Tuesday morning was hectic. I had 6 kids here (4 mine and 2 a friends) to get out the door to school on time. I had the Green Mountain Coffee virtual coffee tasting early in the morning as the kids were getting ready. I needed to drop my 2 year old at a friends house several miles away and head to Crown Center to speak on a panel for the Farmers and Ranchers Association Annual Meeting. Oh – and I had to be dressed up… out of my mom clothes, hair and makeup done and into something that looked presentable to the public. Needless to say I was rushing around from the second I woke up.
I was driving through a neighborhood I’m not normally in when I passed by the most beautiful tree, engulfed in fall colors. I caught my breath at the sight of it, the colors were that vibrant. I didn’t have time to be gawking at trees that morning. I had places to be, kids to drop off, things to do… but I couldn’t help it. I turned my car around pulled up beside the tree, got out and snapped the picture above. And I love that picture… my memory of that tree would have been good, but a picture? A picture will make it forever.
I know we are all busy. Life is that way, right? My morning is nothing more crazy and hectic than any of the rest of yours. But, for once, I decided to stop and “snap the roses” and I’m glad I did. I hope as we head into this crazy, hectic season that you all remember to get out your cameras (phones or whatever) and capture your life. It can be a simple, head clearing activity that you can revisit each time you see the picture… a reminder to stop and savor what is around you.
Instagram is my favorite social media tool of all time. I’d love to follow you on Instagram if I’m not already. Leave your user names in the comment section or follow me on Instagram at DineandDish and I’ll follow you back!
I have been doing a photo-a-day this month of things I’m thankful for. It’s been wonderful to stop and just be vigilant of the beauty and blessings all around!
I love the fall colors <3
Sounds like your day turned out pretty good after all! 🙂
I love this post! I think we all need to remember it’s okay to just *stop* for a moment sometimes, even when we have a trillion other places to be. Plus, this photo is gorgeous. 🙂
Crown Center in Kansas City, MO?? Hey! You’re in my neck of the woods!
Can’t believe we live that near each other. Love it!!
I love fall colors on trees! Always a good reminder to stop and enjoy the small moments everyday.
My family no longer likes driving with me because I continually need to stop and click pics of random things. Glad to know I’m not the only one who will forsake just about anything for a great picture (and it is)!
Absolutely love that picture!So beautiful..:-)
“It can be a simple, head clearing activity that you can revisit each time you see the picture… a reminder to stop and savor what is around you.” I agree,let us not forget,that taking a moment’s break from our hectic schedule,in order to savor the goodness of life,is a stress-busting activity as well!
Love this post! Love that you stopped! Thanks for being you, I really like you! 🙂 xoxo from Conroe, TX!
Love this photo! Sunsets snag my attention without fail, although it’s often from peeks in the rearview mirror just to get a couple quick glimpses rushing from place to place. Glad you stopped, keep pausing!
we would never get anything done if you and I lived close!!
I do that kind of stuff all the time! LOVE that shot Kristen!!
What a beautiful picture!
Sad, as I was noticing the fall colors today and thinking how I wanted to get my camera out, but didn’t. C’est la vie. Thank you for the reminder.
Gawgeous! I’ve been distracted by the fall colors. Also, I realized I haven’t been taking as many pictures as I usually do. Time to slow it down.
Amen. We all need to stop and “snap the roses” I love that!
Love the shot. Dad printed it out for me. Hope I have enough talent to recreate it on canvas. I love you, too, Kristen!
Thanks for sharing, Kristen! I think I will do just that.
I am already following you, my sweet friend. And, I love seeing all of your beautiful pictures.
Wonderful idea! And I like the photo a day idea too…..
Wonderful post and a great shot. If you were late for your Farmers and Ranchers Association meeting you could have just shown them what you had to stop and take a picture of and they would have understood.
I love moments like that, when you just stop because it feels like the right or moment thing to do. I have been doing that alot lately, maybe because of the beautiful colors of fall. Or because its good to stop and ‘smell the roses’ when our busy lives don’t allot us time.
“Snap the roses”…Love that! Yes we do love, more than we will ever admit to ourselves so thank you for the gorgeous reminder 🙂 xoxo
Compelling post! “Be here now.” In the present moment is even more important as we tumble into the holiday season. Thank you for the lovely reminder.
Kristen, I just love that photo of the leaves on the tree. Here in North Carolina we are having exceptional foliage reminding us of Upstate New York and New England in October. This is the first time in the 19 years of living in Raleigh that there has been such intensity and beauty – brings tears to my eyes, even more so that I no longer have a camera with which to take pictures. My Minolta Autocord is too heavy to carry and I just have never gotten the hang of digital cameras. Fortunately I do have pictures going back almost 50 years and they do bring a lot of joy. Just in case, my best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Thanksgiving. All the best.
It would depend on the rosebush and its location. Some rosebushes naturally have a short period of bloom, and will only flower for a few weeks per year. This is true of species roses and of many older varieties. If you are in a cold climate, roses will go dormant for the winter and will stop blooming during the fall. If it is a modern hybrid and has stopped blooming, it may need more fertilizer or water to give it another burst of bloom before the fall season.
I used to be really good at taking pictures every day until I had my second child and life got so crazy. I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to slow down lately, though!
Your photo is so beautiful. I should stop and enjoy the moment more often and take a photo to remember.