right about now too. I’m with you on the Downton Abbey finale, I was sooo mad. Grrr. 🙂
Seriously – it took me days to stop being ticked off!
Your flip flop picture makes me happy because spring is just around the corner! 🙂
Have a fantastic vacation with your family! Ahhh sun and palm trees – sounds magical 🙂
Have safe and fun travels! I need to put that Magic book on my list; I’ve been looking for a good read that’s uplifting/encouraging/energizing, etc. Any other rec’s?
Hope you have a happy and safe trip! xo
P.S. It might be just my eyes/monitor/browsers, but I’ve been having a bit of difficulty reading the text on your site, as the font is too light for my eyes. 🙁 (Maybe there’s a way to change it through my browsers and I just don’t know it?)
I’m still super upset about Downton Abbey. How could they? Seriously, how could they? Good luck with your packing and vacation preparation! We could use some of that pretty sunshine in the Midwest 🙂 xo
Oh my gosh, that video! How amazing. So much talent! Thanks for sharing that, made my morning 🙂 Have a great vacation!
Wasn’t that great? I absolutely love that video!
Your cute pics made me happy today, and your upbeat blog – and I’m going on vacay too! Cruising with my hubby to the Caribbean, can’t wait!
Jealous! I love Caribbean Cruising!
Hope you have a great vacation Kristen. Two things are making me happy today – getting the Selphy printer I won on your blog the other day and spending the upcoming weekend with our older daughter and the grandkids – always fun!
It sounds like you have a great weekend in store. Enjoy and have fun with the printer too!
You make me happy.
I watched the Billy Joel video – LOVED it! And it made me happy!! Oh and I got the Selphy printer today, won it on your blog – very happy today!
Oh good – enjoy it, Lynne!! Thanks for letting me know 🙂
The Billy Joel video? LOVE that!!!! Thanks for sharing it!
I saw Maroon 5 on this tour too! It was my second time seeing them 🙂 I adore this band!!! Which venue did you see them at?
Wasn’t it a great show?
I saw them in Kansas City and am going again in August to see them in St Louis! Can’t wait as this time I’ll be within the first 10 rows!