I cannot seem to get my mind off of the Double Layer Chocolate Cake I made this past weekend. Maybe it’s PMS. Maybe it is finally finding a chocolate cake worthy of gaining a couple of pounds. Maybe it is the fact that it is so much like the Ba Da Bing I thought I’d never taste again. Either way… it was a damn good cake.
I thought it was good…. really good. My 3 year old, however, thought it was worth stealing and sneaking for. Check her out here:
Dishing it Up Family Style
It is PMS!! I crave for savories instead of sweets!!:))
Enjoy the cake.
Can’t blame Kelly with that cake looking so appetizing on the counter :). What a great moment to capture…great pic!
Too cute.I am hearing you loud and clear on the need for chocolate!
hahaha that’s adorable! I’ll be the "uh-oh" look once she realized she was caught was super cute too. =)