My husband and I just returned from a wonderful kid-free vacation getaway with some of our very best friends. Several days of sunshine, good restaurants, great scenery, yummy beverages, beautiful company, and as always when we get together with these friends…fun and memorable times. Jan, Rob, Stacy and Bryon…we love you guys and miss you already!
While we were traveling to see some sites one day, we got to chatting and someone asked the question “If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would it be?”. My answer was that I wish I could find my ability to focus again. I know I keep rambling on about this throughout my blog lately, but I feel like I am doing a ton of things but really not accomplishing any one thing well. I’m not complaining… I love everything I am doing. Of course, I LOVE being a mom and everything involved with that. I also really enjoy the recruiting I am doing…it is such a nice change of pace from my old recruiting job. Writing for the magazine (which, by the way, published its first issue this past week! If you want a pdf copy, e-mail me) is a dream come true and I love it as well. I love it all, but feel like I am going in a thousand different directions. I completely lack focus. For the first time in my life, I have a stack of library books sitting on my island that are way overdue at the library. I have piles of folded laundry in my room that I cannot seem to find the time to put away. I have e-mails to send, late birthday cards to get out, bills to pay, groceries to shop for, friends to call, budgeting to do, projects to complete, etc….and nothing is getting done.
When I started thinking about my focus, one thing that I really began to realize that I missed doing was cooking and blogging like I used to. I have not been the best at keeping up on my blog and I have been horrible about planning and cooking our meals lately. I have also found zero time to visit my favorite blogs out there and to comment on your comments left here, and I hate that. I don’t think of blogging as an obligation. I think of it as something I enjoy doing and come hell or high water, I’ve decided to put blogging and visiting your blogs near the top of the list. It is a stress reliever for me…just like cooking. I am determined to find my focus again. It may take a little time and some schedule/priority changes, but I will be the organized, focused individual I once was.
Speaking of lack of focus…while on vacation, Nick and I decided to make dinner for our friends one night. We had the menu all planned out and then at the last minute, right before heading to the grocery store, the cover of the October 2007 issue of Family Circle magazine caught my eye and my plans changed for dessert. On the front cover was a picture of a delicious looking triple layer cake. The chocolate-glazed maple spice cake seemed like the perfect dessert for a fall day (even though it was 90 some degrees where we were at). Our friends agreed to be the guinea pigs for this recipe and I set out to make the cake. Due to lack of tools, we only made a double layer cake. Taking it out of the oven, it smelled fantastic and I couldn’t wait to get it frosted and to give it a try. By the time dinner was over and we had made some room for dessert, I was practically salivating. Salivating to taste a bite of this cake, only to taste it and to be completely disappointed. Yep…this cake did absolutely nothing for me and my taste buds. I believe, in all honesty, that the problem with this recipe was the lack of focus. It had so many flavor combinations going on with the chocolate, the maple and the pumpkin that it just missed the mark. I will make this again, but next time instead of adding the additional maple flavoring, I will skip that piece and add vanilla instead.
If you try the recipe, let me know what you think. There are people out there who rave about this cake, so don’t just take my word for it. Also, if you have any tips on staying/keeping/gaining focus, please, oh please, pass them on!
Choclate-Glazed Maple Spice Cake
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup solid vegetable shortening
- 1 cup packed dark-brown sugar
- 3/4 cup maple syrup
- 3 eggs
- 1 teaspoon imitation maple flavor
- 3/4 cup milk
- 8 ounces cream cheese softened
- 1/4 cup 1/2 stick unsalted butter, softened
- 1/4 teaspoon imitation maple flavor
- 3 cups confectioners' sugar
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
- Whole walnuts to garnish
- Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat three 8 x 2-inch round layer-cake pans with shortening; dust with flour, discarding excess.
- Cake: Whisk flour, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and salt in bowl.
- Beat shortening in second bowl until smooth and creamy. Beat in sugar and maple syrup. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each. Add maple flavor; beat until smooth. On low speed, beat in half of the flour mixture, then milk, then remaining flour mixture. Spread batter in prepared pans, dividing evenly.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 28 minutes, until golden brown. Cool in pans on rack 10 minutes. Remove cakes directly to rack to cool completely.
- Filling: Beat cream cheese, butter and maple flavor in bowl until smooth. Add sugar; beat until good spreading consistency. Place cake layer on serving dish. Top with 1 1/4 cups filling. Place second cake layer on top, then remaining 1 1/4 cups filling. Top with third layer.
- Frosting: In saucepan, heat cream just to a simmer. Pour over chocolate in a small bowl; whisk until smooth. Cool 5 minutes, until thicker but still pourable. Pour over cake, spreading to allow some to dribble down sides. Top with walnuts. Refrigerate 15 minutes before serving.
That is a great looking cake…and I am sure tastes great too.
I understand completely about lacking focus…sometimes I feel the same way. With full time school and taking care of home, it takes a lot of planning to finish everything on time. I generally make a list of to do things. It seems to work for me…
I love myself a big old layer cake. Love the flavor combinations on this.
I know what you mean about the lack of focus – I have really just had the desire to simplify my life lately and try to enjoy things, but there is simply just too much going on. I am looking for that balance as well!!
I almost bought this magazine because of this cake. It’s good to hear your opinion on it!
I think you already figured out how to build more focus into your life again…just see what you did with the cake recipe…you cut out the pumpkin and stuck with the familiar vanilla. Not sure which part of your life is the pumpkin (probably not the kids or hubby :), but maybe there is something that, even if you love doing it, keeps you off balance somehow. The cake is beautiful, but not to your taste. Life can be like that, too.
