I’m sitting here in tears that won’t stop this morning, grieving the loss of a friend I never met. Meet Louise… a long time Dine & Dish blog reader and commenter. I found out this morning through a Google search that Louise recently passed away in her home, at the sprite age of 90.
Louise first commented on Dine & Dish in early 2010. I knew she was nearing 90 and something about her reminded me a lot of my Grandma Sumner. Through the years, Louise and I took our comments to each other off the web and corresponded through email. She was always there for a laugh, a suggestion and comfort during times of sadness. She shared stories of growing up in New York, her love of food and cooking, and the joy her husband, daughter, son and daughter in law, and grandchildren brought her. She dreamed of returning to New York someday to have a frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity. In my silly fantasy like mind, I dreamed of someday sitting with her in NYC, drinking that frozen hot chocolate together, even chatting with my husband about ways we could make it happen.
Those of you who know me, most likely have heard me commenting about my favorite blog reader….that’s Louise. I feel badly that it took me this long to search to find out why I hadn’t heard from her in awhile… she passed away in September and I just now found out. I wish I would have sent her one last note to let her know how much her presence in my life meant to me. I knew her health wasn’t the best, but just assumed that since she was such a spunky fighter, she’d be around for a long time more.
Anyway, I’m writing this today because I want to let each and every one of you know that your comments DO matter to me. I cherish each and every one of you and appreciate that you choose to spend time on my little home on the web. I am so thankful for technology and the opportunity to forge relationships with people I never would have met otherwise.
THIS is why I blog. This is what Dine & Dish is all about for me… it gives me the opportunity to connect with you, and for that I’m thankful. Thanks for being here.
What a lovely tribute to Louise! She obviously got a lot of joy out of visiting your blog and her friendship with you. So nice of you to care and pay attention to your readers! Sounds like she was a sweet lady.
Am a bit weepy because of other stuff, but this touched me deeply. Thanks for sharing, K !!
Rest in peace, Louise. Prayers and thoughts for her family … as they find the best of the memories to pull them through!
Oh Kristen. Hugs to you. I am crying too. It is amazing and a privilege to connect with people we would have never otherwise met. Sending you lots of love today.
Aw love, I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend Louise. I wish that we lived nearer to one another but I suppose that is part in parcel of what you so eloquently wrote…we are connected. All my love and {{hugs}} which are closer than you know. xoxo
Beautiful lady; beautiful story. Thanks for sharing and God bless Louise and all our faithful readers.
What a lovely post. Thoughts and prayers to her family … and to you as you grieve. She sounds like she was a fantastic woman to be friends with 🙂
Tears. The connection is priceless. Rest in peace dear sweet Louise, beautiful post Kristen. I’m sure she’s smiling down on you reading it.
Kris, because I know what a sweet spirit you have, I mourn with you the loss of a friend you never physically met. Keeping in touch with the present day technology is wonderful. I know how close I feel to you every time I read your blog. I am so glad you started it! I think all your readers feel the same way. You are a bright light in many readers’ day! Thank you!
I’m so sorry, Kristen. Whether you met her or not, Louise was still a great friend to you. This was such a wonderful tribute to her.
Not only from this tribute but from your entire blog, you can tell that you truly care about your readers and your purpose for blogging is sincere!
I am certain you meant as much to Louise as she did to you. I’m with you Kristen; forging real bonds with readers and other folks I’ve met through social media has changed my life and some have become true friends; for me that is paramount to anything else.
Take good care.
Knowing your sweet spirit, I mourn with you the loss of a friend you never physically met. However, I know how I feel every time I read your blog. I feel very close to you! I am sure you are a bright spot in your readers’ days just as you are a bright light in my life.
Lovely tribute. Sorry for the loss of your blog friend.
Kristen you’re an amazing person. It is obvious that you had a great friendship with Louise since you took the time to find out why you hadn’t heard from her. I love the way we can connect with people we have never met and may never meet because of technology. Sending a hug your way.
Aw, this makes me sad and happy all at the same time. What a lovely friendship. I’m so sorry you’ve lost such a sweet friend <3
This is such a sweet post and a perfect way to remember Louise. Sending big hugs you way!
What a great post you did for your sweet friend Louise!
Kristen, I am so sorry for your loss. Your friend knows you are thinking of her and have her close to your heart. It comes through in this post, and it seriously brought me to tears. I can feel how much you care for her. I am sure she is sitting in New York right now having her frozen hot chocolate. Hugs to you.
