Whitney, Stacy and Cathy… today is your lucky day! The Random Number Generator selected you all as the three winners for the Pizza Hut gift certificates. Soon you will have the chance to try their new Tuscani Pasta and an order of breadsticks. Congratulations to you and thanks to everyone for participating. A special thanks to Pizza Hut for this great opportunity!
I have to apologize to everyone for my lack of blogging lately. We recently found out that I am…. Surprise!… expecting baby number 4. I have been incredibly sick with this pregnancy and just haven’t had a whole lot of energy to cook. It is hard to write a food blog when you aren’t cooking! Anyway, I promise that things will be back to normal soon and appreciate you all hanging in there. I am slowly but surely starting to get my mojo back, at least a couple of days a week. Cooking supper and then being able to eat it these days is a monumental milestone. I can’t wait for this all to pass.
In the meantime, I have a cookbook to give away! I have multiple copies of The Taste of Home Cookbook and would love to give one to you. This is one huge cookbook full of recipes from trusted home cooks, like you and me. If you like Taste of Home magazine, I promise you will love this cookbook. To enter to win, please leave a comment after this post telling me what your number one favorite cooking magazine is. All entries must have a valid email address. Comments can be left up to midnight CST on Monday, October 27th and the random drawing will take place the next day. Thanks and good luck!
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But at the same time. Congratulations! I do like Taste of Home magazine, because of the simple family recipes.
Kathleen Couchs last blog post..My Heart For Honduras: Blog Action Day 2008
My favorite food magazine is a new find of mine, Saveur.
Tonis last blog post..Foto Friday
CONGRATULATIONS!! I’m so excited for you, although pregnancy is getting to me and I’m excited for it to be over! 🙂
My favorite magazine is either Cooking Light or Rachael Ray. Although I love looking over the Taste of HOme magazines at the grocery store!
It’s probably a tie between Taste of Home and Paula Deen.
Amys last blog post..Harvest Time
My current fav food magazine is Food & Wine. I can always find good, minimal fuss dishes, even amid the fancy stuff.
Congratulations on your exciting news!! My favorite food magazine? Probably Saveur or Food and Wine.
Julias last blog post..Methi, Eggplant and Potato Masala
My number one favorite cooking magazine…
Probably Everyday with Rachael Ray. That or Paula Deen’s food mag. 🙂
Alis last blog post..Upside Down Pineapple Cake for lazy, hungry, and pregnant women.
I am so thrilled for you. We will reconfigure our reunion vacation tour when you are healthier.
My favorite magazine: Quick Cooking
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’ve missed your recipes but its understandable that you haven’t felt like cooking.
My favorite cooking magazine is Cooking Light.
Caroles last blog post..Contest Winner
I can feel the pain. With my 3rd pregnancy I was sick until delivery day. But I had a healthy son. Hope you get better soon.
My fav mag is Food & Wine. Yummy recipes, great pictures!
Hélènes last blog post..Old-Fashioned Brown Sugar Fudge
Congrats on baby number 4 🙂
This is a real toss up for me. I am a big fan of Bon Appetit and Fine Cooking magazines. I think I prefer Fine Cooking.
judyfoodies last blog post..Pikliz
Yes, congratulations on your news! Number 4, my oh my, a basketball team just waiting to happen! A full house for you 🙂
My favorite food magazine is Bon Appetit. I started reading it when I was in culinary school, and it fueled many class projects of mine.
Nikkis last blog post..I’m Bringing Smokey Back
Gourmet. All the recipes I’ve made have been amazing, the photography is excellent, and I love hearing about different parts of the world!
Congratulations on baby 4!
Ellies last blog post..Etsy Find: The Feedsack Top
Congratulations! I hope you get to feeling better soon.
I don’t think I have a favorite food mag. I love Southern Living. I guess it’s the VA in me. There was always one everywhere I went and I loved the food section.
Alicias last blog post..Okay, So It’s Been Living Up to Its Name
Congratulations to you and your family! How exciting!
My favorite cooking magazine is probably Cooking light, but it’s hard to just pick one!
