Hi Friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful week recuperating from all the pie and turkey eating last week.
We had an amazing Thanksgiving with my brother and his family…but I ate way too much pie. And turkey. And broccoli cheese casserole. Good stuff!
We played lots of games (Monopoly and Chicken Foot!), and my sister-in-law helped me sew my Kindness Elf. I think she turned out to be such a cutie, don’t you? Of course, now I have the sewing felt stuffed things bug and came home and bought about 10 more patterns from this adorable Etsy store! Apparently my plan is to sew the month away. Sounds good to me!
Shall we talk about what else is making me happy lately?
My desk continues to be out of control, which does not make me happy. I keep thinking once I take my 3 weeks off over the holidays I’ll get caught up. In the meantime, I can’t wait to read this highly acclaimed book… I’m starting it tonight and have high hopes that it will turn my life around! I’ve heard the tips about folding clothes are life changing. That’s a pretty big statement!
The world we live in has been really confusing lately, hasn’t it? I don’t want to get into the right and wrong of things, because I think there is a lot of injustice being passed on to both sides of the high profile cases we’ve been seeing. However, I am not turning a blind eye and am carefully watching, making my own assessments. With that said, I’m so glad that when I question what is wrong with our world, great little stories like this one turn up. This 4 year old boy? Probably the cutest little guy around. Way to go UPS on this awesome story and video! <–Watch it!
With the movie Frozen still being such a big deal, you knew this was bound to happen. And it’s awesome.
We’ve been teetering around the whole “is Santa real” thing for years now and of course my youngest two still believe fervently, but Kelly is so innocently still trying to grasp onto the reality that Santa could maybe not be a real thing. I’m not sure yet, but when she asks I am totally going to share this awesome letter with her! I’m curious, how have you all dealt with this with your kids?
This is one of my favorite home offices, ever. I love how simple and clean it is! (Clean…see what I’m craving?)
This 2015 Calendar is so beautiful… I’m this close to snatching one up for myself. Isn’t it gorgeous?
Oh oh oh! I’ve picked out my 2015 Focus word and will share it with you soon! It’s time to start thinking about it yourself, if you do that kind of thing. Maybe these posts will provide some inspiration!
That’s it for this week! Now it’s your turn, friends… make sure to leave a comment below spreading your happiness!
Make sure to check out these other Happiness Reports for more happy things!
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Hi Kristen! I love this post…I read it on a week that has been a tough one for me, as our beloved dog Dixie just went through an unexpected surgery. We are on Day Two of her recovery, and she is doing so well. I’m both happy and grateful for all the kind folks at our vet who took such great care of her – and us – during this process. Pets really ARE family members – Dixie makes me happy every single day. Everyone hug your dog! 🙂
Oh Kate… I am so sorry to hear about your dog! I don’t know what I’ll do if something ever happens to Meg. I love her so much!
I’ll be saying extra prayers for Dixie to have a fast and furious recovery 🙂
This is perfect timing, Kristen. I’ve been thinking about my focus word all week too! I’m very much looking forward to the Christmas break. I’m ready for some downtime and a bit of home/office organizing. The little boy in that UPS video has been making me smile all night. Thanks for that!
Mary – Christmas break is going to be so awesome… I have such high hopes for it anyway 🙂
Have a great weekend. Thanks for your comment!
Hey, love your post! The link to the book comes up as the monopoly game, now I really want to know about the book! Thanks
Ack! I hate it when I do that! Thank you! It’s updated now! Here’s the link http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1607747308/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1417832953&sr=8-1
Hi Kristen I have just discovered your blog and I love the Happiness Reports. The Frozen part made me giggle. I am a culinary student and this week we had margarine carving projects to make. And a team of my classmates made a margarine craving of Olaf. It was beautiful and it confirms that this Christmas Frozen will be the theme. Cheers!
Dalia – that is awesome! What a fun project! I hope you took lots of pictures!
Hi Kristen yep I did take lots of pictures and will be sharing them along my culinary college experience on my blog. I will let you know when the post is up 🙂
Definitely do! I look forward to reading it 🙂
Santa is real his name is Saint Nicholas. We’ve always done Saint Nicholas not Santa but really its the same thing. Since the idea of Santa came from Saint Nicholas. 🙂
Off to check out your links
True – I should have done it that way from the start!
I only did it that way since I grew up in Germany and they did him. So my parents just went along with it and then he became St Nicholas to me. Funny thing was we were not Catholic but celebrated St. Nicholas day. Now I’m Catholic and do it with my girls 🙂
I LOVE that office space! How cool is that desk?
I have to admit I cry reading that letter about Santa. I am entering the phase of my life where my youngest is quickly turning into a non-believer and it’s sad!
Happy weekend, friend!
Naomi –
I do too… it makes me sad even though I still have half of them fervently believing!
I need to read that book, clutter kills me! And Gina and I are learning all kinds of new crafty things, sewing is on the list so now I’m going to check out those patterns…which leads me to, I have a focus word for 2015 – I scribbled it down last week and I thought of you too 🙂
I’ll let you know how it is, for sure!
I can’t wait to hear what your word is for 2015!
That book looks really interesting and inspiring! Making me happy this week…having my Christmas decor up and looking at houses to move so my baby can have a room of his own 🙂
Oh so you are moving? Fun! I love house hunting! Good luck finding the perfect space!
I love your kindness elf- I had no idea you could sew- I am impressed! Please consider guest-blogging since I lack the talent for sewing 🙂
I’m so excited you are getting a vacation. That book is actually on our MomAdvice Book Club agenda this year. I am trying a non-fiction route and themes for the site. I believe that is the month of spring cleaning. I can’t wait to hear what you think!
And I just pinned that desk- what a beauty! Swoon! xo
I can sew…like an 8 year old 🙂
I actually made my first two kids quilts when I was pregnant with them and made another for a friend and then stopped.
I think these cute little felt patterns are more my style!
I can’t wait to see the newly revamped MomAdvice in 2015!
Kristin, what an awesome Happiness Report! It was by far the best list I have read this week! Chicken Foot has been added to my cart. The book to my Goodreads list. The UPS video and Frozen clip bookmarked for my son when he gets up in the morning. My focus word for 2015 could be “sewing”, as in learning how to…HA! And the Santa letter was added to my reading list for future reference. Your happiness was certainly spread to me this week! Thank you!
Thank you so much, Wendy!! Seriously, you made my day 🙂
I love the Frozen themed lights! My parents always have an amazingly decorated house 🙂 My Dad has set up a 5 metre tall Christmas tree made of PVC piping and covered in lights outside the house and a display including Santa, his sleigh, elves, presents, nutcrackers…the list goes on, and it is one of the things that has made me super happy this week!
I don’t remember ever having ‘the Santa talk’ with my Mum, but rather transitioning from being about believing in an actual man to believing in what Santa represents and making sure my little cousin learned how to have that simple belief and faith, oh and Santa still leaves me presents: if you believe you will receive 😉
Oh your dad’s decorating sounds incredible!! I love Christmas Lights so much… so much! It’s one of my favorite things about the season!
And I totally agree – I tell my oldest…if you don’t believe, you don’t receive! 🙂
Always love your happiness reports my friend 🙂
And thank you for the link to “the letter”…need to write mine based on it and have it ready for my beautiful little true believer…its really so perfect 🙂
Here’s to a happy week 🙂
Thank you so much 🙂 I do love that letter!
Oh girl, I love your happiness reports- they make me smile every time!! That letter….it’s simply amazing. I’ve saved it to share with my kids when the time comes. Have a wonderful week, sweet lady. And per your recommendation on Good Reads, I started Friendkeeping last night!