Hi all! Just a little housekeeping post this morning. I recently found out that with some recent blog changes, I accidentally messed up my RSS subscriber feed and unintentionally dropped most of my subscribers. This means, if you subscribe to Dine & Dish via RSS feed like Google Reader, it’s possible you haven’t been getting my updates.
I’d love it if you’d re-subscribe to Dine & Dish via RSS. You can do so by clicking here… I promise not to tinker around with anything else without a professional at my side!
While we’re at it, did you know that you can subscribe to Dine & Dish updates via email? These include a weekend recap as well as post updates during the week. It’s my favorite way to stay in touch, simply because I love the beautiful email template Alison with Polish Your Blog created for me. Subscribe HERE to email updates and check it out. Allison is super talented, so if you are looking for someone experienced in email template design, I highly recommend her!
Of course, I’m also on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Let’s connect there as well if we haven’t already!
Oh! If you are a brand or business interested in partnering or advertising, I have a new media page (also designed by Alison) I’d love to share with you. Email me at kristen <at> dineanddish.net or contact me through the form above.
As always, I truly appreciate your support of Dine & Dish. I hope some day, we can connect in real life… wouldn’t that be fun?
Thanks again!
You’re still showing up in my google reader, so all’s good on this end. 🙂 Thanks for the link to Alison by the way, I was going to message you about her info, I need a good (affordable) person to help out with the technical things occassionaly. Thanks Kristen!
Oh good – thanks for letting me know, Amber! I subscribe via RSS too just to make sure it works right, but feedburner shows the day of the changes I lost thousands of subscribers. Random.
Alison is great for design projects! If you want my backend tech guru, that is Robin and she’s absolutely wonderful too. I’ll email her info to you!
Yes that would be fun. How about June in Austin? Does that work for you? xo
That would be AWESOME! 🙂 Can’t wait to see you IRL then!
I vote for anytime this summer in Orlando !!