I realized today that I haven’t officially introduced you all to the newest member of our family. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve been seeing her pop up in my pictures quite often since the day we got her. She’s quickly fit right in and has become a very loved part of our crew.
Meg was a rescue dog. The people who found her rescued her from a home where she was tied up to a very short leash without food or water. She had a hernia that was so bad her intestines were coming out of her body. If she wouldn’t have been rescued the day she was, she would have died. We are so thankful she was found and that she came into our lives when she did.
After she was rescued and had her surgery to repair her hernia, Meg was in a Missouri Department of Corrections program called “Puppies for Parole“. I love this program and think it’s such a brilliant idea. They’ve had a lot of success with it in Missouri. Here’s a little bit about Puppies for Parole:
Puppies for Parole is a unique program made possible through our partnerships with animal shelters and animal advocate groups statewide. Selected offenders have the opportunity to become trainers to rescue dogs in the program. Offenders work with the dogs teaching them basic obedience skills and properly socializing the animals, making them more adoptable. Once the dogs have successfully completed the program they will be sent back to their original shelter to be placed up for adoption.
The benefits of this program are three-fold. Puppies for Parole gives offenders the skills necessary to support successful rehabilitation, reentry, ultimately improving public safety. At the same time, this is an opportunity for the offenders to re-pay Missouri communities and repair some of the debts caused by their crimes. We have seen this program have a profound effect on the inmates and staff, increasing the safety and security of the facility.
Meg is a 3 year old terrier mix. She came to us completely house trained and knows basic obedience skills, like sit, stay and lay down. She is extremely well behaved, although is a little skittish when it comes to unexpected loud noises. She also likes other dogs, but pretends to be fierce when she’s around dogs bigger than her. We also think she was abused before and it must have been by a man, as she’s taken awhile to really trust Nick. She still barks at him, but then immediately follows the barking with her tail wagging and a nudge for him to pet her.
She loves the kids so much… and loves to help me with my work when the kids are at school. The saddest part of her day is when the kids head off to school. The happiest part of her day is when she sees them coming home through her perch at the window. She loves to go on car rides and loves to snuggle up on the couch and be brushed or petted. Much to the kids dismay, she hasn’t taken a lot of interest in the toys we’ve gotten her, but she sure loves dog treats!
Like I said before, she’s definitley very quickly become a beloved member of our family.
It’s been 9 years since we’ve had a furball in the household, and I forgot how much I missed it. Having her to hang out with during the day has made me really happy.
If you are looking for a pet and live in the Kansas / Missouri area, I highly recommend checking out the Puppies for Parole program, or other rescue animals on PetFinder.com. There are so many sweet animals out there who need families…I’m sure there is one just waiting for you!
If you have products or advice for us on things Meg might enjoy, please feel free to drop me a line and let me know. This all feels so new to us… we’d love to hear what works for you and the furry members of your family.
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Adorable. I’m so glad Meg has a loving family now. Lucky dog.
Welcome cute Meg! And what a luck dog she is that you found her. What a wonderful organization!
Hello cute puppy! She looks so happy! Glad she found a new home!
What a sweet puppy, your kids must be on top of the world.
Talk about a match made in heaven. She is so cute. 🙂
Oh my word! I definitely teared up when I read Meg’s story. I just don’t get how people could do that to a defenseless animal. I find dogs and pets come into our lives at just the right time and fill our hearts with so much needed joy. A big hug and smooch and an even bigger welcome to Meg! She is going to be one looooved pup!
Thanks so much for introducing us to her formally! She’s a doll and so glad it’s all worked out. Soooo happy for you guys!! Keep SHARING pictures!!! xoxo
What a sweet puppy! It sounds as though both she and your family are feeling pretty lucky.
what an awesome program! it sounds like a win win for everyone
Meg looks so sweet! Love the pics! Congrats on the new edition to the fam and for giving her a loving home. For doggie supplies we really love Dr. Foster & Smith (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/). Great prices and fast shipping. They also have a lot of good pet info on their site and it has really helped us when we got our puppy.
