"Middle children can feel forgotten or overlooked because of the attention or demands of either the firstborns or the lastborns. Some of these children never seem to find their place in the social order, and they try to rebel or misbehave in order to draw attention to themselves."
Kelly is my middle child. Kelly also celebrated her fourth birthday one week ago today. In true "overlooked" middle child fashion, it has taken me an entire week to get a post up here to acknowledge her birthday.
Kelly is anything but overlooked…she would not allow it! She demands attention, and usually gets it, anywhere she goes. Kelly is sweet and stubborn all wrapped up in one beautiful little package. She is definitely my diva. She is so much fun and she has such a strong, adorable little personality.
Sweet, sweet, Kelly. We love you so much and cannot believe how grown up you are becoming. Thanks for being our special big girl. You will never be too big for mommy and daddy to hold you. We love you! Happy 4th Birthday ladybug!
happy birthday kelly! the most fashionable 4 yr old, I know.
Good for Kelly, not allowing to be a true middle child. I am a middle as well and I definitely found my place. It’s good to know that she’s loved, she’s got an AWESOME mom is great role model.
How cute! I love your description of her as a diva. That is always how I picture her. So adorable! Happy birthday Kelly!
P.S. I’m an "overlooked" middle child too. 🙂
Dear Sweet Kellybug, Grandpa says you will never be too old for him to want to sit by you. Love you, Sweetiepie and Happy Birthday.
What a beautiful post and what a beautiful picture of our dear Kelly girl. We love you very much and wish only the best for you, Kelly. Happy birthday you unique little princess. Love, Grandma Sugar
Happy Birthday, Kelly! So cute!!!
Happy Birthday to Kelly! I hope she had a fun and joy-filled day. And, in Russian tradition, congratulations on the anniversary of the birth of your child!
Happy Birthday to Kelly! She looks so grown up in her pictures, and very beautiful.