A feeling of pure happiness washes over me every time I see the photo above. Then, at some point, that happiness turns to disappointment and shame.
You see, that was probably one of the happiest “regular” days of my life. My husband and I were in Park City, Utah on a little getaway. I was feeling healthy because I had made exercise a priority in my life. I was feeling beautiful… thin, healthy, and in shape. I had a confidence that I hadn’t had in a very long time.
Nick and I went on a 20+ mile hike through the mountains and enjoyed every moment of it. It was an amazing day.
(another picture, taken by my friend Jenn, that brings back the memories of how happy I was last year!)
Fast forward to today… I got a stress fracture in my foot last year which halted my exercise and my enthusiasm for exercising and increased my appetite somehow. I stopped caring about the food I was putting into my body, quit exercising and voila… I quickly gained back the 30 pounds I had worked so hard to lose the year before. Even though I had learned to love running, I lost all the motivation I had had and became lazy. Now, it’s like starting all over, which frustrates me.
I’ve spent the better part of this year feeling quite annoyed with myself. I LOVED how I felt last year. I close my eyes and remember that feeling and it felt so good. How could that not be motivation enough to get back to being healthy again? Well, it hasn’t been, but now I’m fed up. It’s time to get real…
A good friend of mine and I have been exercising regularly, but I’ll be the first to admit I can find any excuse to skip it. Cold weather, sick kids, pms’ing… I’m pretty darn good at coming up with excuses.
Well, no more. I am done with my little pity party and I’m ready to return to the keys of living happy and healthy again. I know my life, marriage, image, confidence and most importantly… HEALTH… will be better because of it.
I started a DietBet challenge this week… it starts tomorrow if any of you want to join in. Food bloggers and non-food bloggers alike are challenging each other to take better steps to a healthier lifestyle. $25 gets you in and everyone who loses 4% of their body weight in 28 days will split the pot. (The pot is currently at $975!) Click here to join the fun!
Also, do you remember the Red Faced Runner site? We’re back in action and I am so excited to share that I had the chance to interview one of the people on this health and wellness journey who motivates me daily. Head over to the Red Faced Runners site to read an inspiring interview with Amy from The Nifty Foodie.
So what do you think? How do you feel about yourself lately? If you are frustrated and disappointed, I challenge you to think back to a time where you felt really, really good… and work towards getting back to finding that person. They are in there, I know it. It’s just going to take some work to find him or her. Are you with me? Shall we reunite with our happier selves? I certainly think so and I hope you’ll join me!
Good for you for getting back on track! I know how hard it is! I lost 80 pounds a few years ago and I felt great!! But laziness and lack of motivation quickly turned into eating badly and sitting on the couch! Feb 1st 2012 I took control back! I joined the gym and with help from my fabulous personal trainer I am down 120 pounds and still going strong! You can do it!!!!
Wow, Sarah! That is incredible! Congrats on your hard work paying off!!!
thanks! Find what makes you happy and do it!!!
Love this post. You can do it!!! I want to join the DietBet but I have so much on my plate right now (I know, excuses, excuses…). I have a few more hours to decide, lol. 🙂 I want to lose at least 40!
Um and you have a new baby…. I totally understand 🙂 My baby is almost 4… it’s taken that long to get really motivated.
I hear ya. I’ve lost all motivation to workout since having a baby, even though it’s the one thing that makes me feel so great. You’re good at excuses? ha, I’m right up there with you! Thanks for sharing this. I think it’s what I needed to uncover that motivation and get back into a workout routine.
I know that all say it, but having a baby changes everything and it really does. Finding the time, being awake enough to exercise, etc. It’s taken me a very long time after having my first baby to get to this point where I can feel like I can finally devote some time to myself.
Don’t take as long as I did, but do allow yourself a little grace. 🙂 You are doing the most precious, important thing on the planet by being a great mom to that sweet little pumpkin. However, remember… he needs a happy and healthy mom. It’s ok to carve time out for you!
