I know… I am a horrible kid/family blogger. I am sorry I haven’t been keeping this part of the blog updated. Truth be told, sickness is still going around in our house. Jacob, knock on wood, is healthy but has to visit a specialist on Friday about a possible hernia he may have, which would mean two surgeries this summer instead of the initial tonsillectomy we thought we would be doing. I had Ella into the pediatrician last Friday because she was wheezy and fussy. Ended up that she has another ear infection and an upper respiratory infection. I took Kelly in today because half way through school she laid her head down on the table and told her teacher her head hurt. They took her temperature and it was at 102. I took her to the doctor and she has Strep throat and "crackling" in her chest (whatever that means.) All of this stuff keeps getting circulated around their school. There hasn’t been a single family not hit a few times this year with all of this crud. I am looking forward to summer just so we can all get well…finally!
Here are a few pictures to keep you (Mom) satisfied until they get well and provide me with better material. Hopefully that will be real soon.
Beautiful pictures… of all of them!
Sorry that you are all still sick! I will be happy when you can all stay in and focus on getting well too. Sending happy get-well wishes your way… 🙂
You poor thing! Do you want me to come up and take care of them, so you can get a day of rest? I really wish I could do that for you.
Your Ella is the most precious little thing! That toothy grin and those cheeks!!
We will be up in a few days now. It sounds like you all need chicken soup. The pictures are darling. Jacob looks so grown-up. Kelly and Ella are both absolutely beautiful. Thank you for them. Love, Mom
Hi Kristen, its Kristen Grandma said I could get to see current photos here and get ahold of you….Kids r getting so big. Love all us Williams
Sorry that you can’t seem to get better. I hope that all the kids get better and you can relax a bit. Sometimes those bugs are just hard to kick.
Bless their hearts! I hope y’all will be feeling loads better soon!!! 🙂
Such adorable kids! Nice to see there’s another food blogger out there with a passion for babies also!
A Canadian mama