This giveaway is now closed. The winner was Sonia from the blog My Creative Flavors. Congratulations, Sonia, and thank you everyone who entered.
I’m going to be honest with you. I kind of like sugar. I know, you are falling over from disbelief right now, aren’t you? There is no evidence, whatsoever, on my blog that points to this fact, right?
I’ve always had the belief that if you are going to indulge in dessert, you might as well truly indulge. Fat free, sugar free, desserts didn’t have a place in my house…until recently.
Over the summer my healthy, fit husband started having symptoms of being diabetic. When we were faced with this possibility, I took a long, hard look at how I cooked and realized some things were going to have to change, and quick. I had always used Splenda® as the sweetener in my coffee, but never considered switching up my cooking by replacing the sugar in the things I make with Splenda® Essentials.
I realized soon after trying Spenda® Essentials in some baked goods that I should have given healthy desserts a chance in our house long before now. I had no idea you could still indulge your sweet tooth while enjoying desserts that weren’t as calorie laden as the ones I had been making.
Our friends at Splenda® are giving Dine & Dish readers the chance to win a Splenda® Essentials Gift Basket. One random Dine & Dish reader will win a prize package including the following items:
- One (1) package of SPLENDA® ESSENTIALS No Calorie Sweetener with B Vitamins
- One (1) package of SPLENDA® ESSENTIALS No Calorie Sweetener, 1 gram of Fiber packets
- One (1) package of SPLENDA® ESSENTIALS No Calorie Sweetener, 1 gram of Fiber granulated
- One (1) SPLENDA® ESSENTIALS No Calorie Sweetener to-go mug
- One (1) Splenda-yellow blender
- Two (2) Splenda-yellow bowls
- One (1) Splenda-yellow fruit juicer
To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post telling me how you like to use Splenda. For an additional entry, head over to facebook and become a fan of Splenda on Facebook. Leave an additional comment on this post letting me know you did so. All entries must be received by Friday, September 16th, 2011. Winner will be chosen via
Recipe: Cinnamon Biscuits
A simple biscuit recipe sweetened up with cinnamon and Splenda®. These biscuits are great for breakfast or as an afternoon snack with coffee or tea.
- 2 cups flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup shortening
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup butter, softened
- 1/4 cup, Splenda®
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- Combine flour, baking powder and salt; cut in shortening.
- Add milk and 1 tsp. vanilla; stir with fork just until dough leaves sides of bowl.
- Roll dough out, on lightly floured surface, into a 1/4 inch thick circle.
- Spread butter over top of dough.
- Combine cinnamon and Splenda®; sprinkle evenly over dough.
- Using a biscuit cutter or a round cookie cutter, cut into rounds. Place dough rounds into a sprayed round baking pan.
- Bake in 400• oven for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Splenda is giving fans even more chances to win. Make sure to visit their Facebook page for details on how to receive a free Splenda Essentials sample plus more great prizes!
Splenda compensated me for participation in this campaign. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I have yet to try baking with Splenda, but I love it in my iced tea.
in my iced coffee
i like splenda on facebook
I’ve used Splenda in many desserts and love the outcome, one of my favorites is a Corn Pudding Pie…
I like Splenda on FB
I would use it on my Cinnamon Sugar French toast!!
The biscuits look delicious! We have used Splenda in our tea (I haven’t tried cooking with it … yet). Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I like Splenda on Facebook
I have used splenda in numerous dessert recipes with great success, but I really like to use it to sweeten my tea. Works great 🙂
just stumbled on your site and had to enter this because I love splenda! both of my parents are diabetic so whenever baking I try to use splenda in it for them, as well as in iced tea!
I also just liked splenda on facebook 🙂
I make cake in a cup using Splenda which keeps temptation at bay. When I make a whole cake everyone keeps going back for seconds. I also make pudding with Splenda which also tames the craving for sweets. And now I have your recipe to add to my list of better desserts. Thank you.
I use Splenda in my coffee and tea and in many baked goods!!