My advice is to make sure she never is outside without being on a leash. They can get away so quickly and there are a lot of cars in your neighborhood. We both know what it feels like to have a dog run over by a car. She is delightful and such a good jumper. Have the kids teach her to jump over hurdles. I’m sure she would love it.
Love this! I can’t imagine life without our dogs. We have catahoula cow dogs and a dachshund, they are part of the family.
What an awesome program. Oh what a sweet face she has. Love the name too! Did you get to name her, or did she come with a name?
What a great program Puppies for Parole. Meg is so lucky to have you in her life (though I suspect the feeling is more than mutual). She’s adorable!
Meg looks so sweet! I’m so glad she has fit into your family so well and she is bringing so much joy! I’m sure she feels immense gratitude that you are doing the same for her! Just wish I could have met her before we moved… going to have to plan a trip back to visit all of you and meet her!
That programs sounds so awesome Kristen and Meg seems so perfect for your family!!
I was telling Steve a few months ago about how happy I think we are because of the joy Cullen brings to our life…..I love that animals can do that to us!
What a perfect match! We had a similar experience with a mixed terrier that we had adopted, when I was a kid, who came from an abusive home. I am so happy Meg has found your family! I adore your pics of her!
Meg is a lucky dog thatfinally found a home where is going to be loved by all of you. I’m so glad.
What an awesome program! We’re currently fostering a dog, and it’s such a happy energy that they bring into the home.
Oh my goodness me, Kristen. Meg is absolutely precious! I’m in love with her sweet face. Those eyes!!! I know your children are loving her and she has to be great company for you during the day while they are in school, too. So much joy from sweet little furry babies.
In the nearly 20 years I’ve been married, we’ve had three dogs (1 who died and 2 with us now)… that all came from rescues. I LOVE seeing other families who open their hearts to save dogs. Meg just looks SO sweet. I love all the pictures of her waiting for the kids on Instagram. Thanks for sharing her with us.
She has adapted so quickly! I’m so happy for you all!! We feed our dogs Wellness food & give them Welness treats (Lexi our 6 yo, 50 pound lab/beagle mix gets the crunchy treats, Lily our 3 yo Maltese gets 1/2 of a chewy treat). They love them! We get their toys @ Petsmart, Lexi prefers tennis balls, ropes to play tug with & her giraffe Kong toy. Lily has a small rope she loves to run around the house with. Lily prefers plush dog toys & still loves to chew so she has plenty of rubbery toys. We have a Martha Stewart folding toy bin for all of their toys. It’s fun watching them both trying to get toys out @ the same time. If only we could teach them to put their toys away! Having dogs are so much fun & such a great way to help kids learn responsibility.
It’s like she’s always been a part of your family, she’s fit in seamlessly. The missing puzzle piece had been put in place. Meg is adorable! Woof!
Meg is so sweet! I’m from St. Louis and I’ve never heard of puppies on patrol but am off to check it out now. What a fabulous program and I am so glad that sweet dog found her way into your hearts and lives.
Enjoy her… there is nothing better than the family dog!
Nicole – definitley spread the word to anyone you know in the area looking for a dog! They have so many sweet dogs available through that program and are wonderful to work with!
OMG I love her!
Awwwww Meg is adorable! She reminds me a lot of my first dog, Chief, who was a beagle terrier mix. So happy that you were able to rescue her and give her a loving home. Dogs really do add a special kind of joy to life 🙂
Don’t worry too much about the toys. My rescued beagle, Ginger, never plays with toys. I think it’s something they tend to learn as puppies, and if they don’t, well… they just don’t play with toys. We spoil Ginger with blankets for her favorite spot on the couch and human food treats – her favorites are chicken/turkey, pumpkin, salmon and eggs 🙂
You might also find that Meg will eventually adjust to a lot of things. It took Ginger a couple of months to work up the courage to explore our house outside of the living room, and even longer to learn how to go up and down stairs! She still jumps about 3 feet in the air at unexpected loud noises though. lol I find it really takes up to a whole year or even 2 for them to relax in their forever home and let their true personalities show. I hope you and your family have many wonderful years of discovery, love, and joy with Meg!
