I’m going to start this post off with a self-slap to my face, a shake, and a loud, “Kristen…get a hold of yourself!!!”. I need to pull it together, and I need to do so quickly. I have been an emotional wreck this week thinking about my middle daughter, Kelly, starting Kindergarten. I know this is normal for moms… heck, I went through it on a slightly less erratic level last year when Jacob started kindergarten. However, the kicker is… I have an entire year before Kelly starts kindergarten, and I am a wreck NOW.
This crazy irrational emotional business started last week when I was filling in the 2008-2009 school calendar for Jacob’s 1st grade year. I started in August, and before I knew it I was already writing “LAST DAY OF SCHOOL” in the month of May. It took me no time at all to zip through the year and get all of the school related functions written in. I feel like with the way time is flying, it is going to be exactly that speedy of a year, and then my darling girl will be setting free to start Kindergarten.
I was emotional when Jacob started Kindergarten. I had apprehension and sadness about my baby leaving the nest. The emotions I am feeling with Kelly are ten times more intense. I honestly believe it is because she is my middle one and because of that has been sandwiched in the middle of these two other kids for most of her life. In relation to that, she has been more independent than my other two and has needed me less. I feel like my time with her has especially zoomed by because honestly, she gets the least of it. She demands the least of it and therefore is the one who is always just content to take what she gets and appreciate it.
I swear, Kelly wakes up some mornings and I look at her and think, “Oh my goodness… when did she get so big? When did she become a little girl instead of my baby? Where did the time go to?”
For the next year, I’ve decided that what I must do is to avoid the issue. Anytime the word Kindergarten comes up, I am just going to have to pretend I didn’t hear it and not even think about it. Otherwise, if I let it build up for the entire year, I will be that mom on the front lawn of the grade school, who is in complete hysterics, being carted off to the mental hospital.
Sometimes, issue avoidance is the best way to go, don’t you think? Just like this lovely coffee cake I made this week. Take a look at the recipe and notice the amount of sugar and butter. Yep – a little overboard isn’t it? Add to that the cream cheese factor, and your arteries will probably begin to clog up just thinking about it.
That is why my motto is going to be… Just Don’t Think About It. If you think too long and hard about the amount of fat and calories in this coffee cake, you will talk yourself out of eating it. Missing a piece of this tasty coffee cake just would not be worth all the fuss over calories and fat.
Just Don’t Think About It… that is what I will be doing this year so I don’t miss out on life now with Kelly. I will not dwell on the future, but will appreciate and cherish the now. I hope you sit down with a piece of coffee cake and do the same.
Buttery Cream Cheese Coffee Cake, from Recipezaar
1¼ hours | 25 min prep
- 1 cup butter (no substitutes)
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 2 cups flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Set oven to 350 degrees (oven rack set to second-lowest position).
- Grease a 13 x 9-inch (or an 11 x 7-inch, baking time will need to be increased slightly).
- Cream butter with sugar (about 3-4 minutes), add in eggs and sour cream; beat well (about another 3 minutes).
- In a bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt.
- Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture; beat well until combined (batter will be thick).
- Spread more than half of the batter in the prepared baking pan.
- In another bowl, cream together all filling ingredients, then carefully spread over the cake batter.
- Spoon the remaining cake batter over the top of the cheese mixture (it doesn’t have to cover the cake batter completely, I just dot tablespoonfuls over the batter).
- For the topping (I most always double the ingredients) mix all ingredients, and sprinkle over cake.
- Bake for about 50-55 minutes or until middle feels set and not jiggly.
Awww. I can imagine that would be tough. I was just thinking that there must be people all over the world currently baking to avoid other work/thoughts.
Oh, I so hear you! My baby starts pre-school this fall, the precurser to next year’s kindergarten. I keep wondering to myself if I should change my mind and withdraw him from preschool. I mean, he really doesn’t need it…does he?
*Sigh* I don’t think it gets easier- whether it’s your first or your fifth child.
Oh- and there’s nothing wrong with being “that mom”- the one who is sobbing as her little one marches off into the school building without a look back for Mom. 😉 That will so be me when the big K starts. And it will probably be me when my other baby enters 3rd grade this fall.