My favorite and most trusted cooking magazine is Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food. I also really like Cook’s Country by America’s Test Kitchen.
Jimis last blog post..Barefoot Bloggers, Take One
I just recently came across the Taste of Home Thanksgiving issue. Its my new favorite food magazine! I’m trying the pumpkin mousse this weekend! Thanks!
I like looking through a lot of magazines but I like Everyday Food a lot.
Honestly, I don’t have a fav cooking magazine. I mostly get my recipes from blogs or the internet or other fun cookbooks! But, I would love to start reading one…
Congrats on your 4th baby! My favorite mag has always been Bon Appetit
Esis last blog post..Mediterranean Salad with Prosciutto and Pomegranate
Congratulations on your big news! Hope you get to feeling better soon.
I would have to say Everyday Food is my favorite. The recipes are usually cheap and quick to make.
kamailes last blog post..What’s for Dinner? 10/20 -10/26
Cooking Light is definitely my favorite food magazine.
First of all… CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is such happy news, and a perfect excuse for not cooking and blogging! Hope you are feeling better soon!
My favorite cooking magazine has to be Cooking Light since I’ve been subsribing for almost 12 years!
patsyks last blog post..Cinnamon-Apple Cake
Woo, another giveaway! Good luck with the pregnancy, hope it’s easier from here on out.
My favourite is Gourmet – I know, as a vegetarian, that it should be Vegetarian Times, but to be honest I just think Gourmet is a better magazine, and they do have some good veg recipes.
Judiths last blog post..Cornbread: Another Recipe Semi-Flop
That’s a hard one! I like Taste of Home, Cooking Light, and my new one Clean Eating.
Taste of Home magazine for me.
Congratulations on baby no. 4! I am a new reader and I happen to love Taste of Home.
Congrats on the baby, that is such wonderful news!
For me it’s Cuisine At Home.
Congrats on baby!
My favorite food magazine is Cuisine at Home.
tabithas last blog post..Attention, Class!
Southern Living…hands down!!!
I enjoy the Kraft Food and Family cookbook. It’s free. Just go to the Kraft website, and they will send you that quarterly I think it is.
Glad to see you posting again . . . missed you here! (And elsewhere – and that’s NOT a hint; just sayin’. 🙂
My fave cooking magazine is probably Bon Appetit at the moment, though there are so many others that have their merits – Cook’s Illustrated, Taste of Home, Gourmet. Tough to pick only 1!
Sandy Ss last blog post..Brown Sugar Apple-Cranberry Crisp
Firstly of course, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is exciting. Sorry you are sick but on the bright side, my sister was so sick, she didn’t gain much weight. I, on the other hand, gained 50 lbs.!
I have been reading, enjoying and cooking recipes from Bon Appetit for nearly 20 years now! Shortly after I graduated from college. Scary!
Nicoles last blog post..The Bold and the Beautiful!
Congratulations! I hope the sickness part leaves you soon, so you can enjoy the rest of it.
My favorite food magazine is What’s Cooking, put out by Kraft Canada.
Jeanines last blog post..Dill Dip
Congrats on #4! I can certainly understand that whole “not wanting to cook when you feel sick thing.” It’s been a challenge to work around my wife’s taste swings during her pregnancies.
I absolutely LOVE Taste Of Home, but wish it came out more often than once every two months. I have heard good things about Bon Appetit (which some have mentioned), but haven’t tried it. It looks like there are a slew of great magazines I need to check out.
Ed Robertss last blog post..Sunday September 7, 2008 – Kansas City Weather Forecast
It HAS to be Everyday Food (Martha’s little one). I know this sounds strange, but I had to QUIT subscribing because there are so many good recipes in the issues I already have. I didn’t have anymore time!!! 😉
Oops…I just realized that my blog was typed in wrong in the post above in the link for my name!!! 🙁
Bridgets last blog post..Orange-tinted Candy Corn Cookies
Congrats!! How exciting!
My all-time fav is Cooking Light.
Amys last blog post..The Kiwiberries taste like Kiwiberries!
Congratulations on the impending arrival!
