I have to apologize for the lack of posts over in this section this week. My kids just haven’t giving me much material to work with. Here’s why:
You know it is a bad sign when after naps, a 3 year old and a 5 year old come down stairs, plop on the couch and fall back asleep. They have both been running fevers this week, so things around here have been pretty tame.
They are arguing with each other today, so I know they are feeling better. Is it bad of me to say that I’ve kind of enjoyed the lack of energy they’ve had the past couple of days? Is that something I shouldn’t admit out loud? Of course, I feel so bad for them that they don’t feel well, but the quietness has been kind of nice!
I am positive they’ll be back to their normal selves next week and I’ll be back to having good material to write about. Until then, I’m going to take advantage of the quiet!
They are so cute – even with their rosey, feverish cheeks. Bless their hearts! I hope Ella doesn’t get it! I love how Kelly is sleeping with her hands under her face. She positively looks like an ANGEL!
I’m sorry about the sick kiddies and I’m glad that they are feeling better!