This giveaway is now closed. The winner is Kathleen Connor from Colorado. Congrats, Kathleen and thanks to all for participating!
We love eggs around our house, but when I upgraded to some new “high end” skillets, my love of cooking eggs ceased. We went from having eggs several times a week, to eggs hardly ever (unless they were cooked in the oven). I got so frustrated with eggs always sticking to the skillet, creating a bigger mess than it was worth.
When my friends at Teflon contacted me about their Golden Anniversary Celebration, which includes a golden Teflon pan, I was intrigued. Could this be the pan to bring fried eggs and scrambled eggs back to our life?
It certainly is! I cooked 12 fried eggs in a row, with one small squirt of Pam Cooking Spray, and not a single egg stuck. I was so excited I wrote the PR person I was working with and exclaimed my love. She probably thinks I’m a little nuts now, but I love this pan.
My friends at Teflon would like to give you the opportunity to win a Golden Anniversary Pan of your own. To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is. For additional entries:
- Tweet the following: “I entered the Golden Anniversary Pan #giveaway from @TeflonBrand & @DineandDish” Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you tweeted.
- Become a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you tweeted.
All entries must be received by midnight on Friday, October 21st, 2011. Winner will be chosen via
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Teflon Brand. All opinions are my own.
My favorite thing to cook on stove top is also eggs. A tasty egg is a GOOD thing.
I love to cook stir fry. 🙂 Thanks for posting the give away. Looks like an awesome pan!
Would love to win this pan for my husband, he does ALL the cooking, we will be married 48 years Oct. 26 th , this would make such a nice gift, Thanks
I make popcorn constantly on the stovetop – a little peanut oil and kernels – so good!
Eggs, grilled cheese, spagetti, chicken with masala sauce
i love to make homemade marinara on the stove top!
Being a busy momma to twins that love eggs and french toast I am breaking out my skillet every morning to cook their breakfast. Needless to say, it has gotten a workout and new one would come in handy! 🙂 My favorite thing well, I should say its what I cook most on the stovetop everyday is eggs and french toast because its my little cuties favorites!
I liked Teflon Brands (on my personal FB page).
As a single mom of seven…if I could cook twelve eggs and not have an issue i would be in heaven!
I have posted, liked and tweeted!
My dish is Hamburg Helper~~ cheap and quick.
I tweeted this (from @MotherThyme) 🙂
I love making stir fry!
I tweeted and became a Facebook fan!
Here is my tweet:!/babalou09/status/124904200688779264
I love to cook spaghetti 🙂
Stir fry!!
Swiss Steak and/or Stuffed Peppers
Hmmm one thing…that’s hard since I like cooking so much but I’m going to have to go with chili.
Lately – fried egg sandwiches, but special occasion is fried chicken!
My favorite stovetop-cooked item is definitely a good hearty omelet. I’ve been known to have them for breakfast, dinner, and anything in between. 🙂
Just tweeted the giveaway (@chipchiphooray).
And just became a fan of Teflon Brand on Facebook. Thanks for this giveaway! 🙂
Hoooooly. I need this pan. Like, really need it. My eggs are always stuck and they give me the middle finger.
Don’t ask.
Stir fry or a “use up everything in the fridge” omelet!
I make a TON of eggs during the week… always need a great nonstick pan for that!
My favorite thing to cook on the stove, at this time, is grilled cheese sandwiches.
Thank you for offering this skillet. I really need one badly. I hope I win!!!
Oh man! I love my eggs too and nothing bugs me more than when they stick and the lovely oozy yolk runs out and gets lost on the pan! My fingers are crossed, my pans STINK.
And now I like Teflon on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!
Fried chicken in my cast iron skillet, for sure!
Pad Thai (although I think it’s more of my favorite thing to eat, not necessarily cook.)
I’m a big fan of eggs for breakfast… mostly scrambled because I haven’t mastered the omelet yet!
Fave thing to cook on the stovetop….melting chocolate is a good start 🙂
FB friend of Teflons
I tweeted about the golden Teflon pan!
My favorite thing to cook on the stove… I certainly cook a lot of eggs, but stir fry would top the list.
Pancakes– we could eat them everyday and this pan would be perfect, since we don’t own a griddle.
Stirfry among many other yummy things!
I liked the Teflon site on Facebook.
My favourite thing to cook on the stovetop is pasta sauce! I love adding different things to my sauces. 🙂
I tweeted about your giveaway
Thank you! 🙂
Pasta sauce.
A nice simmer soup or pasta sauce, for sure.
