Several months ago, my husband gave me the gift of a KitchenAid pasta maker attachment. To be honest with you, I was excited, but a little intimidated. I’m not sure why, but making your own pasta just seemed like it would be quite the process. I’ve made my moms homemade egg noodles for her delicious and oh so easy Chicken and Noodles recipe, but the thought of actual shaped pasta? It just seemed like it would be more trouble than it was worth.
I’m here to fess up to you all… I was wrong. I found out yesterday that making homemade pasta using the KitchenAid pasta attachment is…
(that says Fun, if you aren’t fluent in pasta)
You should have seen how excited I was when my little pieces of rigatoni were all laid out. I felt like I had accomplished something really huge. Oh…and do you want to know a little secret? It was beyond easy. I won’t tell that to just anyone because I want there to be some big gasp of amazement when they hear that I made my own pasta, but I feel like we’re friends…you can know that making homemade pasta using the KitchenAid attachment is about as simple as it gets.
Oh – can I tell you one more thing? I made an Italian Chicken and Pasta dish using the homemade Rigatoni noodles and it was so good. It may have just been me, but knowing that I made the pasta from scratch just made the dish all that much better! (I’ll share that recipe with you later in the week, I promise!)
What are you waiting for? Get in the kitchen and have some fun making your own homemade, fresh pasta noodles. You’ll love it, I promise!
Linking this up to the I’m Lovin’ It roundup over at TidyMom!
Homemade Fresh Pasta Noodles
- 3 1/2 cups all purpose flour sifted
- 4 large eggs
- 1 Tablespoon Water
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Place flour into the mixer bowl. Turn your mixer on to speed 2 with the flat beater attached.
- Gradually add the eggs, water and the salt and mix for 30 seconds.
- Remove the flat beater and attach the dough hook. Turn to speed 2 and knead for 2 minutes
- Dough will be crumbly... you may need to add additional water, 1 teaspoon at a time, until the dough takes on a more firm consistency.
- Dump dough out onto a slightly floured bread board. Knead dough by hand then shape into walnut size balls to extrude through the KitchenAid attachment. (Please follow instruction manual for additional instructions)
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I stare at that attachment every time I walk into the store and wonder whether it’s worth it. After reading this, I may just have to run out and buy one. It looks great. Thanks for the feedback!
It is well worth it to purchase this item. I love it and I never buy store bought pasta anymore. Homemade taste so much better
One. Of the next thing on my list to get is a pasta maker. I’ve been wondering about the kitchen aid one. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, so good to find out you had fun with it! I’ve been checking that attachment for so long but couldn’t decide whether to invest on it or not. One of the videos on youtube I saw looked like the woman was having a hard time shaping and cutting the pasta from the machine as it goes out. I’m guessing it’s the pasta dough itself.
I would be so tickled to make rigatoni. I’m not sure exactly why but the fact you made that pretty tube shaped pasta from 4 simple ingredients puts a big smile on my face. I bet it was tender and tasted great.
We have a basic pasta roller (for doing flat noodles) already, my parents gave it to us a couple years ago. We love it, but have been wanting to do more. I knew Kitchen-Aid made a pasta attachment, and have wondered if it was worth the money. Clearly, the answer is yes! Looks like I need to start planning a few attachment purchases for one of my favorite kitchen appliances! 🙂
That has to be the most darling pasta that I’ve ever seen! I bet it tasted fantastic too! *Fun* all the way around!
I am totally intimidated!! Guess i need to buy one of those handy dandy pasta things. That and the kitchenaid mixer. 😉
What a great way to pasta the time away! (ouch — sorry!)
Looks great! I don’t have a pasta maker, but I will attest to the wonders of kitchen aide’s instruction manual recipes. I lost my mixer manual in a move and was heartbroken! The sticky buns and pizza dough recipes were the best I’ve ever tried. Luckily, over the years, I’ve found them online. I won’t lose them again, that’s for sure!!
Oh so cool! Good for you. I’ve been wanting to make fresh homemade pasta too but haven’t worked up my nerve. You have inspired me to make some really soon. I love that you said it was easy and FUN! So cute how you spelled it out in rigatoni! Pasta perfect! Thanks for letting us know 🙂
We love our KA pasta attachment. Looks like you are a pro already! Love the noodles!
What fun indeed! I have been holding out on buying a pasta machine just because I want to buy a Kitchenaid and I know I can buy an attachment … ah well, soon! Home made rigatoni .. wow!
I am more than jealous. I lack the kitchen space for a stanf mixer, so I can’t get the atachment. Maybe some remodeling is in order. Or I can toss the adult children out, that should clear up enough space.
Fun! And cool. I’ve been wanting to make homemade pasta for a long time but have been quite the chicken about it, but you make it sound like a cinch. I think I know what I’m asking for my birthday gift.
I have almost purchased this attachment numerous times, but I am always so intimidated! Thanks for posting this, maybe now I’ll take the leap and buy it!
Can’t believe you made rigatoni at home! For some reason it never occurred to me that you could make fancier shapes, I thought it would be limited to spaghetti or linguine. I’m going to have to look into getting an attachment for my Kitchenaid.
OMG – that looks fantastic. You take the intimidation out of it, Kristen!!!