Thank you for that! I also want to say you motivated me to get moving today. Of course, my workout DVD didn’t work in any of the players, so I went for an hour + walk (pushing the stroller) and felt great! Thank you for that gentle push 🙂
I love this post! I recently felt the same way so I started dieting in January. I also started running by doing C25K. I am doing weight watchers and down 22 lbs so far, I feel great and I am going to keep going! I look forward to being a RFR this year!
Jodi – I am so proud of you. So proud! Keep it up and thanks for being an inspiration!
Thank you for sharing! I am currently going through a “healthy”, I need to lose weight because summer is going to be here in 5 seconds. I ran a marathon last year and have gained back all the weight I lost, plus more. I’ve tried to get motivated to run again, but nothing is working. Hopefully we can find motivation together because I know in my heart of hearts anything is possible!!
I know that too… we’ve done it before, we can do it again! That motivation and that feeling of loving exercise is in there. Somewhere!
Thanks for your comment, Lauren! (And wow – congrats on the marathon!)
I gained 15 pounds between October and January and have no idea why–I don’t remember eating more or moving less at ALL–and it’s stubbornly still there. I’ve always had a good metabolism, never really exercised though. I’m trying to make changes and it’s such slow goings. My Dad died when I was 19 and while the cause of death was inconclusive he was probably 150 pounds overweight at LEAST. That’s in my genes, too, and I don’t want that to happen to me. Things need to change. Good luck on your journey, it’s always inspiring to hear others 🙂
Looking at my family history, I know that this is not just a “try it now and fix it forever” kind of thing. This is something I am going to have to fight for for life… it’s just how I’m made up genetically. I might as well get it right now so I can know how to do it so I can live a long life.
So frustrating for you -doesn’t getting older stink sometimes?
Thanks for your kind comment and your support 🙂
Exactly, it has to be a lifestyle change. And I keep avoiding it. Ugh. My friends warned me your metabolism decides to get lazy at 25, and that’s exactly what age I turned in October!
Girl. You are a sexy beast. And you are a runner. She’s there…and she wants to run. I know you said that I’ve inspired you lately…so let me tell you that I didn’t run from October (september?) until just 6 weeks ago. I cursed myself through those 2 mile runs and cried on some of those 3 miles. But then I just forgave myself and allowed myself some slow runs. And I had some very long talks with myself on those runs. When the harsh thoughts came I had to literally tell myself to shut up. You can, Kristen. Period. {{Still trying to figure out if I can ;)…}}
I heart you so much!! You do inspire me, so much. I mean 8 freakin’ miles??? That is so amazing!
OK – I know I can do it. I know I can… and with support of good friends like you, I will 🙂 Thanks, Katrina!
Go Kristen! You can totally do this. I relate to every little bit of what you are saying, and I have my good days//weeks/years and bad ones as well. I’m in a good place right now. I’ve found a balance, and I think I’m on the right track, though it’s a daily fight to make it work, and it’s not ever going to be easy or perfect. I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines this time!
I’m bound and determined to look great at BHF sitting next to you 🙂
Thanks for your support. I appreciate it!
I totally understand where you are coming from. I did the same thing last year! It’s so so frustrating…it comes back so much easier than it comes off 🙁 You are going to do great, Love that challenge!
It does seem that way – getting it off was so much work. Putting it back on was way to easy!
Thanks for your support, Shelly 🙂
I’m so proud of you Kristen! I think the realization that you’re going for it is the first big step! I’ll have to head over and check out the DietBet since I’m in the process of losing weight too. I like thinking about doing it with friends 😉
I like that all the info stays confidential but you can still participate. I’m not ready to get on a scale and shout to the world what I weigh, yet anyway! You should come join us 🙂
So happy you’re getting back on track! I’m not one to judge as I’ve spent the last 15+ years overweight, fighting the health and self esteem battle. Over those years I started many weight loss programs and while I’d lose 20-25 lbs, I could never get past that point. I’d hit a plateau, get frustrated and eventually lose interest, quit, gain some/all of the weight back and start the cycle again.
I have finally broke free of the cycle and for the first time in many many years, I know I will reach my goal. I have currently lost 47 lbs–half of what I need to lose.. I’m feeling awesome and so proud of my accomplishment. It’s not always easy, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And like I said, I KNOW I will reach my goal. It’s a liberating feeling.