I tweeted as well!
I tweeted my entry @vash2nddonuts
Grilled cheese sandwiches….sometimes for breakfast!!! I would LOVE this pan! Enjoy your blog so much!
My favorite thing to cook on the stove is my rice a roni canned chicken casserole.
Quick and filling. Cook up some chicken rice a roni and add 1 can canned chicken breast and if you want you an stir a can of your fav veggies.
I don’t tweet but I did like the page. Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is probably pasta sauce….I love pasta!
I know its boring, but I love to cook oatmeal on the stovetop…and pumpkin pancakes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I wonder if we bought the same (crap) high-end pans. They even said dishwasher safe, which they weren’t. I hate, hate eggs sticking to the pan. Fried eggs I can sort of manage, but scrambled – it’s a mess. Love this!! I only get to indulge in reading your blog about once a month these days (sad!), but what a great one for me to ‘pop-in’ on. 🙂
Thanks, K!!
I liked their FB page. 🙂
Eggs are my usual morning meals, too. This pan would be awesome especially since I donated mine to my husband’s set of camping gear. Thank you!
I love to make Chicken Piccata on the stovetop because it is my husband’s favorite dish!
I love to cook so many dishes, I guess my favorite is potatoes with chorizo and eggs. Yum!
I love eggs over easy for breakfast on the weekend…and I really could use a new pan!!
it’s not my favorite thing to cook on the stovetop, but my SON’S favorite thing that i cook – pancakes! and without a boat load of butter, mine tend to stick a bit! This would be great!!!
i “liked” teflon on fb!
Mac & Cheese!
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is pancakes, I love breakfast dishes.
Anything that has to do to breakfast
I tweeted.!/Cinbat03
I’m a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook.
Fried chicken! Crispy fried chicken. Yum
scrambled eggs.
fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook
Jessie C.!/tcarolinep/status/125023195504971776
Pasta! 🙂
Rice pilaf!
I love to make quesadillas on my stovetop! Simple and easy to customize!
I just tweeted @STELLARavery
I like to cook pancakes
I like Teflon on Facebook as Elena Istomina
Grilled cheese sandwiches, and bacon to make BLT’s
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is Cheesy Hashbrowns 🙂 I would LOVE a pan that did not stick 🙂
My favorite thing to cook on the stove top is fried chicken wings.
Love, love, love pancakes!
Scrambled eggs and sauteed spinach!
Eggs! Eggs and more eggs! And then grilled cheese. Yum!
I am a fan of you and teflon on facebook!
I love to cook sandwiches which cheese..but they become sticky..
I also tweeted!/anamaria_p
And also liked teflon on fb.
I make chicken marsala on the stove top all the time. It’s my favorite!
I’m with you – absolutely love cooking eggs on the stovetop!! Would love to win this!! 🙂
I like Teflon on FB
Fried eggs. So simple but delicious
My very favorite stove top dish is thick cut pork chops, slit with a “pocket” and stuffed with lots of dressing. Then I pour lots of gravy over all and serve with potatoes and veggies. OK – I’m hungry now – off to the kitchen! That pan would make clean up a ton easier for me!
My favorite thing to cook on the stove is first bacon, then drain but leaving enough to then cook the eggs! YUM! GREAT giveaway!!
I love cooking eggs on the stove top, too. And, I really, really dislike it when they stick. You just got me excited about that pan! 🙂
And, I just became a Teflon fan on FB.
so many good meals come off the stovetop..! risotto comes to mind right now 🙂
liked teflon on facebook!
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is skillet potatoes. My family requests them all the time!
Teflon fan on FB
Blueberry pancakes.
I love to make grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup on cold days!
My husband and kids love eggs on the weekend–I don’t mind scraping out scrambled eggs from the pan because hey, noone can tell they stuck, but making fried eggs in a pan that lost it’s anti-stickiness–bad. It’s embarassing. I’d love to try a new pan for sure!!!!
I love cooking chicken picatta, my hubby’s favorite meal. Like you, I stopped cooking eggs on the stove because I couldn’t keep the eggs from sticking.
And I liked Teflon’s Facebook page, too. 😉
We cook so much on the stove but our favorite is stir-fry.
sausage (for the biscuits in the oven) most every single morning!
I am a fan and also a “twit”:D
I love to cook brussel sprouts!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (Dot) com
Fried chicken followed by gravy!
I really love to carmelize onions! I will either eat them plain, top a piece of chicken or salad with them, add them to soups or stews… the possibilities are endless. Love them! Would love this pan, too! 🙂
Grilled cheese, please. Thanks!
