In case you missed the news, the great state of Kansas turned 146 yesterday. That’s really not very old… I hear that 146 is the new 30, so Kansas is still a young spring chicken. My son came home from school pumped full of Kansas information. He quizzed us all on what the state flower was (the Sunflower), what the state bird is (the Meadowlark), etc, etc. When my 3 year old found out it was somebody’s birthday she said "Mommy, we need to make a cake for Kansas. He’ll really like it and we can have a party for him." I am never one to turn down an opportunity to bake, so I set out to find what kind of cake to make for Kansas. After a little research, I settled on Kansas Dirt Cake. It really isn’t a cake, but it is still good! The cake was made, a few neighbor kids came over for a little party, and we celebrated the birthday of Kansas. Kelly kept waiting for the guest of honor to arrive, very confused as to why we were having a party for someone who didn’t even have the courtesy to show up. In the end, I think she was glad because that just meant more cake for her.
Speaking of parties, have you heard about the Ultimate Blog Party being held by the folks over at 5 Minutes for Mom? It is going to be quite the shin dig, with tons of great prizes for those attending! This is a party for all bloggers, not just moms. Make sure to check it out. Hope you can make it!
Wow, what a good mom to be so responsive and spontaneous! Way to go!
Happy B’day Kansas!!:)) Love the cake!
You are the best writer and I’m so so impressed that you actually made a cake for the BIRTHDAY of a state. Go you! You are one uber-cool Mom! 🙂
Kansas Dirt Cake is just an awesome name for a recipe! But how did it get to be blue like in the picture?
You are a great mom, no wonder kids wander over to your house. And I loved the whole idea of the Kansas Dirt Cake! :):)
What a great idea! As Dorothy Gale from Kansas said, "There’s no cake like Kansas Dirt Cake!"
I like sunflowers a lot! And what a great cake!
Great idea! Now I need to get all the info on Pennsylvania! Only living here a few months and am embarrassed to say I haven’t the slightest clue as to the state anything!!!!
Awww…that cake looks like fun!
What a different kind of cake, Kristen!
I had to google "cook whip", I admit it. 😀
And your 3 year old is so sweet, how generous of him to think that way!
I meant how generous of "her" – sorry, Kristen!
That’s a cute story.. and thanks, I had no idea it was Kansas’ birthday! 😀
I want some cake! Ship to Texas?
Hi! I love the idea of a cake with zero nutritional content and a the name Dirt Cake! It sounds wonderful! Fun for Hallowe’en too! We don’t have cool whip over here in the UK though 🙁 so not sure what I’d use instead?
Happy B’Day to Kansas too! I drove through there once and was given some free cookies in a Subway so my experience has been good!
How cool is that name for a cake? And how cool of a mom are you? Such a sweet post!
Tanna – Thank you! Our neighborhood is very much like that. We have spontaneous gatherings all the time.
Asha – Thank you!
KB – You are too funny! Thanks!
Rachel – It isn’t supposed to be blue. The lighting was off and it was either that pic or no pic, so I went with the dark, dark black/blue pic!
Sher – We do have a lot of fun!
TW – LOL! I missed that version I think 😉
Gattina – I love sunflowers too.
Jeff – Thanks! Its not healthy, but it is fun!
Elizabeth – You still have plenty of time to learn. Since you are new there, you have a good excuse.
Patricia – Thanks 🙂 She was quite excited about it.
Lisa – Well, where have you been? 😉
Jenifer – It would probably melt by the time it got there, otherwise I would!
Freya – I know… this cake is soooo bad for you! Cool Whip is just like whipped cream, only thicker I think. Do you have Dream Whip there?
Susan – Like I said, I never turn down a chance to bake something!
Happy birthday, Kansas! What a great way to instill pride in your kids–and those lucky neighbor kids–for where they live. I grew up in St. Louis and even though I love living in Chicago now, St. Louis still tugs at me. Similarly, a colleague at work is from Detroit. If you just mention Detroit’s name around him, he’ll launch into a five-minute impassioned litany of all the positive energy and developments there. There are many, by the way–don’t count this once proud city out just yet. Pride of place is good.
what a cute cake and story!