My favorite magazine is Saveur, Food & Wine is a close 2nd.
Vickis last blog post..Baked Zucchini Potato Frittata
Congratulations on baby #4! How exciting!
My favorite food mag is probably Cooking Light. I usually look at the yummy recipes and imagine how much better I could make them using full fat ingredients. I’m horrible.
Karlys last blog post..The Only Person To EVER Write A Blog Post Without WORDS.
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you! I hope that you’re able to start feeling better soon – I know that pregnancy sickness is really a bummer! My favorite cooking magazine is the first one I ever discovered, shortly after getting married. I’ve been a subscriber for over a year now – it’s Taste of Home.
Stephanies last blog post..Two Fun Cookie Recipes
Happy congratulations on your pregnancy!!
What a wonderful surprise!
My favorite cooking magazine is Cooking Light. I enjoy the variety of recipes and health articles as well.
Congratulations! I’d have to say that Taste of Home is actually my favorite cooking magazine and I’ve gotten many wonderful recipes from them!
What….I have to choose just one. I love Cooks Illustrated and Rachel Ray.
Congrats on baby #4.
Brookes last blog post..The Cake Slice: Cappuccino Chiffon Cake
Congrats!!! 🙂
Taste of Home is my favorite cooking magazine and I would LOVE to have this cookbook!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Definitely Cooking Light! I’ve been a subscriber for 6 years now!
sharons last blog post..Hawaiian Salmon Sliders with Bren’s Tamarind Chutney
Congrats on baby #4
I enjoy thumbing through the Cooks Illustrated magazines I’ve picked up at the yard sales!
Virginias last blog post..Lasting Legacy Farm Fall Fun Day
Congrats on your new addition. Weren’t you just bemoaning the fact that your little one wasn’t so little any more? 🙂 Favorite cooking mag…hmmm…Eating Well?
claires last blog post..A Hit and ARF
Cooking Light
CONGRATULATIONS! Will we get to see all your cravings being blogged? 🙂
I loved Cooking Light when I used to get it, now I see Foodnetwork has one….I’ve hinted to everyone that mommy want that! heehee
Congrats (again ;)!!
My favorite food magazine is Gourmet. I think you and Deb got me hooked on it and I’m glad that you did.
My second favorite is Taste of Home and the only reason is that it’s second to Gourmet is because I love the travel articles in Gourmet.
Jenifers last blog post..Oh vanity…
My favorite magazine would have to be Everyday Food, they have great, simple, healthy ideas.
Cooking Light. No contest.
Congrats! Cooking Light is my favorite. Thanks!
Chrissys last blog post..Go Phillies!!!
I love those little Martha Stewart Living food recipe magazines at the checkout stand. They are right by the Betty Crocker and the Pilsbury recipe magazines. The little ones. I have gotten lots of good recipes from the Martha.
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
My favorite food magazine is Everyday Food (Martha Stewart’s mag).
P.S. My favorite “cover” photograph has to go to Bon Appetit – they’re always stunning!
LisaSDs last blog post..My Nana’s Empanadas
My favorite magazine-whew…what a hard question. I really love the Taste of Home collection-Taste of Home, Quick Cooking, Simple and Delicious and Light and Tasty. I know cheating, but they are all from the same publisher-does that count??
I also really like Rachel RaY.
I don’t subscribe to cooking magazines but love buying cookbooks(lots and lots of them!)
Congratulations! And I hope the sickness part passes quickly. Hang in there!
I like Gourmet a lot, but I often just flip through whatever magazine looks good at the time. Here, Elle often does special recipe editions which are really good and they even have little cardboard recipe tear-outs that you can save, very practical.
Hopies last blog post..Apple-Walnut Muffins
WOW! Congratulations on you BABY #4! OMG..I would be in the looney house with 4 kids. 2 is TOTALLY my limit!!! YOu go girl!!
My havorite cooking magaizine..only one??hmmm Bon Appetit(fot the fancy stuff)
Taste of Home(for the comforting) and Cooks Country(just cause). I couldnt pick just one! Congrats again!!!!
leslies last blog post..Welcome from Daytime
First, congratulations on your upcoming pregnancy with #4 🙂 That’s so exciting!