I love to make panko and parmagiano encrusted chicken nuggets. Super easy and oh so good!
I tweeted this giveaway (!/jilliebean_j/status/125257978541641728)
we are big fans of stove top cooking. my favorites have to be grilled cheese and peppers and onions for fajitas!
We love making stir fry.
Became a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is Stirfry and I hate it when the veggies stick! I would love one of these pans.
Became a fan 🙂
Grilled pepper jack and bacon sandwiches…YUM!
We also love eggs, so once a week I make a scramble with whatever I find in the fridge. Onion, spinach, bacon and cheese was last weeks scramble.
Super cute picture! I like to make tomato sauce.
Risotto is my favorite stovetop dish!
Potstickers and pancakes 🙂
Grilled Cheese
Oh my goodness, I don’t think I could pick one thing. I love just creating as many new dishes as possible. 🙂
eggs, eggs, eggs! omlets, scrambled and egg n ahole!
Oh, mercy, one thing, one favorite thing? Chicken Bryan…so yummy.
I love cooking skillet potatoes and omelets!!!
tempeh and veggies!
I love making tilapia on the stovetop.
Eggs! Scrambles, over easy and omelets!!
Grilled cheese! Yum!
I am also a fan of Teflon on FB.
mushroom risotto! or creamed mushrooms of chive buttered toast over from smitten kitchen. pretty much, anything with mushrooms is a go.
Pan-seared salmon!
Oh gosh…. this is a tough question. I cook mostly on the stovetop. But do you know what I love the most? Onions… I love cooking onions… oh, and mushrooms. In butter. Yes, those are my favorite to cook.
I love making frittatas on the stovetop. I love eggs with almost everything. They are a great way to use leftovers. I hate when the cheese sticks. A teflon pan would be great.
I cook almost everything on the stovetop! My favorite is pasta sauce, this pan would be awesome to saute onions and mushrooms!
My favorite dish to cook on the stove top is chicken picatta 🙂 I would eat it daily if my family agreed 🙂
i love omelets cooked on the stovetop.
Scrambled eggs
My favorite thing to cook in the stove is sausage gravy over biscuits
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is chili – any kind. Green chili with pork, chili con carne or white chicken chili. Love them all.
Like Teflon on FB
My favorite dish to cook on the stovetop is Segedin Goulash. The smells bring me back to my dads kitchen.
I love cooking pasta sauce on the stove top
My favourite thing to cook on top of the stove is pancakes! They can be made for any meal and are quick.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Became a fan!
I can’t lie. I do love a good fried egg.
Kielbasa and fried potatoes!
A Spicy fish curry with Indian Spices! Thats what I love to cook on stove top !
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is Mixed Mushroom with whole grain pasta with white sauce for my kids. 🙂
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Just tweeted about this giveaway and here’s the link:!/uTry_it/status/125858545471209472
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Just became a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Breakfast…..eggs and cheese.
I love making sausage gravy!
My son loves egg in a basket (egg fried inside a peice of toast). But it’s really hard to make if they stick to the pan.
Just became a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook!
Oh – beef stroganoff – where the beef simmers in broth with carrots & thyme? that beefy thyme smell is one of my favorite things from the kitchen and it can only be done stovetop!
I love making pork tenderloin on the stove top. Just head up a little bit of evoo, some lime juice, oregano, salt and pepper, and a little bit of cayenne for a kick.
I’m silly an mistyped my email 🙂 so here’s my second comment that I just bcame a fan of Teflon on FB.
My wife loves having eggs every morning, so that’s what I make for her.
I’m a Teflon Brands FB fan.
Eggs, or pancakes, or french toast. I want to cook lots of breakfast foods in that pan!
Jamaican Curry Chicken!
I am making Turkey Cutlets today on the stovetop. Wish I had one of those pans!
Teflon really is a great frying pan.. Good luck to the entries!
energy yarmor bracelets
Hmmmm my favorite?? Pasta sauce because it usually contains butter, cream and cheese! Delicious!
Liked Teflon on Facebook.
I love to make chicken picata in my non stick pan. I love the thin chicken cutlet with the crisp coating and the lemon and capers in the sauce. Yummy.
My favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is a roasted green chiles, cheese egg omelet!!!
I like to make carmelized onions on the stovetop. Yum.
I love to make chicken with with pasta and and red and white sauces mixed together on the stove top
I tweeted about the pan giveaway!! @theonewithsam
I like to cook stirfry on the stovetop. It’s fun to throw things into a hot pan and end up with a wonderful dinner in a matter of minutes.