Congratulations on getting started on your journey!! Looking forward to your updates. 🙂
Kelly – wow… I can relate so much to everything you wrote! In fact, I could have written it.
And now, your last part will be my words too, someday! Congrats to you… I can feel how good success feels to you!
Oh Kristen…. please don’t beat yourself up about the setback. Everyone has setbacks. Everyone falls down. And we all can get back up again, but somehow I think it’s far harder to do that when you’ve slid backwards from where you want to be. I’m proud of you for stepping up, proclaiming this out-loud and taking responsibility, asking for accountability.
I lost 25 pounds between late 2008 and Spring of 2009. It was amazing, and I was at the thinnest I’ve been as an adult, yet still following a healthy lifestyle. It didn’t completely stick, but many of those habits, especially how I ate, are still in play. There is always room to change though. Last year in late Summer, I took up running, and just as I was hitting my stride, December came, the snow and temperatures fell and I stopped. But, I took up swimming (I was a competitive swimmer in HS) and 6 weeks ago, I started taking Body Pump classes too. Soon, when the weather improves, I will start running again. My goal is to compete with Mike in a triathlon in late July; I’ll swim and run, he’ll bike. But overall, I just want to be healthy. To be strong, with good lean muscle tone and stamina to make it through each day. Back in November when I started swimming again, I could barely make two laps of the pool without feeling like I might faint. Today, I swam probably close to 1,000 yards (40 laps, with short breaks) before my shoulders gave out.
Next year, I’m going to be 50. I can’t believe it. But gosh darn it, I’m going to be the sexiest, the best 50 I can possibly be. I was made to be better than I am. We ALL are.
We ALL have it in us. The key is, as Nike so succinctly puts it, is to JUST DO IT. Throw away those excuses and suck it up, girlfriend. You won’t change easily; it’s likely going to be very hard. But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight, internal or otherwise. Listen to your body, rest regularly and KEEP MOVING. You can do this. I know you can, darling. xoxo….
You inspire me, so much. Thanks for your words, friend. Let’s run together someday, shall we?
I turn 40 this year and I’m sure that’s a big smack in the face to me as well…. I don’t want to be 40 the way I am today.
Seeya in seven pounds! Hehe,
You betcha!
We all have ups and downs, I think the best part of things is realizing you need to re-evaluate your goals and restart instead of getting down on yourself, you did great last summer and know you can do it again!
I agree – I’m taking the first step!
We’ve all been there but the good news is that we can choose to live healthier. When my second son was 8 weeks old, I feel and broke my foot in the middle of the night. I was wheelchair bound for two months and had bad postpartum depression. On top of my baby weight, I gained more and my foot continued to hurt for a year after the break. Luckily, I had a moment where I said enough was enough. Once I resumed my exercise routine, my foot began to gain strength and I began to feel better about myself. I also joined Weight Watchers which I love! The first step in gaining back that confidence is simply deciding that you’re ready. You’re not alone and I hope you get to your happy place soon.
Oh wow – what a story! I can’t imagine going through all that… lots stacked up against you, but I am so proud to see you broke through it!
Thanks for sharing (and I’ve been a WW member for 2 months now… time to actually use it regularly!)
Injuries are so hard to recover from! I was running a ton two years ago (25-35 miles/week…at least to me, that’s a lot) and then tore something in my hip, and I’ve never managed to get back on track. It’s so frustrating! And for me running is so good for me mentally and emotionally, not just physically.
I wish I could hop back on track with you, but right now, I’m thankful to have a very good reason not to be running. After ten + years of infertility, we are expecting twins this summer, so running will have to wait. And, instead of desperately wishing the numbers on the scale would go down, I’m enjoying watching them rise. But, once they’re here, I’m really looking forward to running again!
Oh Jimi – that brought tears to my eyes with your news. Wow!! Congrats!!! 🙂 That’s the best reason to gain weight, ever. Twins…. you’ll be doing plenty of running very soon! Congrats!
Great post, thank you for sharing. I feel the same way. I was doing so good excercising and feeling strong and then a few little injuries waylayed me and I’ve gotten lazy. 🙁 I completely need to get back on track.