My favorite cooking magazine is none other than the one that is brought to you by that book. I absolutely love Taste of Home and it’s sister publications. My favorite is regular Taste of Home but I also really love Simple and Delicious.
I’ve read many of the magazines listed, and since we are a family of 7 with 5 kids, none compares to the down home perfect food found in Taste of Home 🙂
Nicoles last blog post..Pumpkin Empanada Recipe
My favorite cooking magazine is Cook’s Illustrated. I love learning tricks and tips as well as why you do something a certain way.
My favorite magazines would be Everday with Rachel Ray and Taste of Home.
Congrats on #4 🙂
I think my fav is Fine Cooking but it’s a close race between all of them.
Katies last blog post..Party Food! Pizza in a Bite
You know how happy we are about your baby-to-be. I am sure your children will be happy about it, too. I was ill last night from eating too many tamales and I thought of you. Love, Mom
I really love your site!
I hope you feel better soon, just keep your thoughts on the end result, beautiful baby….ohhhh!
My favorite food magazine was Everyday food.
By the Martha, but I don’t know if they still make it. I have a lot of back issues that I read.
Congrats on baby.
Well I have a lot of cooking magazines – gourmet, food and wine, bon appetit and few others.
Congrats on #4!!!
I like any food mag I can get my hands on!! lately that has been paula’s, hubby picked it up for me! :o)
Congratulations, hope you feel better soon! My favorite is Everyday Food.
Cats last blog post..A Few Good Men
My mom is so sweet and gives me her copies of Cooking Light once she has finished reading them. They have some great recipes – and I don’t feel like I’ll gain 10 pounds by cooking recipes from it!
Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Wat a nice give away, My fav is the taste of home magazine
Congratulations! That is exciting but I do remember….hope you are feeling better soon.
Southern Living has to be my favorite cooking magazine. You can really trust it’s recipes.
Lisas last blog post..Roasted Moroccan Carrots
From one who takes waaaaaaaaaaaay too many cooking magazines, I will pick Bon Appetit and the Cook’s Illustrated magazines–both the original and the newer Cook’s Country.
I love cooking light and Racheal Ray!
Stacies last blog post..Pumpkin Time
I’ve been waiting for this post! I sure hope you feel better soon! My favorite food magazine is Eating Well.
Kates last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
I really like Bon appetite, but am also enjoying Cook’s Country.
My favorite cooking magazine is definitely Cooking Light!!
Congrats! That’s very exciting news!
My favorite is Cooking Light
Has anyone tried these new Pizza Hut pasta dishes? I have heard that they are heavily salted and greasy.
Congratulations!!! Sorry you’re not feeling well. Tow of my favorites magazines for recipes aren’t actually cooking magazines. I find myself copying recipes from Real Simple and All You quite frequently.
Melanie @ MelADramatic Mommys last blog post..Easy Weekend Recipe #2 – Vegetarian
Congratulations on baby #4!!! And also, congrats on the new paid blog gig.
My favorite cooking mag is Real Simple, but believe it or not, Coastal Living has some really great recipes every month!
shelleys last blog post..Bungalow 44
Wow, from one mom of 4 to another, congratulations! And thanks for the great giveaway. Right now, I’m liking Cook’s Country.
Congrats on the baby!!!
How exciting!!!!
My fav cooking mag is from Kraft.
I think it totally rocks!
Congratulation on baby No.4!!
Here in the UK we have two outstanding food magazines – Delicious and Olive.
Margarets last blog post..IN THE MOOD FOR FOOD
Wow, congrats on your new soon to be little one! Those months will fly by.
As for favorite cooking magazine, since I get them all (no, really, I do) it’s hard to say as my favorite changes month to month depending on the issue. I would say I bookmark more recipes in Bon App than any other though.
Mrs. Ls last blog post..Small Plates – October 22, 2008
wow, congrats on the good news. I’m sorry about your sickness. It’s gotta be hard to not be able to cook because everything makes you want to retch. Hopefully you’ll get over it soon.