Kristen, This is a touching post and I’m sorry for your loss. It’s an important reminder of the profound effect we have on one another whether it be in person, or on the web.
You’re such a sweet friend Kristen! I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you had mentioned Louise to me on a few occasions. It’s such an awesome tool we have these days to be so deeply connected to someone we’ve never met!
I just had a conversation last night at dinner with Allison and her friend, they have become very good friends this year with a foreign exchange student and they were talking about how sad it will be the day she has to go back home. I was telling them how lucky they are today, with the internet and facebook they can stay connected!
Any way, I know your heart is aching for your friend and her family. BIGGGG hugs to you!
I’m so sorry to hear that, Kristen. I totally understand how you feel and it must be hard for you. Having friend is such a wonderful friend, having a true friend is priceless, but I’m sure Louise is in a happy place now.
Dear Kristen,
That was a wonderful post & brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you for also writing on the blog I created for my mother, Louise.
Her virtual friends were her life line & a very real part of her day to day life. She would have loved to meet you in NYC for that frozen hot chocolate or anywhere else I imagine.
She was a wonderful Mother & I always knew I was lucky she was mine.
Although she has died, she is not quite gone for the family. She is visiting from beyond. She has changed how I view the concept of an afterlife. There is no question anymore in my mind that life goes on, just in a different form. I know my brother & Father have also come to share this belief. Her energy is still with us. She is a powerful force.
Many thanks to all your readers who share there prayers and thoughts to the family. We really do appreciate it. I will share this the family.
Raleigh, NC
I just wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking about your mom so much lately… I miss connecting with her!
I hope your family is doing well and you are still feeling her force with you. She was my favorite 🙂
How sad, Kristen, but how wonderful that you were able to get to know Louise. I had a similar situation with my non food blog a few years ago — a lady named Mary also in her 90s. She had a blog as well and was full of life. Because I became less involved with my blog, I missed that she had commented on it one last time before she passed, and never saw it :(. Your blog is wonderful, and I appreciate the work you do here. It’s a lovely place to visit. Hugs to you.
What a sweet way to tribute your friend! It’s good to remind people around us (even those who “just” comment on our blog) how much they mean to us!!! Great reminder Kristen!
I’m so sorry, Kristen. I know how much Louise meant to you. I know she loved you and your family as if you were her own daughter. You’re a wonderful friend, and your eulogy for her speaks volumes to the quality of the friendship you two shared.
My heart hurts for you, lady. <3 I have a few bloggy friends and while we're not close, I care about them in a special way.
Comments do matter–they let you know you're being heard and have support. While I don't get quite so many in my own blog, they seem to come out of the woodwork when I mention I'm going through a rough time. It's great to know people who never even met you care about you–that you've touched their life and they've touched yours.
Sending much love and positive energy to you.
Oh, Kristen, what a sweet, sweet tribute. I think the connections we make through blogging are the unexpected beauty in all of it. I know it’s why I keep going even when it seems overwhelming or like it’s not going anywhere. The power of your words and your willingness to share are absolute magic. Thanks, friend!! xoxo
What a sweet tribute to a wonderfully special friend xoxo
What a woman – Louise sounds incredible. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know right now she’s enjoying a big frozen hot chocolate and looking down on you with smiles!! xo
It’s so true Kristin – I don’t think commenters can know how much their words mean to us. I even love the crabby ones! So sorry about your friend, but I am guessing you did in fact let her know how important she was just by your connecting with her.
I’m so sorry to read of your loss, Kristen! This is such a sweet tribute! You are truly a gem!
Kristen, I am so sorry! It sounds as though Louise was quite a lady who probably touched many people’s hearts. I have a feeling that she knew how much you appreciate her.
Oh, I just want to cry along with you, Kristen. The connections that we forge online can be every bit as strong as those “in real life.” Thanks for sharing this!
I am so sorry Kristen, she sounds like a kind and wonderful person. It is incredibly true that online friendships can be just as strong and meaningful as face-to-face ones.
What a bittersweet story. 🙁
I tried to comment at the end of your comment section, but Stumble said I had already said it. It didn’t post.
I tried to comment at the end of your comment section, but Stumble said I had already said it. It didn’t post.
What a beautiful and sad story. Louise sounds like a wonderful woman. It’s really amazing how someones life can touch you even though you haven’t met in person. They can be just as strong, if not stronger, than the ones we forge in real life because online we are forced to communicate on a deeper level.
