Ilva over at Lucullian Delights has challenged all of us food bloggers to show everyone where the magic happens… the Kitchen. I love a challenge and I love seeing kitchens, so I was more than happy to participate.
Here are two pictures of my kitchen. The second photo is of one of my favorite features in our kitchen… our walk in pantry. It’s big enough to store almost everything I need, and as you can see, is well stocked and a mess.
I hope that you’ll join in the challenge too! I look forward to seeing your kitchens.
I wish we had a pantry!!
I just remodeled half my house…including the kitchen. If you want to see pictures, come on over to my blog and click on house remodel photos. I haven’t posted the lastest photos of the completed kitchen yet! My blog:
wow! you have a gorgeous kitchen. Mine is so embarrassing that I don’t know if I’ll muster up the courage to display a picture of it!
Rachel – I love, love, love it, although I need to get it back into the organized space it used to be.
Wendy – I took a look at your remodel. You must be going crazy with your house apart like that. It’s gorgeous though! What a fun project!
Veuveclicquot – Oh…don’t be embarassed! Please display your photo! It’s so much fun to see where everyone spends most of their time.
Your kitchen is gorgeous! And I love that pantry, wish I had one.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your kitchen, Kristen! It matches you – elegant and sleek. I love the Bon Appetite sign above the counter. Very nice. Glad to see it too! 🙂
I love your kitchen. I can’t wait to have a house of my own (12-18 months), I’m so sick of small apartment ones. I want to be able to pick out appliances and paint the walls. AND your pantry, *faint* you have space to store food!
What a beautiful kitchen! I am so jealous of your pantry 🙂
Your kitchen is wonderful, we must think alike. I love all the stained wood in yours and the floors. I know just what you mean about the pantry – I was sure I’d keep mine so neat, ha, ha. I feel like I’m always straightening it up and it’s always disarrayed.
You have a beautiful family!!
Love your kitchen Kristen!It is so spacious and has a great floor plan.
Kristen, I’m stunned – your kitchen is fantastic! Soooo beautiful!
I live in a ridiculously small apartment and have to prepare my food in almost no space at all.
I love the color the wood color and those three chairs are lovely!
I posted on our little kitchen home project…nothing like Wendy’s! I’ll show a picture of my panty once I clean it up…resolution #1?
I love how open your kitchen is! I’m going to have to post a pic of mine once I get it somewhat cleaned up…
you have a beautiful kitchen. alas, i will not post mine as I live in a tiny hole in the wall over priced apartment built circa 1940, and i’m still finding dust circa 1940. i’ll just close my eyes and dream i’m in your kitchen!
So jealous!
I live in one bedroom apartment in Hollywood. I think my kitchen can fit in your pantry.
I’m going to do this when I get back in town.
It’s a beautiful kitchen, Kristen. Mine is half that size and always messy. I will do a feature on it though, one of these days.
you have such a lovely, elegant and CLEAN kitchen! Give me some time (in cleaning, ha!), and should post mine in a couple of weeks.
What a beautiful kitchen you have! I love the wood floors and especially the pantry.
I love your Kitchen !
Happy New Year 🙂
What a great thing to have a pantry! I have some pull out pantry shelves which are nice and an easy way to keep things organized but the overflow is all stored in an undercounter-cupboard that is so chock full of stuff that I have to get down on my hands and knees and pull stuff out in order to find whatever it is I’m looking for. Terrible!
Hi Kristen, that is true courage to show us the contents of your pantry…MMMM Cheez-its! Looks like you have great lighting and counterspace.
Calli –
I agree… I’m kind of embarassed that I posted that picture before straightening up! I did, however, clean out the pantry yesterday so maybe I should post a new picture 🙂
Cheez-its… ick to my but my 3 year old practically lives on the things!
WOW! My husband and I are buying a house later this year, and I’m going to keep a pic of your kitchen as my "ideal." I too was a bit embarrassed to take a photo of my kitchen, but I’ll do it… just for the sake of amusement. You’ll see what I mean! 🙂
Love that island…
What a gorgeous kitchen-no wonder you enjoy cooking so much! How wonderful!
I love it and the pantry is awesome.
What a lovely kitchen. Love the wood. Your pantry is fantastic.
Wow! What a beautiful kitchen you have, Kristen! Love the wood floors, the cabinetry and the island!So basically, I love EVERYTHING! 🙂 And the pantry is not a mess at all, K. You should see mine! 🙂
Followed the link at Ilva’s. Gorgeous Kitchen! and the pantry … Wow, I can only dream 🙂
Thats my dream kitchen! Its huge and allows family and friends to sit around you as you cook. I’m in love with it.
I’m drooling over all that storage space! And a real pantry! *Sigh* :).
I would love your pantry!!!
Your kitchen is really beautiful!! Bright, spacious and airy. It must be a joy to cook and eat in!
I have kitchen envy! I am generally pleased with my kitchen, since my new kitchen is about three times the size of my old one (more an indicator of the tininess of my old kitchen rather than the size of my new one), but since we added it as part of an addition, I couldn’t get everything I would’ve wanted (formica, not granite; no central island). The things I like best- my pantry (not a walk-in, but great all the same), my Dacor dual-fuel range, my goose-neck faucet and my ceramic tile floors (easy care with 6 kids and 2 dogs!)