I’ve got that attachment too – FUN is right! I’ll need to try the rigatoni next. I’ve only done macaroni so far.
You have inspired me to take my attachment out of the pantry and actually use it. Love how you spelled the word “fun” – very cleaver! 🙂
I’ve wondered about that attachment. I have a hand crank pasta maker, but haven’t used it in years (pre-kids). I remember the fresh pasta being so good! This looks like alot less work, with a larger variety of pasta. Guess I’m going to have to check out another piece of hardware!
I have the older ones (the pasta roller plus the noodle ones). I haven’t been able to get them to work yet! Maybe I should sell them and buy one of these!
This pasta looks great, I would be very impressed with myself if I managed to make my own pasta. I can’t wait to see your Italian Chicken and Pasta recipe.
This convinced me that it’s time to get a KitchenAid pasta maker attachment!
How sweet of your hubs to get you that fabulous kitchen toy 🙂 Nothing like homemade pasta. Packaged could never taste anything like it. I bet your kids love helping with this one. xo
I bet these are great!! I don’t have this attachment, and am officially green with envy.
OK, Kristen….this post is making me giddy. Homemade PASTA?!? I have seen the attachment, but never even considered buying it b/c I thought it would be to difficult to do. Oh my gosh….I think I see homemade pasta in our future. 🙂 So excited!
You make it sound so easy! I’ve been to chicken to try. I’ve got a question regarding the attachment. What other shapes does it make?
I am also a bit intimidated by homemade pasta, but have always wanted to try. This looks amazing!!
Your pasta looks fabulous! I don’t have the KA attachment, but I do have a pasta roller, and I just love making homemade ravioli and linguine. Now I’m craving some homemade pasta again!
I honestly should dust off my pasta maker, bought one years and years ago and haven’t used it in forever. Can’t remember why I have stuck it away, there really isn’t anything better than homemade pasta. Thanks for the post today, to the basement I shall go and see if I can find mine, haha!
I, too, got this attachment for my birthday. The first time I used it, the ring that holds the die in place cracked in half. Kitchen Aid says the part is out of stock, and doesn’t know if or when it will come in. I feel like tossing it into the garbage. I hope you have better luck then I did.
gotta love homemade anything – but pasta – it’s just the most delicious thing ever…
I have been deliberating if I should get this… I guess you’ve just removed all my doubts!
That attachment looks soooooooo fun! I’ve made homemade pasta but only at a cooking class, and have never mustered upmthe energy to make it again. You’re tempting me though with those pretzelmbites, I need to figure out if I could do it without the bread machine. I love that you love gadgets, I do too!
Homemade pasta is my favourite thing to make! But I’ve never done shapes, looks awesome!
My daughters gifted me with this attachment and it is still in the box. Why? What is the matter with me. Thank you for the truckload of inspiration here!
Love those noodles! Homemade everything just tastes better to me – well, except for Starbucks.
I have this attachment. I got it a few months ago and yet to even open it. I love how beautiful yours turned out! I’m so encouraged to try mine, especially after reading how much your little one loved it. This is going to be a great little dinner project for me and my little guy! Thanks for sharing.
Making fresh pastas at home is a luxury to be enjoyed by everyone.
If you love your pasta, the best is to make your own pasta at home. You can either get a manual pastamaker or an automatic one.
With a pasta machine, you can experiment with different types of pasta shapes, ingredients and fillings. Freshly made pastas are able to absorb the sauces better too.
Bon Appetito
Nora Jeanne
My hubby bought me the KitchenAid pasta attachment for Christmas and I LOVE IT. The thought of making homemade pasta just seemed too intimidating to me, but now, I will never go back to boxed pasta again. What could be easier, or taste better than a homemade pasta tossed with garlic and olive oil? So quick, easy and super tasting. Plus, no one needs to know that you didn’t spend hours in the kitchen.
Love those pasta. I would be very impressed with myself if I managed to make my own pasta.
I just purchased this after two other brands broke . I love it!!
I thought the rigatoni was a bit heavy. Does anyone have a recipe for lighter rigatoni. I used 1 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 cup semolina, 2 eggs, olive oil and a little water.
Try 1/2 cup bread flour, 1 cup flour
This homemade pasta looks so delicious and the instructions are straightforward.
This homemade pasta looks so delicious .
I stopped where your recipe said dough would be crumbly and di not incorporate it. I also used 3 cups to 4 eggs. In watching extruded pasta videos online you can see they dump the dough in after it is mixed to a crumbly texture. To get this drizzle in the liquids at a tiny stream and move from one side of the mixer bowl to the other as the paddle attachment is running. If you watch Soba noodle Masters from Japan this is a crucial step before forming a dough ‘boule’. But the kitchenaid extruder works better if you just dump the crumbly mixture in. But you have to baby sit it and put it in little by little. I somewhat dangerously had to use a fork and pull it back so it doesn’t get bound up in the auger. That being said, yours is the first recipe that the kitchen aid mixer seems to like. I was considering selling it until just now when it finally worked. So thank-you!
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! It helped me make homemade noodles with my kitchen-aidfor the first time. Oh my gosh! They are sooo good!!!
I’m so glad! It’s like magic 🙂