I’m sure Louise knew how much you meant to her.
What a lovely and sincere tribute! She looks like a lovely lady. Friendship takes so many different forms. You were blessed to share a friendship in this still very new way, Kristen.
You, the blogging community and Louise’s family and friends have certainly lost a wonderful lady whose presence all around will be greatly missed I’m sure. What a sweet tribute to her and what a beautiful photograph.
Kristen, I’m so sorry for your loss. Our connections to readers like Louise are so precious…and isn’t it wonderful to find new friends who embrace technology and social media in their 80’s and 90’s! I’m sure your blog and your friendship enriched Louise’s life just as her friendship enriched yours. Yes, this is the best and most important reason for blogging…the people we connect with that we might never have met any other way! YOU are one of those people for me…and I’m grateful!
Kristen, I’m so sorry for your loss. Our connections to readers like Louise are so precious…and isn’t it wonderful to find new friends who embrace technology and social media in their 80’s and 90’s! I’m sure your blog and your friendship enriched Louise’s life just as her friendship enriched yours. Yes, this is the best and most important reason for blogging…the people we connect with that we might never have met any other way! YOU are one of those people for me…and I’m grateful!
I’m sorry you lost a friend, we can never have too many friends, and when we lose one it hurts deeply. I am new to blog reading..I do enjoy them a lot, but I don’t want to be a bother when I don’t have anything in particular to say. I do like to visit with friends, though.
I’m so sorry Kristen. What a sweet lady Louise sounds like. And thanks for the reminder to cherish the connections we make with each other. Hugs to you!
Louise sounds like such a special lady. I’m so sorry to hear this news.
Kristen I am so sorry to hear this. What a special friendship you had that you nurtured and am sure Louise felt the same way. Thinking of you.
How wonderful at 90 you were able to connect with her and she was on the computer! Cherish those comments , memories make it just a little easier!
How wonderful at 90 you were able to connect with her and she was on the computer! Cherish those comments , memories make it just a little easier!
How wonderful at 90 you were able to connect with her and she was on the computer! Cherish those comments , memories make it just a little easier!
I’m so sorry, Kristen. You searching for her just speaks volumes about the kind heart you have. I’m sorry your search led you to this. I’m so glad you were able to share Louise with us, she sounds like someone we’d all be lucky to have in our life.
What a lovely tribute to a lady who sound wonderful- I’m so sorry for your and her family’s loss. She has the loveliest and most inviting smile- I think I’d have enjoyed getting to know her too! Maybe one day you can have that frozen hot chocolate in her memory 🙂
What a lovely tribute to Louise- I’m so sorry for your and her family’s loss. She has the loveliest and most inviting smile- I think I’d have enjoyed getting to know her too! Maybe one day you can have that frozen hot chocolate in her memory 🙂
I’ve been online for over 15 years now and have lost several friends over those years that I never met in real life. Online relationships are just as important as those that you can see and hug. I’m sorry for your loss Kristen, I truly know how you feel!
I have a reader who lays sort of low but comes out of the shadows occasionally to say hello. She reads every day. Her name is Charlie and I adore her. It’s funny how much we can connect with the folks who read.
I am so sorry for you loss Kristen. She sounds like such a wonderful woman.
What a wonderful tribute to Louise. You’re very lucky to have had her in your life through your wonderfully personable blog. I’m sure she treasured you as much as you did her. I’m sorry for your loss Kristen but I’m sure Louise will still be following along and whispering comments in your ear.
That was a lovely blog you wrote. It showed tremendous love and caring – something missing in today’s world. And, the beautiful thing is, Louise can look down upon you and feel all that love!
Oh Kristen ,
My heart goes out to you!
And this is the reason why I am drawn to you blog… Your heart is in it! See it shows 😉 What a blessing she was , awesome she was communicating through computer at 90! I pray, if I live to 90 that I’ll be learning new things like she did! Awesome! Sending hugs via the web here to you !
Blessings Girl!
I should have read this post before I applied my morning make-up! You have such a beautiful way with words, sweet Kristen. You are such a blessing in my life.
Oh Kristen I am so sorry to hear this. We do forge strong relationships with these people that the Lord has brought into our lives. I am so grateful for the technology that has made it possible for us all to grow these relationships we would otherwise not have. I know my life is truly enriched by the people I have met through my own space. I mean- if it were not for you & I meeting the way we did & the impact of our relationship, so many aspects of my life would be different right now. I am so grateful for it all. Thank you!