You know, I’m not the most prominent user of splenda, but when I get around to using it it’s to give my coffees or teas a bit of a lighter taste. I tend to dislike the syrupy texture that regular granulated sugar can bring to drinks.
It’s also not too shabby as a light mixture to sweeten up dips with fruits, etc.
I love using splenda for my morning cup of tea! One packet is perfect and not the essentials gove me an extra boost!
The cookies look co crisp and gorgeous! Have been using Spelnda in my desserts and morning milk.
I love Splenda, yes, I do. I use stevia too, and sugar, but I love Splenda in coffee. It’s…just….perfect 🙂
FB liked them & beautiful biscuits, too!
I like Splenda on FB!
I used splenda EVERY morning. Instead of buying single serve cups of sugary yogurt, I buy one big tub of plain low fat yogurt, add a handful of frozen berries and by the time I get to work, the berries have thawed, my yogurt stays cold and I sprinkle one packet of splenda on top and ENJOY! Yum Yum!!
I always substitute sugar for Splenda. It’s great.
I like Splenda on facebook.
I use Splenda in coffee in the mornings and also on strawberries. Yum.
I’ll be honest, I’ve never given splenda a thought until now. I’m going to give a try! Thanks!
I use Splenda on and in everything. I use it in baking and one of my favorites is to use it in salad dressings. I make a wonderful broccoli slaw using Splenda and everyone asks for the recipe and cannot believe that it is made with Splenda!
As most people, I love splenda in my morning coffee.
My secret though is that I have an emergency splenda packet always tucked away in my wallet! (On the scary off-chance that where ever I’m getting my coffee has run out of my beloved splenda) My boyfriend likes to make fun of me for it, until of course, he needs splenda and has no where to turn but me 🙂
haven’t used splenda but would like to try it in my banana bread recipe!
I am a diabetic and I use splenda in almost everything. I LOVE it in my coleslaw dressing and in my iced coffee
I put Splenda on greek yogurt, or I use jam that uses Splenda as the sweetener. Sugar brings me down so Splenda is a great substitute!
These biscuits look wonderful Kristen, love the backdrop too 🙂 As for Splenda, I use it in my coffee, but I have been exactly like you. I haven’t really used it any other way. Sounds like I should try though!
Oh, I liked Splenda on Facebook too!
I’ve only had Splenda in my coffee, but I’d love to try baking with it!
And now Splenda and I are friends on FB! 🙂
I’ve only ever used Splenda in my coffee. I’m excited to try it for baking!
I liked Splenda on Facebook
I use splenda in my tea and coffee, so much better than sugar.
In my coffee.
Those photos are just fabulous! We need to have a play date, SOON. xo.
I bake with Splenda and can’t wait to make these biscuits!
My favorite way to use Splenda is in my morning (and afternoon…and evening…) cups of tea. The added sweetness gives my tea a pick-me-up, and I don’t feel guilty about adding spoonful after spoonful of sugar!
And I just became a fan of Splenda on Facebook. 🙂 Thanks for this great giveaway! I’m glad you found a way to keep the sweetness in dessert for your husband.
I use it in our iced tea DAILY!
I make lemonade with Splenda, which we then mix with vodka and club soda!
I love Splenda on my cereal!
I use splenda in everything! As a special breakfast, I make cinnamon toast with splenda instead of sugar. Mmmmm.
this looks absolutely delicious!
I use it in baking to make my favorite recipes a little healthier. Like my mom’s and my famous chocolate chip zucchini bread!
I like to use splenda in coffee, tea, lemonade. I rarely use sugar in drinks, always splenda. But when I bake I use sugar, and I need to change that….
I have used Splenda for baking in my carrot pineapple cake and zucchini bread for friends that are diabetic. The trick is to cut back the baking time!
I’m not very adventurous and just use Splenda in my coffee. I need to try baking with it!!
Kristen, I was exactly the same way. Why not have dessert with a capital D, all sugary and fatty? I had no health problems, was fit and active. Just like your husband. It’s a little scary when you first find out, but I will say, there is life after diabetes and there are lots of other great ways to cook and eat and still indulge!