Love her and love how she came to you! Our first dog, Nicholas, was a rescue with almost identical circumstances to Meg! (only he was also abused by the neighbor kids *sad face*) I am sure Meg is going to be a beloved addition for a long, long time!!!
Oh Amanda, that breaks my heart. I don’t know how anyone could abuse a dog. 🙁
She’s adorable! I have a rescue dog who is wonderful and keeps me company all day.
Adorable! Welcome back to dog land! 🙂
Meg looks like she’s been a part of your family all along. The rescue program is such a great thing–I think you’ve earned wings for this one. 🙂
So adorable! Nice work rescuing a pup in need.
I cannot handle her face, it is heavenly. The first photo with those huge brown eyes seriously melt my heart. Then I read on and know why. I can see how happy she is to have a house full of love and family after what she has been through. I am so happy for you and your family, just amazing.
Congratulations!!! She is adorable. Thank you SO much for adopting!
Kristen, what an adorable pet! It almost makes me want one. We do have pets – 4 backyard chickens – but they’re not that into riding in the car or letting people pet them. They do give us the best eggs and keep my compost pile working!
Congratulations on your new family member ~
Hello Meg! My kiddos (and hubby) want a dog sooo bad! I’ll have to let them live vicariously through you!
What an amazing program! I hope other states replicate such a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved.
Meg is adorable! I want a dog now.
I’m such an emotional sap when it comes to pets. I even teared up reading your post about Meg being possibly abused. It’s so sad to see animals mistreated especially when they just want someone to love them. I am so happy that your family is enjoying Meg! I can’t wait to see more pictures!
I. love. her. A little Benji girl. I was on the board and helped run an animal rescue in LA for 7 years before we moved back to SLC, muchlove.org and I am so proud when friends adopt instead of buy their pets. Let Nick know she needs to warm up to him on her own time, so when he enters a room to ignore her when he sees her, let her approach him and warm up. It’ll be hard but she’ll come around. Also, if he’s in charge of feeding her, and giving her treats she’ll realize he is her support, where her food comes from. If you have any questions, let me know. I’ve fostered so many I’ve been through it all.
I too have a tender spot in my heart for animals in general and have a really difficult time not donating the entire budget whenever one of the heart-wrenching commericals come on. We “adopted” our little Kitt as a rescue puppy three years ago. And we love and adore her, she helps to make our lives complete.
She’s adorable! And the Puppies for Parole program sounds awesome. Rescue animals are the way to go. We have two cats who are both “rescues”, technically. One was a stray in my mom’s backyard and the other we actually adopted through an animal adoption/foster program. They are definitely the best. 🙂
Oh she is just darling. I think all of the puppies for parole programs are wonderful. We rescued our dog and we too fear that she was abused. Its a good thing both of our dogs have loving families and a warm home to be in! Congrats on the new addition.
Oh Meg is adorable! We were toying around with the idea of getting a dog …. we will see.
Such a terrific story. Fortunately with a happy end.
Meg is a adorable. My two chihuahuas were rescues and I’ve had them for 11 years and just can’t imagine life without them. When an animal has been abused, first they are so grateful but there are still unexpected reactions like being leery of men, my two were, Summer especially with men with Hispanic accents. My Autumn still, after all this time of spoiling and adoration still freezes when I call her and tries to make herself as small as possible on the floor. But then, she comes back to the present and is her happy self. You did a great deed adopting that sweet baby and the love she will give you and your children is boundless. God Bless to you and your family. That program sounds great, helpful for the animals and certainly for the parolees.