Remember when I did this (Did I Seriously Just Do That post)?? Well, that was the last time I had visited that particular grocery store…until yesterday.
Yesterday, I was in the area of our local Hy-Vee grocery store and needed some groceries. I only had Ella with me, so I thought it was as good of time as any. I had my list with me and had some time before I had to pick Kelly up from school. Ella and I completed our grocery shopping trip and we headed out to the good ole’ mini van to put the groceries inside. I pulled the cart up to the passenger side of the van and glanced in the window only to find a lady sitting in the drivers side talking on her cell phone.
Certain that I had walked up to the wrong van, I peeked in the back and saw the kids carseats and some other recognizable things that made me sure it was my van. I peeked back in the window and the lady looked back at me with a "What???" look on her face. As I walked over to the drivers side, she opened the door and I said "Ummm… I think this is my van!" She looked at me puzzled, then a light obviously went off in her head and she put the phone back up to her ear and said "I’ve got to go…figured it out. Bye", and hung up the phone. She then went on to explain that she was visiting her sister and brother-in-law from out of state and took their van to the grocery store to pick up a few things. She said that she was just on the phone with her brother-in-law trying to figure out why the key wasn’t starting the van!
She was terribly embarassed… and it got worse. After that, she could not figure out which van in the parking lot was the one that she drove to the store in! Eventually she unloaded her groceries from my van and carried on her way, thoroughly embarassed. Inside, I was sneakily happy that I was not the only person who does things like that. There are other people out there in the world who are losing their mind as well!
That reminds me of when I bought a new car; a basic white 4-door sedan. I took it to a mall to shop and when I came outside I couldn’t find that dang thing anywhere. There must have been a dozen white 4-door sedans in the general area where I had parked. I felt like a total doofus walking around, trying to find that car. Once I did, I went home, found some red ribbon and tied it on the antenna so I would never do that again.
At least the woman was not some freak or lunatic.
That is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a LOOOOOOONG time!
That’s so funny! 🙂
It’s a good thing her key didn’t start it! Can you imagine?? 🙂
Always lock your car…..preferably not with the kids in it. MOM
OH MY GOD that is SOO funny. 🙂
And while I feel bad for her, it’s great when this happens to other people.
I once walked into another house on Thanksgiving and wondered if my Aunt redecorated!!! All the houses look alike in AZ. 🙂
Lovely, just lovely! So glad this is a story I’m reading and I wasn’t the lady in the van with the cell phone!
hilarious, I have done this. I am always too frazzled to pay attention.
It is nice to know we are not the only who have those days!!! Glad it was your car and not somebody who wouldn’t have been so glad it wasn’t her this time!
i locked my daughter in my van when she was 9 months. we had just gotten a new van (used but new to me) and I had never had a vehicle w/power locks. We left Babies R Us, my husband put our daughter in the van (my husband met us on his lunch break) and I put the key in the ignition (didn’t start it all the way…not sure why) and went around to get the bags. all the doors were locked. guess i accidentally pushed the doorlock button. i had to run into babies r us (b/c purse/cell phone were in the car) and call pop a lock. they came in less than 10 min but i was still ready to break the window…thank goodness my husband was there!! it was in the summer too and only warm air was blowing b/c i didn’t start the car all the way!! Pop a lock is free if a child is in the car!! guess it happens more then we would think!