But Kindergarten is such a happy place that the kids just love so much…I am more sad when they finish Kinder and that it’s over for them becuase sadly 1st grade anymore is just business!
So glad I never have to send my puppy to Kindergarten, that would make me sad. 🙂
I can still remember the first day of daycare for my son. As I dropped him off and got back in my car, I could hear his screaming half way down the street. I was traumatized. When he said he was moving out to go to school – I said “call once in a while”… it gets easier.
Aww, poor you Kristen. Have a *hug* from me! And you cake looks lovely!
i think u will be very pleased when kelly brings u her lovely crayon drawings from kindergarten, and u will post it on your fridge where u can look at when u r baking!!
Butter and cream cheese make everything better.
My oldest will start kinder in 4 weeks and I’ve been dreading his first day of school since THE DAY HE WAS BORN. I just hope when I take him that first day, he turns around to look at me.
aww, you poor thing – i can’t really identify as we don’t have kids yet – but in the future, I’m sure I’ll understand! Your cake looks lovely, as is your blog
Always best ‘not to think about it’. Otherwise you will miss out on all of those wonderful cakes.
As a coffee and coffee cake lover I think this cake sounds wonderful.
Apparently those feelings don’t go away. My mom, whose children are in their 30’s and 40’s still says she wishes she could have us all small again, even just for a day. A mother’s love knows no bounds.
I know how you are feeling… my youngest will head off to kindergarten in September. This summer he seems to have gotten older overnight – I’m trying to make sure to spend some extra time with each of my boys on their own each day. Some days work out better than others, but at least I’m trying! I agree, for the next year, don’t think about it and just enjoy the moment you are in!
Well now all I CAN think about is making and eating this. YUM! I think you will do fine when Kel goes to Kindergarten, imagine all the fun you and your littlest are going to have together!
It’s hard. When my baby started I cried, but then it was alright. He started having fun and I’m watching him grow and change into a reader, a writer and a boy who is really good at math!
But I’ll eat your cake just because as a mother, it’s good to know that you have support around the blogosphere. Besides, it sounds so very good!
I don’t have any children yet, but I can only imagine the anxiety I’ll feel when they go to kindergarten! I think this coffee cake would certainly make me feel better. It sounds like a made from scratch version of a cake mix recipe I love.
Just don’t think about it – I use that line quite often!! The cake looks delicious, though and like it’s totally worth it!
Does it get easier?? Remember I cried my eyes when you all went off to college. As a former first grade teacher, I remember watching the Kindergarteners come in to school looking all spiffy and shiny and I had tears in my eyes remembering my own children’s first day of school. It is a page being turned, a door being closed, and another one being opened to new adventure for both of you. Savor each moment of every day and say something meaningful each day to your children….who knows what will be a lasting memory? Maybe a delightful, delicious coffeecake.
I don’t have kids but I can kinda relate. Being the eldest of six kids, I’m like a second mom to all my younger siblings. I was 11 years old when my mom gave birth to her 5th and 6th child, both in one shot. Yes, she had twins when I was 11, so I instantly became a mom as well.
When they entered kindergarden, I was a Sophmore in High School. I remember my first day of my sophmore year, I was terribly stressed out, thinking about how my little bro’s were going to do. It was a terrible first day of school for me.
When I met up with them at home, they were so excited had a blast on their first day! They couldn’t wait to go to school the next day!
I stressed out for nothing and should have did what you did…Just don’t think about it!
Thanks for your story and your lovely cake!
It all makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
This looks SO GOOD. I can hardly wait to try it. And if it makes you feel any better, I recently took my 3 yr old to her 3 yr annual visit and when I got home I burst into tears because she had worn a gown, sat on the table instead of my lap, had her blood pressure taken, yada yada yada. In short, they treated her like a kid and not my baby. Needless to say my husband thought I was crazy. 🙂
What a sweet, sweet post! : )
Just think though of the special time you have with her for this year before the dreaded K-word! 🙂
I wish someone would’ve told me that the best parts of having kids is when they’re 0-3 years old, after that it just gets kinda irritating =)
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