Once again, our house is full of sick people. Every single one of us has been sick for the past couple of weeks including my normally invincible husband. With this miserable "spring" weather and the wheezing, coughing, sniffling, hacking going on around here we have not been much fun. A few things happening:
- Ella is finally saying "Mama". Melts my heart!
- Kelly has started soccer. She is just doing biddy soccer at the YMCA (3 practices, 3 games) and seems to really like it. Well…she likes the part where they go in and put their hands in the middle of the circle and say "Gooooooo Pumas!". She also likes picking the dandelions and bringing them over to me and she likes at the end when they get snack. The whole running around and kicking the ball thing seems to be overrated.
- Jacob has become quite computer savvy and has been playing around on Webkinz world with his new stuffed animals. He has figured out that when he plays checkers against himself, he is really good and wins every time. Smart guy, isn’t he?
- I caught Kelly giving J Lo fashion advice tonight. I had paused our TiVO while we were watching American Idol this evening and the picture frozen was of J Lo close up. I came back to the room to hear Kelly saying "Those purple earrings are very pretty but that headband has got to go." My little diva… I couldn’t be more proud 🙂 She was also critiquing each signer after they performed and was pretty right on. One time she said "He will not be going to Hollywood!" Can you guess which contestant that comment was for?
- The kids had a great time during Easter this year. They were so excited to find their Easter Baskets outside of their doors. We also had a mystery Easter Bunny leave eggs outside on our lawn which surprised us all!
I think that’s it for now. When we are sick, we really aren’t all that entertaining, are we?
You guys are always entertaining!! Feel better – all of you! 🙂
I know I have said it before, but your kids are so ADORABLE. I am so proud of Kelly’s fashion advice as well, I think you have a future fashionista on your hands 😉
They are all just so adorable! I can’t believe that Ella is saying Mama already. I remember when she was born. Seems like only a short time ago!
Feel better SOON!
Entertaining as always!!! : )
The kiddos are soooo cute (as always!)!!!
Hope you all feel loads better soon!!!!
BOOOO being sick. YAY, for kids getting smarter. I hope that you all get better soon.
I hope you all get better soon. It is no fun being sick!
I could kiss those apple cheeks of Ella’s until I fall over from sheer bliss!! She is SUCH a cute little thing and I miss those baby ways. My G. is about to turn 13.
13!!!!! I used to be able to lay him across my forearm with room to spare….now he wears my old sneakers for junk shoes and can look me in the eye. Wahhhhhh
I love the American Idol critique!