The deadline for the Adopt a Blogger event is coming up. Veteran bloggers… we need your help! Sign up to adopt a newbie blogger by this Friday (click on the Adopt a Blogger icon above). Newbies, you can still sign up as well. This will be a lot of fun and a great way to encourage people in the food blogging community to connect! Thanks to the 50+ of you who have already signed up to be adopted or to adopt a blogger! You will be getting your blogging match next week. If you are interested in the HTML code to add the Adopt a Blogger icon on your site, let me know!
It does not take a lot to confuse me…I will readily admit that. Some things in “Blogland” really have me perplexed the past couple of days. Maybe by me posting my open admission of confusion here, someone can help me figure out how to get out of this fog by solving my problems!
#1) What is going on with those of you who use Blogger as your host? I cannot make comments on your blog posts any longer without doing so as anonoymous. Did Blogger change this on purpose, or is it just a glitch in the system while they are making improvements or something? The dropping of the URL field for non-Blogger commenters just seems like a step backwards to me, so maybe I am completely missing something. I noticed something about the blog owner being able to go in and change a setting where users can sign in under an Open-ID. What in the world does that mean? Anyone out there care to help me figure this all out so I can continue commenting on Blogger blogs non-anonoymously?
#2 – For the past couple of months, when I write and then publish a post, I will come back to visit my blog and notice that certain keywords are highlighted and linked back to an Amazon.com product. I have an Amazon associates ID, but did not knowingly set up for the automatic links to take place. I’ve gone back to the Amazon associate page to try to figure out how to remove the links, but I cannot find that option any where. Anyone out there understand what I am talking about? Do you know how to get those links removed and how to keep them from automatically happening?
#3) I am really not the only one in the world losing my mind. Head over to my family blog for a funny story and to see what I’m talking about.
For a recipe that is guaranteed not to confuse anyone, take a look below for a (not light) comfort food dish! It is so non-confusing, even I could do it!
Cheesy Ham and Peas Tortellini
- 1 package 19 ounces frozen cheese tortellini or 1 package dry pasta cheese filled tortellini
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- 1 cup half and half cream
- 3 tablespoons Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
- 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1/2 cup shredded Romano cheese
- 12 ounces baked ham cubed (and heated through)
- 1 package 10 ounces frozen peas, cooked
- 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
- Cook tortellini according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, combine flour and cream until smooth. Stir in the miracle whip and the cheeses. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Reduce heat.
- Drain tortellini; add to the cheese sauce. Stir in the cooked ham, cooked peas and white pepper. Cook for an additional 5 minutes or until heated through. Yield: 4 servings
Hooray, a recipe that uses Miracle Whip! And I thought I was the only one who used it…. And as for the Amazon roll-over links, that’s something I think you can do/undo through the Amazon Associates home page. I ran my cursor over this post, though, and nothing came up.
I hate what has been happening with Blogger, Kristen – it’s terrible! I miss the comments!
That pasta dish you made could totally cheer me up, though. 😉
Hmmm, I’m not sure about any of your questions. I’ll have to check out the blogger thing, though, because I use blogger.
I’m so glad you posted this recipe! I had a roommate years ago that made a dish similar to this. I was just thinking about it the other day, and was going to try to find a recipe, but then got sidetracked. Now I can just bookmark this one!!
Yes, blogger changed their commenting policy. I now add a link to Redacted Recipes along with my name when commenting on favorite blogger blogs:
(like so: YOUR NAME at <a href="YOUR BLOG URL">YOUR BLOG NAME</a>)
Blogger accepts the html and that way people know who I am and can find me quickly.
Can’t help you with your second perplexing issue, unfortunately.
As for your third item… I’ve set off car alarms this way and then had to scuttle off as fast as possible while hoping nobody noticed how completely dill-brained I am. I have also locked myself and kids out of the car more than once.:-)
That Blogger thing drives me crazy! You can comment IF you have a Google account, and I can’t count the number of times I have tried to activate a Google account and then can’t use it. (this is me, pounding my keyboard in frustration)
I just use the ‘Anonymous’ option and make sure that I put my name and blog name in so the blog owner knows who I am, but it’s pretty ridiculous IMHO, and way too exclusive. Not to start a cat fight, but I started on Blogger and hated it with a passion. WordPress is SO much more user friendly!!!!
That Blogger thing drives me crazy! You can comment IF you have a Google account, and I can’t count the number of times I have tried to activate a Google account and then can’t use it. (this is me, pounding my keyboard in frustration)
I just use the ‘Anonymous’ option and make sure that I put my name and blog name in so the blog owner knows who I am, but it’s pretty ridiculous IMHO, and way too exclusive. Not to start a cat fight, but I started on Blogger and hated it with a passion. WordPress is SO much more user friendly!!!!
That Blogger thing drives me crazy! You can comment IF you have a Google account, and I can’t count the number of times I have tried to activate a Google account and then can’t use it. (this is me, pounding my keyboard in frustration)
I just use the ‘Anonymous’ option and make sure that I put my name and blog name in so the blog owner knows who I am, but it’s pretty ridiculous IMHO, and way too exclusive. Not to start a cat fight, but I started on Blogger and hated it with a passion. WordPress is SO much more user friendly!!!!
That Blogger thing drives me crazy! You can comment IF you have a Google account, and I can’t count the number of times I have tried to activate a Google account and then can’t use it. (this is me, pounding my keyboard in frustration)
I just use the ‘Anonymous’ option and make sure that I put my name and blog name in so the blog owner knows who I am, but it’s pretty ridiculous IMHO, and way too exclusive. Not to start a cat fight, but I started on Blogger and hated it with a passion. WordPress is SO much more user friendly!!!!
Another one who is driven nuts by the blogger change. I use the "nickname" area though so I can at least post who I am (though there is now not a link). I have several relatives who have (non food) blogs on blogger and this is causing them no end of trouble!
You can have me be a veteran blogger.
This looks very similar to one of my very fave Nigella Lawson recipes: Pasta with Ham, Peas & Cream. Always a good combo.
I’m a newbe! I would like to be adopted if you have enough veterans.
I just have to think my mom fixed this just with another noodle! So good.
Sorry I’m no help with blogger – I don’t see how anybody does any of that hmtl or url or any of that stuff. Hard enough for me to read a recipe.
I don’t know if there are visitors that cannot comment on my blog (hosted by blogger) but I do know that I have not been able to post on some of my fellow blogger blogs. Not sure what is up with that but in each case, I informed the blog author.
Hi I would like to take part in the blog mentorship, it sounds like a great idea!
Hi Kristen, my blog is a blogspot one and this is the first time I hear about these problems, I’ve been posting normally and other bloggers have been leaving comments in my place (non-blogspot). I’ll see if I find out something else.
Just wanted to say a BIG thankyou for the Blogger Adoption event, it’s such a wonderful idea, Am I still on time to publish something about it in my blog to see if you get more foodies, or is it too late?
I didn’t know about the blogger changes but it might explain a few things!
blogger sucks i hate what they did too. your pasta looks delish! yums 😉