Like your biscuits, oh yummy!
Around here, my husband drinks a lot of coffee, and I drink a lot of tea — and we always use Splenda. It’s so disappointing when Splenda is NOT on the table at a restaurant. How do people live w/o it?
I “liked” Splenda on Facebook.
As my husband is a diabetic, splenda is a regular thing in our household. We use in tea as well as in any baking – I have a great recipe for “Cosmic cookies” that uses splenda and you can’t tell the difference. Would love to win….
I use it in my iced tea!
I’ve become a big fan of Splenda with fiber to use in making ice cream and sorbets. I also bake with it with good results.
I’ve only used Splenda to sweeten drinks but now I plan to use it for baking. Love the biscuit recipe!
I just liked Splenda on FB
These look divine! As much as pure white sugar gets a bad wrap, I’ve not quite mastered replacing it with low-cal/no-cal sweeteners. I have wanted to, but just been too afraid of the measure-for-measure conversion. Thanks for posting this recipe, I think I am more brave now and can give this a whirl!
I like to use Splenda in my coffee.
I use splenda especially while pregnant. I get Gestational Diabetes and the one thing I love to use it in is No Bake Cookies. Makes it feel even healthier when using Splenda!
I liked on facebook!
I liked it on FB
I love Splenda in my coffee each morning. I haven’t tried baking with it but I would love to give it a try.
I like to bake with Splenda and I also use it in iced tea –
I am a fan of Splenda on Facebook
I use Splenda in about everything I eat that needs sugar, but my favorite use is COFFEE!!
I “liked” Splenda
I used Splenda in my coffee each morning. 🙂
I use splenda in all my baking!
I liked Spenda on Facebook 🙂
I’m just learning how to bake with splenda. I found two books at a book exchange and can’t wait to get started.
I use Splenda in my coffee and in my iced tea!
I like Splenda on Facebook (Sheila Korman)!
I use Splenda all the time. I love really sweet asian sauces so I like to put Splenda instead of sugar in them. Thanks!
I would love to try splenda in my coffee and cookies!
I like Splinda in my tea. These look so yummy, can’t wait to make them.
I’ve never used Splenda, but I’ve heard it works really well in baked goods replacing at least some of the sugar. I’d love to give it a try. Thanks so much.
I like Splenda on facebook
(Sharon Olivier)
I use Splenda almost exclusively in place of sugar. In my coffee, on my cereal, etc.
I liked Splenda on Facebook.
in my oatmeal!
In my coffee and cereal
I like to use it in cake mix
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like splenda on facebook
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I’ve never baked with Splenda. Is it kind of expensive compared with sugar? I tried baking with stevia once and I used about $4 worth to make muffins. 🙂
Because my husband and I are both diabetic, I use splenda in everything I drink, cook or bake. I have not tried anything Splenda Essentials and am now anxious to add that to my shelves.
I am a fan on facebook of Splenda!! Wouldn’t it be awesome to win this!
Splenda is used in our household. My husband is diabetic and I bake cookies for him with Splenda. I have “Liked” Splenda on Facebook.
I have honestly never used Splenda, but these biscuits make me want to give it a try. The pictures are just beautiful, Kristen! You are amazingly talented!
being Italian I make a lot of sauce, to prevent heartburn I add one package of slenda to the pot instead of sugar. My family never knew the different.
I use Splenda for everything that you’d normally use sugar for. EVERYTHING!!!
I use Splenda in my coffee, tea, waffles and pancakes!
I love to make apple pies using Splenda. It is that time of year!!!
I love using Splenda in my morning coffee and iced tea and I use it when making cheese cakes.. I like to make the holiday desserts special for my family members who cant have sugar..
I use splenda in my baking for my parents..they are both borderline and are on meds…so when we have birthdays, celebrations, etc. I always bake with Splenda so EVERYONE can enjoy 🙂
Being a diabetic, Splenda is my only choice for both baking and cooking – I buy it in the biggest bag possible. Also use their brown sugar blend.
Up until now I have been using it to sweeten my iced tea, but after reading this post I think I will start branching out!
