You know those food courts that are in the mall? They are often filled with restaurants full of bad things for you. Fried food, high sodium, grease, trans fats, sugar, etc. etc. I will be the first to admit that mall food isn’t my favorite thing in the world. I often cringe when I find myself at the mall with my kids and it is meal time. They start begging for something to eat… something in the "not so good for you" category. Food courts are convienent, but not always the best place for healthy options.
I will also be the first to admit that I do have some mall favorites. Growing up, a big old slab of Sbarro’s pepperoni pizza was my answer when someone would ask me what my favorite food was. When I was pregnant with my first child, I became addicted to the Kung Pao Chicken at Panda Express. When I was pregnant with Ella, my third baby, the pretzel bites at Pretzel Time were a favorite and because I had two other kids, they quickly became a favorite of theirs as well.
We’re snowed in today. Another lovely snow day in Kansas City. You all know how that makes me feel. I knew I was in trouble when shortly after waking up, Kelly started begging for pretzel bites. Jacob soon got on the bandwagon and started hounding me about going to the mall to get pretzel bites. As good as they sounded, there was no way I was going out in this weather simply to satisfy a food craving.
I have made homemade pretzels before and they were pretty good. I decided to give them a try for lunch today. I used a bread machine recipe, which made it easy for me to get some work done this morning while my bread maker did the other work. When the dough was done and the pretzels were shaped, I decided to cut some of them into "bites", put some pepperoni and mozzarella on some others, and leave some of them just plain with coarse salt.
This was a great lunch… my kids were so excited that Mommy had made pretzel bites like at the mall. I was happy that they stopped begging and making a trip out in the snow wasn’t necessary.
Now you are making mall food?!?!? You continue to amaze me with your culinary skills!
My favorite mall food, TCBY frozen yogurt thingy with m&ms mixed in. yum yum yum.
My kids love Panda Express too!
Pretzels look great,I can see the salt on top.YUMMY!!Have a great V’day tomorrow!:))
Those look so good. I would love to have a bread machine but once I post pics of my kitchen (once I’ve gotten it organized) you’ll see no room for another appliance. I just want a workspace large enough to roll out dough!
Divine: warm and not unhealthy snack yummy for all. Happy V Day.
I love this post! And your photo is fantastic!
I used to make homemade pretzels with my mom when I was little. Thanks, you just reminded me of dear memories.
Any chance you could pass on the recipe? I use my bread machine for lots of things, but have never tried a pretzel dough. Would be fun for video rental night!
I personally enjoy mall food sometimes. I used to drive 20 miles to get my Panda Express fix! I rarely eat it so I consider it a treat.
you know I’m a bread monster, I have to make these!!! Pretzel bites, look and sound too cute!
My favorite mall food is also pretzel but made by an Italian pizzeria, sort of NY style, I like it because it’s HUGE, bigger than my head *lol*
The photo is fantastic, Kristen!
I’ve never made pretzels at home and I feel like making some soon!
The bites look delicious, I love bite-sized food!
You never cease to amaze me! What a super-Mom you are! Those pretzels look amazing!
Now THAT is being a resourceful mommy!
Those look delicious!
I’ve never had children and I am addicted to mall food 🙂
Wow…I’m and work and getting hungry just reading and looking…too bad you can’t send one thru the computer…
I’ve been wanting to make pretzels ever since I made bagels, it might just happen sooner rather than later, yours look great!
Oh I love mall food. We rarely ever go to the mall but when we do, I usually go to this place called "Manchu Wok". They are like Panda Express. There’s also Sbarro’s, which I LOVE. And don’t forget Cinnabon. Yummm…Cinnabon.
I am so going to the mall soon. *Drool*
The newest "food" fashion I took in up in San Francisco, was Papa Beards!
What a great mom idea – keep the kids happy but avoid the hassle of the snow. 🙂
Bread and milk are always the first to go at the piggley wiggley if the weather men predict snow. You spent the day making your own- That is awesome!!
Those look absolutely delicious! What a fabulous job you did! Great picture as well – one thing I’m not is good with a camera 🙂
Thanks for stopping by the other day!
I love this bread ! What a great mom idea !!
I miss soft pretzels – we don’t have them here in the UK so I’m going to give this recipe a try!
These look great, Kristen.
OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU. I am so trying this! I adore Auntie Anne’s pretzels. I even wrote an entry about them in my other blog!
I can’t wait to try these out… Thanks again!