Personnaly, my salvation is the use of lists. It feels so good when you cross things off and makes it SEEM like you are making progress 🙂
That spice cake does look amazing, and the chocolate really puts it over the top. And as for focus? Well, most of us don’t feel that we are as focused as we could be. And yet, when you add up all of the things you are doing, you clearly must have some focus to pull it off.
The cake looks delish! And this focus thing…ah..uhm. Forgot what I was going to say! (teasing) Life sometimes gets in the way. I don’t know how you do it, really, with kids. I admire the heck outta mom’s. I knew I could never do it. You have FAR more focus than I. 🙂
Bloggin’ is my stress relief. Lower in calories than chocolate.
It’s not easy bein’ a mommy! Don’t forget to cut yourself some slack somewhere on your priority list and I would put that one up very high on the list! You are doing a marvelous job of it all. Don’t know where your energy comes from unless…could it be…the heavenly things you bake??!! 😉 This looks beautiful but not being a big fan o’ maple…I like your idea of switching to a vanilla!!!
I think the entire dinner was wonderful and I am more then impressed by your cooking skills, your husband too. Sounds like you had a good trip and deserved it! Keep up the good work and fine recipes! Your picture of the cake came out wonderfully. Boy your friends sound like they are a lot of fun don’t they..ha ha Remember your focus can change daily, but give yourself credit for all you do well!
As to the cake: I think I would have emphasized the spice/pumpkin and skipped the chocolate (and this from a die=hard chocoholic). The cream cheese would be enough
As to the focus:I keep telling myself that making lists works – but then, I’m gullible. When you figure it out let me know…please?
Don’t be so hard on yourself, my dear friend!
I’m right there with you regarding the lack of focus. I’ve been feeling that way lately myself. Far too much I want to do (in addition to all the things I need to do) and just not enough time in the day. I love my job as a bookseller, but it’s really cut into my reading time. I love to blog (book blog & cooking blog), as well as blog-hop to my favorites, yet again, this interferes with my reading time. I love to cook, but then I get hung up with all the recipes (and photos I want to use) I want to post. My recent time-drainer has been my new camera. It’s fabulous, but I wind up shooting so many pics and then have to sort through them, upload them to Ofoto, include far too many on my blog, etc., etc. Notice I haven’t touched on cleaning or yardwork?! But I wouldn’t give any of it up, so I try to relax, do what has to be done each day and the rest is a bonus. Good luck with your re-focusing. Maybe colder weather will help? 😉
Sometimes looks are just deceiving and taste is an individual thing. I would probably play with those spices a little. And I’d totally leave out the maple, it’s just never done anything much for me.
I love your life and your blog 🙂 Glad your vacation was wonderful (and much needed)
I don’t know how old you are, but it could be the start of menopause. Sorry to break the news! It happens so much earlier now days. Just a thought. It’s not so bad, really. I think the cake sounds wonderful! I plan on trying it soon. The magazine sounds like something I would be interested in reading. Thank you for a great blog to read.
Hey you!
I CANNOT BELIEVE you visited my area and didnt call!!?? Next time call, I would love to see you and make you or at least buy you a drink and an appetizer. 🙂
What a great trip – it sounds so perfect for you two.
And, for what its worth, the cake looks 100% delicious!!
What a fabulous looking cake, Kristen!
This cake is perfect for fall! Yum!
I have missed seeing you around my blog but I understand about losing focus, it’s a constant need to keep your eyes on what really fills you in the right way. When I get too scattered and cranky I always know that I am not doing something for me, and just for me and I am over doing all the stuff for others. Then I cook…..and cook, and maybe cook some more, or open a bottle of wine and just sit and sip.
Kristen, it think it happens to all of us at sometime, the lack of focus and it can be a little disheartening… you probably need to sit down a make a list of the things you’re doing, think about what your goals are and try to streamline the things you’re doing to be in keeping with what that goal it.
You’re thought of fondly.
I saw this cake on the cover on FC and commented on how good it looked! I’m glad that you made it. Mmmmmmm…
I miss hearing from you and am glad that you are putting blog-reading and such back on your list. I know you are busy though so just take it easy. It will all come together. 🙂
There comes a time in our lives where sometimes we’re too busy to take a breather. I’ve been going through this recently since I started a new full-time job, and I have missed blogging and having the chance to read other blogs! I am happy to see you back around though!!! And I have to say, I think I will be making that meal you posted below this blog entry- thank you for posting that!!! It’s hard to juggle full-time work with a family, isn’t it?? (And hobbies, like blogging!!)
I hope you are well! 🙂
Kristen, I am so with you on the lacking focus thing. I just took a hiatus and it was so frustrating! Having issues getting a grasp of my new job, my blogging was totally suffering. You’ll figure it out. As many told me, pacing is important – which is hard for me. But, regardless, we will be here when you do post! 🙂
Focus? What WAS that, and when did I lose it? The loss of FOCUS has a way of creeping up! Lately, I have been focused on cleaning out stuff, stuff and more stuff. The boys are officially adults and finally ready to get rid of Pongo, the stuffed animal; a drum set, a bunk bed, old electronics and other things they once couldn’t do without! Yay! But they still insist on keeping a unicorn they brought home from Disney World.
Anyhow, congrats on the magazine! Are you editing it or writing for it?
That cake looks perfect! It looks like it would be nice and dense. And a maple cream cheese filling sounds so incredibly good. That’s disappointing that it didn’t turn out as you hoped it would because it sounds like it would be a good combination of flavours.
Oh my…its hard to type while Im drooling…LOL
Kristen: I totally know what you mean about losing focus! My blog has been gathering dust for quite some time now but I’ve decided to make a conscience effort to get back into it. I look forward to catching up on reading yours!!
Focus – can I get a supersized order of that?
Seriously though, I enjoyed reading your post and blog. It has reminded me of priorities around here. Thanks!