I like Teflon on facebook.
(Sharon O.)
I have to say breakfast is always my favorite, from simple eggs to homemade sausage gravy!
Pancakes are one of my favorite stove top items to make.
My favorite is sausage gravy.
I became a fan of Teflon on Facebook
Mmm, fried rice!
Love to make an omelet with sausage. hash browns and cheese.
I love using Teflon more especially for my ever favorite pan cakes!
My son would say grilled cheese, hubby would say cheeseburgers, and I would say homemade country gravy. 🙂
Like Teflon on FB
danielle murray tallent
FB like, french toast, eggs over easy, and grilled cheese please!
I become a fan of Teflon brand on facebook.
we cook eggs a lot and brown hamburger…….having a good pan is a definite must!!
I tweeted!!
My fav thing to cook stovetop would prob have to be shrimp and grits, love love love it!!!
Became a FB fan for Teflon!
Fried eggs of course, I got so frustrated with non stick pans that I only use cast iron now, this pan would be great to have!
I love making grilled cheese or scrambled eggs.
My fav is stir fry! We have a special sauce that my husband and I love!
I love to cook eggs and french toast on the stovetop!
krispycrackers at aol dot com
krispycrackers at aol dot com
Liked Teflon on Facebook!
krispycrackers at aol dot com
I tweeted!
I like Teflon on FB!
I love to cook scrambled eggs on the stove top.
My family loves eggs, too. But, I have to make both scrambled & fried to keep everyone happy. I hate having to clean the pan between batches (or use 2 pans), so this may be the answer to my pet peeve.
Eggs are my favorite thing to cook on the stovetop.
I tweeted!!/kc98765/status/126370363323060224
I am a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook.
I am from Texas and I love to cook good old southern fried chicken and pork chops on the stovetop. Nothing like good home cookin!
I like to cook omelettes on the stovetop.
I am a fan of Teflon Brands on Facebook.
I tweeted!
I love to cook frittatas with lots of cheese!
My favorite food to cook on the stove-top would be… EGGS!
I tweeted the giveaway 🙂
I liked Teflon Brand Facebook page 🙂
I like to cook grilled cheese on the stove top!
My husband is on a low carb diet, so I cook eggs every day!
Veggie Omelets
I love to cook eggs over medium and bacon…hard to do if the eggs stick to the pan.
I love to cook stir-fry on the stovetop.
I love to cook fajitas on the stovetop.
I love to saute all sorts of Veggies on the stove top. No particular veggie singled out. Which reminds me, I need to cook up my Tindora tonight. Yum!
Tweet scheduled to go out at 1:40p today. 😀
My absolute favorite thing to cook on the stove is hands down…. BACON!!! Along with some sausage and omelets or cheesy scrambled eggs 🙂
i love ham and cheese omelettes .!/purplelover04/status/126720253605576704
fan of Teflon erica best
I probably make eggs the most. We had eggs for breakfast this morning.
I ‘ve been a fan of Teflon pans for over 20 years on just about everything you can imagine. Wonderful for southern comfort foods like pancakes, omelets, french toast, grill cheese. I also “liked” Teflon Brand Facebook page :o)
Mushroom & Olive Omlets…yummm!!
Potatoes O’Brian topped with Cheese is my favorite naughty thing to cook 🙂
my favorite thing to cook on the stovetop is actually eggs! and I don’t do it nearly often enough…
Great blog…I am following you here and twitter and also tweeted about the giveaway and friended both you and Teflon on FB. My favorite thing to make on the stovetop are my crispy fried potatoes with onion and pepper YUM!
So colorful!!!…I am following you here and twitter and also tweeted about the giveaway and friended both you and Teflon on FB. My favorite thing to make on the stovetop are Hash browns with fresh garlic and lots of pepper red and black. It takes a good pan to get them just crisp enough. Then I crack an egg over them and grate some cheese and bake until egg is done and cheeses is melted. Awesome!!! Thanks for the ideas =)
My favorite thing to cook on a stovetop is probably fried eggs! So I should really win this pan!
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
my favorite thing to cook on the stove top is breakfast especially pancakes and eggs!
I love to make grilled sandwiches on the stove top!
My favorite thing to make on the stove is breakfast! I love eggs, hashbrowns, and sausage! 🙂
A variety of omelet’s are one of my favorite things to cook on the stove!
Oh I forgot to mention I commented on FB as well!
I love to make french toast on my stove top.
I love cooking fried chicken!