So, this is the summer I finally learn to grill. It’s on my own personal bucket list and it is going to happen.
If you follow me on Instagram you may have noticed that my nickname for our grill is “The Ghetto Grill”… case in point…
Notice the knobs? They don’t exist. So, to turn on the ghetto grill, my husband has rigged some special kind of contraption that involves pliers, an oven mitt, and prayer. It’s not pretty, y’all – and our grill has been this way since the first time we used it and the knobs melted off.
The other day I attempted to grill something for the first time and it ended with my husband rushing inside, yelling at me to grab a bucket of water. Ummm… apparently flames shooting up, licking the side of the house is not good grilling form. Who knew?
I will admit to laughing a bit when my friends at McCormick Spices and Seasonings asked me to share their 2013 Grilling Flavor Forecast with you all. They probably don’t know that I have a tendency to catch things on fire when I grill – and I doubt burnt to a crisp steak is on their flavor forecast. However, I thought after reading some of their ideas, “What a great guide for me to follow as I learn how to grill this summer!” So therefore, here I am, sharing the 2013 Grilling Flavor Forecast with you, which will include a couple more posts about how I incorporate those flavors into my newbie grilling experience.
I’ll be using some of the Grill Mates new products – like Backyard Brew Marinade and Vintage Smokehouse Sauce – to make whatever I create absolutely perfect!
According to the experts at McCormick, the flavors to watch this summer are Sweet Tea, Pecan Wood, Smoked Tomato, Ginger, White Peach and Whiskey.
In addition, DIY Condiments, 5-Minute Marinating, Charred Fruit Drinks (hey – I may be good at this one!), Social S’Mores, Smoke and Spice parings and Breads on the Grill are all techniques and pairings that are hot this year!
To download the comprehensive McCormick 2013 Grilling Flavor Forecast pdf, head on over to the McCormick website.
Let Me know…
Now I want to hear from you… what is the first thing I should attempt to cook on the grill (without burning down the house)? I am bound and determined that this is the last year I’ll be reliant on my husband to man the ghetto grill… it’s time this girl learns the tricks of the grilling trade.
Disclosure: This is a compensated post on behalf of McCormick Spices and Seasonings. All opinions expressed are my own. Thanks for supporting those brands who help make it possible for me to continue bringing great content to my little space on the web!
You burned the knobs off!! I would grill something quick – maybe salmon!
The knobs melted off? Oh my!! You guys are trooper to have been using this grill all this time 🙂
Bahahaha I’m dying over the ghetto grill! We’re in a rental and didn’t want to invest in a big grill this summer, so we grill on this teensy portable camping grill and it’s just silly. But I love it!
I think you’d do really really well at starting off with some chicken and veggies – those are the best and easiest things to make! Or a pizza…I’m trying my hand at that tomorrow 😉
The getto grill! That is so my my gril and my family!
I think that you can do it. Did you know that most home improvement stores and hardware stores have replacement knobs? On an old grill, we lost knobs during transport to & from the farm. Now, I prefer charcoal for better flavor and really think it is easier than gas…but more time consuming.
Haha — love this. And I definitely hope there are more of your newbie grilling photos to come! 😉
I rely on my husband to do the grilling too, but I love that he does it. Start with some burgers, they are easy 🙂 Mine still never taste as good as his do! 🙂 Good luck!
I love the picture of your grill! Ours isn’t far behind! My husband pretends to be the griller in the family. I do most of the work and then he swoops in for the big finish! Looking forward to your grilling posts!
I need to learn to grill this summer, too!
After years of competition BBQ I realized Mc is not the best spice company out there. I have my spices ground daily and it’s not that expensive to have done. Have you tried grill on salt tiles? They are amazing!!!
lol… catching things on fire. Maybe we should have a conference session for grilling?
Oh honey. You better start slow. How about a hot dog.? 🙂
Hehehe – that made me laugh out loud. I think you are probably right!
I’ve been grilling everything in my kitchen, I’m in love with grilled corn with sriracha buuter (!!!!) and grilled pizza (for real).
Haha- I love the ghetto grill story, Kristen! I recommend bbq chicken and definitely a pineapple!
so funny! I’m a BIG griller! I do 95% of the grilling at our house, and most of what we cook is grilled,- all year long, but of course, more so in the summer!!
My favorite bit of advice- cook almost everything on Medium indirect heat –that means, start your grill on high to heat it up, then turn the middle burner off and the other two to medium. – most of what we cook will cook this way. With the exception to steaks – I will sear them on high for just a few minutes first (on one side) – then finish them up on medium indirect 😉
happy grilling!!
I’m sorry, but I got a big kick out of this post. Time for a new grill! 🙂 Good luck with your summer grilling, can’t wait to see your journey!