Let’s do this thing 🙂 We can!
I’m very happy we’ve gotten a chance to know one another better. I think you’re awesome and I’m so excited about the challenge!
Me too, Jen, and I’m so thankful for the group you started. It was just the kick in the rear I needed!
I’m saving this for July, when I should be able to get back to working out regularly. Right in time for the worst of these nasty Texas summers – oh goody. When that rolls around, it’s time for my lifestyle change to kick into high gear.
You’re doing awesome – you told someone up above to allow herself some grace – do that for yourself, too! It’s not like you just gave up. You were injured. And stress fractures are no fun to rehab. You can do this!!
When is that baby of yours due, again? I’ll be in Austin for a long weekend in June… would love to see you!
And thanks – it’s always easier to give other people advice, isn’t it? Give grace… I will do that!
May 22nd – would LOVE to see you when you’re here! 🙂
My dear Kristen, oh how I can relate!
I used to be fit, trim and athletic…all before a few years of improper muscle movement, wear and tear, and eventually lots of pain. I stopped my healthy living due to frustration.
I am sooo looking forward to this with you!
Well, and you are working with bacon. I wouldn’t be able to stay fit, trim and athletic with that temptation around.
Either way though, you look great to me!
So glad to do the dietbet with you 🙂 Just don’t be dropping any bacon jerky off at my house in the next 28 days, ok? 🙂
Sounds like a deal to me 🙂
Kristen, I was in the same place you are. On March 1, I started a 21 day no junk food challenge hosted by Ashley Scott: Skinny Fit Girl on Facebook. No candy/chocolate, baked goods, chips, fast food, white carbs, soda, ice cream, alcohol or fatty spreads. I surprised myself and only cheated one day and lost 8 lbs. The group motivation really works for me. Ashley is starting another challenge mid-April and I will join in as I still have 20 lbs to go. Good luck on your journey. Diane
First of all, every time I see you, I think how beautiful you are! Truly inside and out. But I hear you – and yes, I feel the same way at times. Especially thinking back to the “better days.” For me, 50 in a few months, it puts the pressure on even more! Things are changing in this old bod – ha ha. I did run today and I’m trying to stay active. Proud of you Kristen! Love you girl!
I know the feeling of being happy with myself when I’m doing all the right things… eating right and exercising! I fell off that wagon last year and am just starting to get back on it… kind of helped that I had an annual physical that put a bit of a scare into me that has me really concentrating on eating healthy and starting to schedule in my workouts again. It’s not easy, but it’ll be worth it!
I love your honesty, Kristen. I found myself in a very similar situation. I hit my 40’s, put on a few (more than a few) pounds and finally decided to start running and exercising. A few months into my program, I developed plantar fasciitis and had to stop running and unfortunately stopped all exercising and the pounds came back. I can completely relate to your frustration. I’m back on track and starting slowly by briskly walking but the key for me is eating right. Your post came at the perfect time. I love the idea of group motivation! Good luck and I know you can do it!
You can do it Kris!! The hard part is getting started… once you are into it, the motivation will come. I think it’s hard to start when the weather is still crummy… hopefully that was the last of the snow and spring will be here to stay. I have a feeling that will help a ton! Not sure if you have ever tried spinning, but I absolutely LOVE it!! A studio opened near our house, so I decided to give it a try, and I’m addicted! The music keeps you pumped throughout and it is an amazing workout. I have also met a great bunch of women there as well! I’m combining spin with yoga and pilates as well as strength training, and with the weather hopefully getting nicer, I plan to get back into my running routine. I feel so much better – the stress has definitely melted away! I wish you all the best in your challenge, and look forward to hearing about your progress! Miss you! XOXO
I remember thinking the same thing about last year. I didn’t know you had a fracture but completely understand. My knees are so wrecked I find any reason at all to not go out and walk. I gained 10 of the 25 lbs. I lost last year and thought I could get right back on that bandwagon again and surprised myself by finding out that wasn’t the case finding out I actually GAINED weight after getting organized. And it was crushing! But I think I’m back on track now — just afraid to get back on that scale. Wishing fabulous success in this quest! So fun to have all the company! 😀
I’ve felt this way too many times. It’s such a cycle. And I relate to every word you said. You’ll get your groove back, and once it hits it gets so much easier doesn’t it?