‘Liked’ Splenda on Facebook!
I use it in my baking and tea thanks
like Splenda on fb Julie Scott Laws
I use Splenda in my smoothies and my coffee.
like splenda on fb – deborah t
I’m always looking for ways to reduce the fat and calories in my baked goods. Would love to try Splenda!
I like Splenda on FB!
Beautiful photos! I also love the recipe!
As a diabetic myself I try to refrain from a lot of sweets but have a sweet tooth so I would love to be able to use Splenda when I make my favorite banana bread!!!! yumm.
I liked splenda on FB
Splenda has been a part of my weight control (with 60+ pounds lost!) for the last 5 years! 🙂 My fave in coffee!
I like to use Splenda to substitute sugar in just about every recipe! Even cupcakes are healthier and maybe even more delicious with splenda! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
I’ve always been a Splenda skeptic. And I too have always felt that fat-free isn’t me! Maybe I should give it a try and stop being such a nay sayer…
I love Splenda in my morning coffee!
I love to bake, and what I bake, I love to share with my family. Well, my mother and grandma are diabetic, and my dad is borderline. So, when I bake things for them, I always use Splenda, since they prefer it to sugar anyway!
I liked Splenda on Facebook.
I like to use splenda when I make meringue and cream pies – I had gestational diabetes and splenda helped me get through the holidays and still enjoy treats!
You know, I haven’t really used Splenda in any other way than occasionally in some coffee. Might have to incorporate it in more baked goods because these biscuits look perfect!
I have to be honest and say I have never tried Splenda but am willing to give it a shot! I will be sure to pick it up this weekend when I go shopping and I think I need to make these Cinnamon Biscuits! I drink coffee on the weekends so I would use it then and for baking 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!!
Hey, this is a perfect giveaway. I use splenda in making my milk, cookies, cakes and all most all desserts. makes me feel good, light and ofcourse fit. thanks !
I use it in my homemade cocoa/mocha mix that I give away as gifts and when baking.
I liked Splenda on FB. 🙂
I mix up a shaker with 3/4 Splenda and 1/4 cinnamon. I use it like cinnamon sugar – on toast, in my oatmeal, on apples and pears, on waffles – etc. As a diabetic, I also use it in baking and salad dressings – it helps me keep myself on track
I am already a fan of Splenda and Splenda Essentials on facebook
I use Splenda in coffee and tea, and am going to start using in baking, too. Really need to cut those calories!
I use Splenda in my coffee daily and in my plain yogurt.
I am a fan on FB.
Your photo collection looks great, and I read your description, that splenda is good, can reduce calories, would love to try Splenda.
My husband is diabetic, so we use Splenda quite a bit. But even so, I know I could do more with it. I need to see if there is a cookbook that would help me. Would love to try the Splenda Essentials.
I use it in my coffee and tea, thanks for the chance to win.
I use Splenda in coffee, tea and kool-aid.
And I like Splenda on FB (SusanBenegas)
Splenda goes into my coffee! mmmmm 🙂
use in coffee and tea
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I use Splenda in my coffee. I like it better than sugar!
I like to use Splenda to make sweet tea!
I am a diabetic so I use Splenda in almost everything. Today I put some in my coffee, a bit on my boring cereal, and I made applesauce and put some in it .
I liked Splenda on FB
I like Splenda with my kool aide.
I love to use Splenda in place of sugar for most things like tea, but it also works well for baking too!
I liked splenda on FB.
I use Splenda in my coffee
I’ve notice when I eat something with allot of sugar my blood sugar gets genuinely low a few hours later. I get light headed, dizzy, nervous and irritable. I also get thirty and feel definitely hungry. I get headaches also. When I consume some thing mainly with allot of carbs it goes back up. If I consume far more sugar it goes up, but then suddenly drops once more. Could this be diabetes? If so what variety?. 31 and thin.
I’ve always found the artificial sweeteners have a funny aftertaste, I prefer the natural sweeteners, Natvia’s my favourite. We buy through because the stores usually don’t have it!