I have a quick request this morning. I’m making a southwest pizza tonight and have been browsing the web looking for a new pizza crust recipe to try. I’m looking for a crust that is in between thin and thick… kind of like the hand tossed crust at Pizza Hut. Do any of you have a tried and true recipe that you love that you could share?
Now, down to business. Several days ago Rachel over at Rachel’s Bite tagged me for a meme. The meme is to list 6 weird things about me. Let me see what I can come up with.
1) I am a Dr Pepper / Mr Pibb fountain drink junkie. I don’t like the drinks in a can or out of a bottle, but give me a straight up Dr Pepper on crushed ice in a Styrofoam cup and I am a happy camper. I would choose this over ice cream, cheesecake, chocolate, etc.
2) I was a good girl growing up and didn’t have my first drink of alcohol until I was 21. I’m not a big drinker now (despite the martinis the other night) but I do enjoy a nice glass of wine or a margarita on the rocks every now and then.
3) I used to eat everything plain. Hamburgers, sandwiches, pasta, etc. The reason is that I don’t like messy food. I used to completely detest barbecue for the same reason. I don’t like to get messy when I’m eating! I like barbecue now (which is good since my husband is big into smoking meat) but I still prefer my burgers plain.
4) Not food related, but weird related. When I was middle school age, I had a very unhealthy obsession with Kirk Cameron. (Oh…I just searched for a site to link his name to and found an official Kirk Cameron website. I got a little swoony looking at his picture again. It’s probably a good thing the web wasn’t around during my obsession, isn’t it mom? The long distance phone calls trying to find him in California were probably obsessive enough.)
5) I love cereal. I think if I were single and didn’t enjoy cooking so much, I could eat cereal morning, noon and night.
6) I used to hate pineapple. Hate is probably an understatement…I used to detest pineapple. I’d gag at the thought of it, at the smell of it, at the taste of it. When I was pregnant with my 3rd baby, we went to a birthday party and the hostess had a fresh, cut up pineapple set out. Something strange came over me and I took one bite and my hate for pineapple turned to history. While I was pregnant I would eat an entire fresh pineapple every single day. I can’t wait until it is pineapple season again because I love it so much now!
I think that just about covers it! I’m not going to tag anyone else because I was so late at doing this that I think everyone has already been tagged. If that’s not the case and you’d like to be tagged, let me know 🙂
I have a really good recipe for a crust recipe. it is my dad’s crust and is quick and easy. we now make it with some whole wheat flour but originally did it with all white flour, so either way works. Here’s the link:
Let me know if you use it or have any questions! This can also be made on a regular cookie sheet or pizza pan if you don’t have a stone. Be sure to let the dough rest a little before you stretch it over the pan if you try it.
Gattina of Gattinamania has some great pizza crust recipe!!
Great to read your MeMe!:))Didn’t drink until legal age to drink!Good for you!
If you happen to have a sourdough starter around, this crust turns out just about perfectly:
Because I use a pizza stone, I skipped the "par-bake" step.
The crust doesn’t taste all too sour, and it’s certainly in between thin and thick.
My favorite pizza:
Elise at Simply Recipes has a good pizza crust recipe too. I will go to her site often when I am at a loss for a good recipe.
Have you ever grilled fresh pineapple?? I think you would find it heavenly. You don’t need to put anything on it, just lay it on the grill and let it sear. Mmmmmm
I’m crazy for pineapple, but I only eat Dal Monte pineapples in the States.
Thanks for checking out my pizza (and thanks Asha!). I don’t know anything about southwestern pizza, but the thickness more relies on your skill… are you familiar with handling dough? And if the dough is elastic enough that helps too, my recipe (if done right) is able to yield a very very elastic dough. But again, it’s all about your judgement, experience and skill. I remember the book "Baking with Julia" there’s a chaptr about pizza/bread, very well-written… only if you interest and/or have time. You’re such a good cook I’m sure you’ll master that pizza 😀
Kirk Cameron was cool…until I found out a while back he’s turned into a wacko! *grin*
You all are awesome! Thank you so much!
I looked through everyones recipes and couldn’t decide, so I decided to start with the first comment by Claire, try hers, and then go down the list (we have pizza often and I was tired of my old recipe!). Thank you again for your help!
Haha! Oh my…I have to admit, I was also semi-in-love with Kirk when I was much younger (blush) and I am a big fan of cereals too! tThere was a time when I did eat them at every meal…prompting strange looks from my then room mate, heehee 🙂
I’m also on the lookout for a good crust recipe to try out my new pizza stone so if you find one let me know! 🙂
It’s good to know I wasn’t the only one obsessed with Kirk Cameron. I had posters of him from magazines like Tiger Beat, plastered all over my walls and I would kiss them before going to bed. Oh no, I’ve said too much…
When did Kirk become a whacko? Or does the fact that he gave up show biz to become an evangelical mean the same thing??
I miss Dr Pepper! I never see it anymore since the only time I drink pop is from a vending machine at work (which is Pepsi) or at the movies (which is Cherry Coke).
I’m just catching up with this post, but coincidentally I’d posted this recipe for whole wheat crust on my blog yesterday, too!
Snx for you job!
It has very much helped me!