I truly believe Nike’s on to something when they say – Just do it.
Oh man. I just want to give you a huge hug. I completely understand…I worked towards losing some weight for my wedding, and after my wedding day (in JUST a year!!), I gained back the original 20 lbs. I lost + 40. I was so sad, and I would stare at pictures from my wedding planning days wondering what went wrong. It took me a long time to find that motivation again, but it eventually came back.
You are in such a great mind-set right now. Good luck…you’ve got this!
Congrats Kristen for openly speaking about this… you are DEFINITELY not alone… I honestly cannot tell you the number of women (and yes men!) who feel exactly as you do. As a Registered Dietetic Technician here are a few thoughts:
– It’s not about “dieting” but about changing your eating lifestyle. When I counsel clients I tell them that eating is like shopping – you always want to get the most value for your dollar. right? Same is true for eating – you want the most nutrition for the calories you eat! And just like spending our money wisely, if you spend your calories wisely, you can splurge from time to time – no foods are off limits – you just have to plan and “budget” for those splurges.
When you are starting to revamp your diet, keep a journal for one week and WRITE DOWN everything you eat. That way, you can sit down and look at the entire week and identify what you actually are eating and what changes you can make to improve the nutrition / caloric value of what you are eating. You’ll also see what times/events/etc. are trouble spots for you! This is key to developing an eating plan that will work.
– On exercise – mornings are great since there is less chance of being distracted. Put your sweats on first thing – it’s harder to skip when you are already dressed for it.
When I don’t feel like exercising I still put my sweats on but tell myself – “ok, you only have to walk/run/bike for 10 minutes – then you can quit.”. Funny thing about that – whenever I do it, I find that after that ten minutes I don’t want to stop and end up doing my full work out.
Pay for fitness classes if that works with your budget! . Yup. If you’ve paid for it (not a monthly membership but actual individual classes) you are less likely to skip them!!!.
Cannot wait to hear how you are doing and if I can help in any way just let me know!!!
I’m in, let’s do this thing!
Did you read my mind? WOW! I am feeling the same way but, it is a nasty thyroid that is sucking all my energy so by the time I do the things I need to do everyday, I don’t have the energy to work out. Well, 2 weeks ago I made exercise a priority. I am walking everyday and starting to have more energy. I am right here with ya sister! We can do this and be happy again!!
Thanks for inspiring me and encouraging me to keep going!
I like so much that you are honest with us. Since couple months my hormones are out of whack and even if I walk, limit my food intake I seemed to have plateaued.
I really want to do the challenge and hopefully my hormones will not do tricks on me and that my weight will start to go down.
I will join but it does not say anywhere if it’s open for Canadians also.
And another question, we don’t have CVS here. I just went to my WW meeting to weigh. Is a photocopy of my WW document count?
I love how open and honest you are. I really admire you in so many ways. I think you STILL are very beautiful, but I get it how life can somehow pop up with SO many excuses to put ourselves off. I know as a mom if I don’t take good care of myself I can’t take good care of my family. The days I don’t workout and eat good I have a shorter temper, I don’t feel good , and I am exhausted. The days I eat good and get in a great workout are my best days. Last year I had a hip injury when I was doing some powerlifting and then during rehab I noticed some odd symptoms of exhaustion, always cold, and some weight gain. Symptoms I had about a year after my 2nd kid was born and I had my hormones checked for thyroid disease – which I was very borderline on then. SO I got my hormones checked again by a naturopath and sure enough – I was diagnosed hypothyroid and my adrenals were close to quitting. Eating good and exercising keep my hormones in check and now I am on a treatment plan to get my body back in shape inside and out!! It seems a lot of people are in the same boat this year – looking at pictures of ourselves from last year thinking ” where did that person go?” I think there are more factors than just not eating our best or daily exercise. I think having a good support group helps more than we think. This diet bet sounds great – a fitness network that I am an ambassador for is also hosting a diet bet, I have seen many out there. 4% is totally doable and if you don’t make it in th28 days – don’t get down or beat yourself up over it. Just take it one day at a time and know that you have a huge support system – you will be back to your best version of you in no time!!!