Our #1 favorite cooking mag is Fine Cooking.
Nates last blog post..Pandan Kaya Bread Recipe PLUS Bloggerversary Giveaway!
Congrats on the pregnancy!
My favorite cooking magazine is Kraft Magazine. They have tons of delicious recipes that are easy to make and fast too.
Have to say “Southern Living” although it gets repetitive some times. Congratulations and hope you feel better!
Thanks so much – I am looking forward to trying Pizza’s Huts creations…. I will think of you and thank you for every bite!!
I find great recipes in Sunset, cooking light and real simple!!
Congratulations as well 🙂
Many congrats again!!
I really enjoy Food & Wine for their recipes as well as other food-related content. I’m starting to come back around on Everyday Food – I stopped reading it a few years ago but I recently resubscribed as I’m seeing lots of things I’d love to make.
My favorite food magazine is Taste of Home or any of that family.
Ok so I have no idea if i can enter this giveaway as i’m in the UK, but my favourite food magazine is Good Food, I love it for its easy recipes and no nonesense approach and the section on quick evening meals is brilliant!
Of course my favorite magazine is Taste of Home. Over the years I have learned this is about the only magazine that have recipes and no advertising. I used to take Southern Living for about 15-20 years when I decided to stop all of them except Taste of Home.
I like cooks illustrated. I am a little of this, little of that cook, so I only use recipes for special things like holidays or expensive ingredients. Then I know CI will be good, and I don’t mind the sometimes extra steps.
My number one favorite cooking magazine is the Kraft Food and Family magazine! They have a lot of great ideas and a lot of great recipes!
Ruth Anns last blog post..Growing up too fast!
Oh that’s a hard question. Everyday Food and Cooking Light, not sure I’ve ever gotten Taste of Home but I will definitely check it out now!
Trishas last blog post..Picture post from Oktoberfest.
Cooking Light, because they have lots of contests 😀
Chis last blog post..** ALERT ** Contests Ending TODAY – 10/24
I actually love Everyday with Rachael Ray. I know there are many Anti-Rachaels out there, however,most of her food is tasty, loaded with veggies, pretty healthy, and the variety is wide!!
I am a big fan of Cooking Light, as well as Taste of Home 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity, and again, congrats on your news!
Dawn @ My Tasty Spaces last blog post..Lots of good stuff! (edited)
New reader here!! Congrats on baby news!! 🙂
I don’t have a favorite.. I do love Paula Dean’s though!!!
Really the only one I read is Taste of Home. I love it!
I’m a fan of Fine Cooking, but I also love Food Everyday (it’s small and a very quick read).
Good luck to everyone on winning the prizes! 🙂
I was wondering when you would spill the beans!!! I’m excited for you, even if it was a surprise. 🙂
I love my Simple and Delicious recipes. They’re pretty good when we try them out!
I NEED a new cookbook! All my books have been stored as our home is “staged” for sale. Big mistake to not keep at least one!
Big mistake in packing ALL my cookbook while staging home for sale!
Congratulations on the new baby!
I would love this cookbook.
My favorite magazine right now is light n tasty.
My favorite is Taste of the South, though I jus tbought the first issue of Food Networks magazine so we will see if it is any good.
Congrats on the new baby. When I was pregnant the only thing that kept be from being sick all the time was lots of potatoes – mashed, chips, fried, boiled, whatever!
First things first — Congratulations!! I hope you’re feeling well enough to start enjoying your wonderful cooking in the coming weeks. I was just beginning to wonder if you might be pregnant when you said you hadn’t been feeling well…
Check out my latest post (on my food blog). Thanks for the fabulous recipe!
Les in NEs last blog post..Tequila Shrimp & Orzo
Ooops, I forgot to mention my favorite cooking magazine. Bon Appetite! Fabulous recipes.
Les in NEs last blog post..Tequila Shrimp & Orzo
Taste of Home is my favorite cooking magazine because almost every recipe is something I can make.
Carlas last blog post..Just As Good As Spaghetti Without The Carbs
Taste of Home, such delicious down to earth recipes.
Congrats on the pregnancy!