What a sweet tribute to a loyal blog reader. I feel the same about comments. Even though I get relatively few on my blog, each one is a treasure. Just knowing someone thought enough of a post to take their time to write a few words makes the blogging worthwhile.
The web is funny, isn’t it? Anonymous and isolating and yet so full of connections. I’ve never even met you, Kristen, and feel like you’re a friend!
I’m sorry to read this about Louise. She will surely be missed by her family and friends.
I really like that you took the time to find out what happened to her. That’s very telling of what a kind and caring person you are.
Sorry for your loss. I truly believe people enter our lives for a reason. Sometimes we don’t understand why we might bump into these people but then something happens and we realize why we met them. I’m sure she treasured your emails as you did hers.
I have only followed for a short while, but I am already encouraged, inspired even more to connect and invest in relationships and a just might jump in my kitchen and make that soup you mentioned yesterday – and for me, it takes a big spark to get me in the kitchen to make anything other than a sweet treat. Thanks friend for doing what you do and for being so great at it. I am energized by your writing, your photographs and they way that you are connecting with people. It is all about relationships! Kim.
I have only followed for a short while, but I am already encouraged, inspired even more to connect and invest in relationships and a just might jump in my kitchen and make that soup you mentioned yesterday – and for me, it takes a big spark to get me in the kitchen to make anything other than a sweet treat. Thanks friend for doing what you do and for being so great at it. I am energized by your writing, your photographs and they way that you are connecting with people. It is all about relationships! Kim.
Aw I’m so sorry 🙁 that’s so sad. I love loyal commenters. What a sweet lady Louise was. Sending hugs and kisses your way!
What an impact you made on one another and what a testament to both of you, that you inspired one another in such a unique way. I’m sorry for your loss and impressed by how you influence so many.
We all have wished for that one more talk, visit or telling that person just how much they have mean’t to you. I believe your “pen pal”relationship was known to Louise, simply with how you took that extra time to have private emails, and mentioning her on your blog. I know her heart was full, just as yours is of a happiness in knowing and having someone you’ve never met “listen” too and being able to share a part of your lives together. She knew. Your tribute to her is lovely, I bet she would have been tickled to know that you devoted a whole story just about you and her friendship that had grown on line. SHE KNEW!
I’m so sorry. I’ve had readers disappear from my blog also and have wondered why. 🙁
I’m so sorry. I’ve had readers disappear from my blog also and have wondered why. 🙁
You post brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely and touching tribute to Louise and how wonderful that you made this connection. Thank you so much for sharing.
So touching! I’m positive she must have known how much she meant to you and also you to her! Hugs to you. I’m sorry you had to lose someone so special.
Kristen, I am so sorry. It’s amazing how some people touch our hearts even without us actually meeting them.
Louise does sound like an amazing person.
Wow, I simply adore you for this. My condolences on the passing of your friend.
This post brought me to tears….in a good way because it’s so sweet, and because she just has this look in her eyes that tells me she was such a sweet woman.
Thank you so much for sharing. You didn’t need to send another note to her – she knew. So many people don’t understand the whole blogging thing. I hope those people read this so that they get a better understanding of why we do what we do. Take care!
What a lovely tribute. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hear you. I lost a few readers when i switched names, and I always wonder where they went or why. I searched around a bit, but never found them. Makes me sad. I always hope my readers really know how much I appreciate them. I think you just inspired a post on my site…. ; )
Sorry for your loss. We definitely need to cherish our older friends and relatives in our life; they have so much wisdom to share. I bet she cherished your friendship too.
I think we’re all in tears now. What a lovely post. You just made her day. I know that. Rest in peace Louise. : )
I’ve been saving this post to read at home (rather than on my ipad at work), fearing it would make me cry. 🙁 I didn’t know Louise, but I do know how much I cherish my friendships with all those bloggers I’ve never had a chance to meet. Some are as close as my f2f friends and I know I’d be sick with grief if one passed away. I have similar fantasies about meeting some of those special friends for a weekend retreat. Your post has inspired me to try to make it happen in the next year or two. Life is too short, as you and I both know…
Hugs to ya, Kristen!
Kristen, this is just so touching and sweet and a tribute to the human spirit. Amazing how a vibrant 90 year old reached across the internet to enter your life and make it richer and you obviously did the same for her. Thank you so much for sharing this story and for your wonderful blog.