GO YOU. Your story sounds a lot like mine…I was SUPER in shape and SUPER thin and loving it…then I got a stress fracture (in my pelvis) and just stopped caring. It was awful. It took a long time for me to do better by myself and really start to take care of myself but I’m back to healthy and loving it! I could still stand to lose a few pounds though so I’m off to check out this DietBet!
I am really admiring you for this post. It is a hard thing to talk about, and really difficult for some to understand. I am a professional weight yo-yoer and have come to avoid running like it is the plague. I hate to blame my job, but I kind do! I am totally into your bet- I am signing up. Thanks for the straight talk and the inspiration!
You are such an inspiration Kristen. It helps people to know they are not alone in their struggles with their weight. I think you look beautiful no matter what. But I know how you feel. I think I looked my best and felt my best when I used to run and eat sort of healthy. I’d love to hit that point again. Hopefully we can help each other and motivate on another.
I have some thoughts for you younger, BEAUTIFUL women. Appreciate your body while you have it. I am now over 60, and it is SO HARD tolose any weight. I would be in a real good place if I could lose 10 pounds. It is a real challenge. When I was in my 40’s I lost alot of weight and kept thinking this isn’t hard!!! I actually went down to 89 pounds, to the point that my daughter was worried about mme. get in the habit of exercising NOW. The older you get, the harder it is. Love to you all, Pinky
Wonderful post!!! I need to get back to running. I felt so good when I was doing it! I’m too chicken to sign up for the bet. 🙁
Your honesty definitely nudged me to admit that I’ve left the course of running for a while now and I need to take care of my health more than ever.
WOW sounds just like my story. I too had lost almost 35 lbs – was feeling great about myself and my health!!!! BAM suffered a stress fracture in my foot and everything spiraled out of control….emotions, eating and yes ALL the weight came back on……..I want to feel that good again and I know that I CAN lose the weight again! Thanks for sharing your story!
You’re always such an inspiration and last year watching you shed weight and get healthy was no exception. I know when you set your mind to something you make it happen. I’ve been struggling to slowly drop weight and have so much more to go, but knowing others like you and Amy (just wow, huh?) are keeping at it always helps me to lace up and get moving.
I love that picture also, was one of the best days in 2012. You look great and always have.
I can definitely relate to this. I feel like my fitness level and overall “feeling good about myself” level is a constant roller coaster of a challenge. I’ll get to a great spot, then something happens, and I let the excuses creep in until I’m back to the beginning. I do know that being in a group, and having others to cheer you on (and vice versa) helps a ton. I know you can do this, and I am cheering loudly for you!
I’m totally feeling the same way. I lost 13 pounds for my wedding and in the 7 months since I’ve gained it all back and a few!! I’m officially at my highest weight ever and it frustrates and enfuriates me – especially because I did it all to myself!! Back in January I signed up for a gym, and I’ve been doing MFP, and still despite my 4-5 days a week of spinning, lifting, TurboKick, and Total Ball, I hav been fluctuating weight but not sustainably dropping it! Aghhh!!! I’m more thank ful than ever for the bloggers facebook group for support, the RFR5K (even though I can’t run anymore due to my back injury – i’m still dreaming and striving to complete my 5K someday so this keeps my eyes on the prize) and all the blogger friends.
Thanks for being a motivator, and inspiration and sharing this with us doll – we’re cheering you on and we’re right next to you. XO!
I have to say that I’ve been a bit down lately because it doesn’t seem to matter if I eat well or not the scale pretty much stays the same! (Okay when I really don’t eat well it creeps up a bit…) For me it was getting pregnant and gaining all the weight back that I had lost in the year before. I’ve pretty much always struggled with weight and learned why 2 years ago – I have PCOS which contributes to weight gain, makes losing weight harder and also makes me at risk for diabetes, heart disease, etc. So I KNOW I need to exercise and eat right so I can live to see my children reach their milestones in life! But I think the thing most frustrating right now, is that I’m about where I was before I worked my tail off to lose 20 pounds before I got pregnant. (I’m actually now at needing to lose 15 lbs to be where I was.)
