A post full of happy things I’ve thought about, discovered and done this past week! Come share your happy things with me!
Happy Happiness Report Day, everyone! The photo you see above is of Leah this past spring at Ella’s first communion. I found it while I was looking for an old photo of a recipe I needed and it made me realize how much I miss sharing my Project 365 photos. This photo along with the ones below would most likely suffer the fate of sitting on my external hard drive, never to be seen and enjoyed by anyone. What’s the point of that?
To rectify the situation, I’m starting a “no-rules” Project 365 project for myself. No rules meaning… if I accidentally skip a day of taking a photo, I’ll say oops and move on. If my photo is taken with my camera phone instead of my DSLR, I’ll say oops and carry on. No rules meaning I’m not waiting until January 1st to start. I’m going to start on December 1st…or if I feel like it, tomorrow or whenever. No rules is not within my comfort zone, but the thought of a no rules photography project makes me very happy! I actually think I’m going to call it just that “The No Rules Photography Project”. Sounds easy enough, right?
Here are a few of the photos that I saved from external hard drive purgatory…
Some other things that have made me happy this week:
My husband and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this week! Well, we are actually celebrating tomorrow night with a sitter and a night out, but our 15th wedding anniversary happened this past week. That’s a happy thing.
Is it wrong to post this right after talking about my wedding anniversary? Yes? Oh….well, I did some more tweeting with Scott Foley… we’ve tweeted back and forth now 4 times, plus you know… the meeting and hugging him in person this summer. I’d say we’re real friends now, wouldn’t you? 😉
Although it’s not a happy post, I have great respect for people who share rare feelings and raw emotion on their blogs. My friend Shanna shared a heart breaking post about the loss of her best friend… but the writing, the photos, the story made me feel like I was there. It’s a good read…you should take a look. It’s a great reminder that happiness is a fridge full of cheese 🙂
Have you seen the hundreds of new mug designs in the #DotCollection at Starbucks? So many WAY cute mugs! I love this one that I bought for myself!
I’ve always loved Gina’s photos, but oh my gosh… I can’t get over how good they are lately! Pretty photos make me happy!
This post about coffee and marriage is so right on… love it.
Erin Condren’s Black Friday sale is this weekend. I LOVE her stuff, especially the personalized desk pads at this deep of a discount for teacher gifts!
I am still LOVING the Serial podcast… do you think he’s guilty?? I need to talk about this with someone!
New scarves crocheted by friends, tasty coffee dates and dancing gifs of Scott Foley make me happy.
Now it’s your turn…share in the comments and let me know where you found happiness this past week!
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I went to lunch with my daughter and my grandsons today for lunch. Spending time with them always puts a smile on my face.
I still have a hard time believing you are old enough to have grandkids! I want your aging secrets 🙂
I reconnected with a dear old friend this week – just online, so far, but we’re trying to make plans to hang out for real.
I LOVE that so much!! Hope you get to meet up in real life soon!
Thanks for the link love! 🙂
Sure thing… thanks for sharing such a great post!
Everything is making me happy these days – really feelin’ my blessings this Thanksgiving!
Well, I love this to the moon and back! So happy your are so happy 🙂
Your Happiness Reports are making me happy. Seriously!
Awwwww – thanks, Dee! It makes me happy to be doing them regularly again!
Thank you so much for sharing about my post. I cried while writing it. But I am happier now having finally done it. Not sure I feel like I really got to say bye to her finally, but it felt good to write it. Thank you for being such a good friend!
I bet it was so hard to write, but you did a fantastic job 🙂 Thanks for sharing that part of your life with us!
Your happiness reports make me happy 🙂 What’s truly making me happy right now is that I’m finally able to travel with my husband on a couple of his business trips. He travels for business a lot and when our kids were small, I couldn’t ever go with him. Now that they’re older, I’m able to get away with him for a few days. It’s nice and it’s a great way for us to reconnect.
I know this happiness feeling well! It’s nice to get reaquainted again, isn’t it!! Hope you are having a GREAT time. Loving your pictures!
My husband and I hosted our first annual “Friends-giving” dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. It was a great way to spend time with a few friends before the holiday craze. Turned out, for a few “empty – nesters” this dinner was their Thanksgiving dinner! I had no idea. It was a small group this time around, but I am hoping to get a larger group together next year. And this dinner has inspired me to plan a few more gatherings throughout the coming new year. I am truly grateful for our friends, and I am happy we made time to see them.
OMG I am LOVING the Serial podcast! I keep going over and over the episodes hoping I haven’t missed something! I need to know!
Happy Anniversary!
I had lots of happy things this weekend – time with my family, long walks along the harbour, and way too many spiced nuts (I was taste testing…).
Hope the coming week brings just as many things for you to be happy about and enjoy your dinner out 🙂
Hey there, I found you via the NaBloPoMo blogroll.
As part of NaBloPoMo I try to comment on as many participating blogs as I can, and I am also adding participating blogs to my feed reader. So I’m just dropping by to let you know I’ve added your blog to my feedreader, whenever you publish a post I will see it. 🙂
I have created three bundles on Inoreader so that bloggers can easily visit other participating NaBloPoMo bloggers which you can find here –
Your blog is in the second bundle.. I also have a link up going at my place so my readers can find participating blogs which you are more than welcome to add your blog link to.
Looking forward to seeing your posts. You may see me drop by again during November, but it might be December before I finish my first drop by to blogs if I don’t get faster at leaving comments. 🙂
Happy NaBloPoMo to you!
I struggle with getting the great “everyday” photos off my computer and printed. Don’t ask how far behind I am on Project Life!! For 2015 I want to try using the Collect app and have the photos printed out at my favorite printer. Then I can just slip them into pockets. http://blog.persnicketyprints.com/collectapp/