It can be hard to restart and get back in shape! It is amazing how we tend to make excuses when the rewards of thee work make us feel so much better! Good luck with your goals and finding the motivation. (Oh, and I love your husband’s comment!)
I know so much of what you mean, Kristen, and I think bloggers (and other people in an industry that requires a ton of SITTING) are especially prone to “blogger body” when we spend so much of our work time sedentary. I’m sitting here with a knee recovering from surgery, so I know that fear of losing the good habits you’ve built up. I’ve grown to love running, too, and…. I can’t. Not for about six months, apparently.
I’d love to join your group, but I don’t think 4% is feasible for me with my knee. BUT I’d love to join another one soon, so please don’t let this be your last bet! Sounds like a lot of fun.
(And I love your Red-Faced Running blog… such a great idea!)
I’m new to your site & this is the 1st time i’ve read 1 of your posts but you know what?? YOU ARE AWESOME NO MATTER WHAT!!?? You have people who love you, you are getting over an injury & getting better every day & no matter how much you weigh, you can get out & exercise or do whatever you can to move toward your goal!!
It’s hard to get on the right food path, I know. I work from home & have spells where I am so hungry eat everything in site & beat myself up especially since I have ibs & it seems to really flare up when I’m not doing better with my food choices. I hate when I do that then feel bad for a few days & think “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING” but i’m not perfect & i’m sure I’ll do it again at some point.
None of us are perfect & it is the journey not the destination that makes us who we are and stronger people!!
That photo in the the long dress is stunning Kristen. I put on 15-20 lbs after my 3rd child and I just can’t seem to get the motivation to lose it all again I have been up and down for about a year now and can’t keep the weight off for good. I look back at photos of myself 3 years ago when I was at my fittest and makes so sad to see where I am now. I love this post and I hope we can all start to get our bloggin butts back into shape 😉
what a great group and such a motivating program!!! i absolutely love this and i really need to get in shape for my wedding. i’ve already printed out that sheet from red face runners or wait, was it C25K? whatever it was, i can’t wait to shed some weight & get healthy! 🙂
You have no idea how you inspired me last year! I have even started running, on my own, because I want to have that wonderful feeling of being healthy! I have lost 5kgs and am felling so happy about myself! So there is something to be happy about your fitness journey last year – all the people you inspired to work on their fitness!
First of all, I love Nick’s comment. It is true. You look great and always have. You are beautiful inside and out. I know that you will get back to where you want to be because you are a strong, confident, determined woman. I cannot wait to see you in June!!
I use to love working out in high school which honestly was forever ago. I got lazy in college and then fast forward to having had 3 kids, I need to work on things. I have a lot of excuses for why I don’t workout outside of the home but don’t have a ton of acceptable reasons for not doing it in the house… in any case, we have a treadmill on the way (hopefully a big yay lol) and have already printed the c25k plan you shared recently. I hope it helps! 🙂
It’s hard to get motivated to start exercising. But once you do start, I find that it gets easier.
What an inspirational post, Kristen! It’s so easy to forget about ourselves, especially when we’re busy being a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, etc. All of these things for others (and ourselves too), but not allowing time for that workout that makes us feel so much better afterwards. Thanks for your inspiration and for sharing about what you’re going through. That’s so courageous! And I’m looking forward to checking out the other sites you’ve mentioned here.
I can totally relate Kristen! In injured my foot on Thanksgiving, and haven’t really done much since. I finally started running very slowly in March, and walked all over Japan, but I am still not feeling good about myself at all! So glad you put this out there, I know you will have success and get back to where you were!
You’re beautiful to me no matter what! Loved this honest post. I know you’re going to rock this next challenge.!
You are beautiful and I LOVE reading your posts. Kristen! Have a great Easter holiday with your family. I know you are going to do amazing with this challenge. You have a beautiful family and so much to be thankful for!
I can totally relate. By May 2011, I had lost nearly 60 lbs through a combination of Zumba and clean eating. And then I sprained my ankle and it was downhill from there. It’s been a slow climb back, but I’m starting to see the teensiest bit of light…