I just realized I haven’t done a Happiness Report since the first part of September. Eeeks! Well I have a lot to be happy for right now, so I’m going to share some of that with you!
My first baby girl is celebrating her 8th birthday today! Kelly really is one of those kids who is so sweet and loving. I nickname her “second mama” because she has such a loving and nurturing nature about her. I am so proud to be her mom! Her one request for her birthday was an Easy-Bake Oven. The Easy-Bake Oven was my favorite toy growing up so I was excited to get her one! We are going to have loads of fun with her new toy.
Traditions make me happy. Last year, inspired by my friend, Amy, of Inspiring Moms, we started putting streamers up to celebrate birthdays. While the kids are sleeping, Nick and I start at the kids rooms and wind streamers throughout the house, leading down the stairs and to the present on the kitchen table. The simple joy this brings the kids in the morning is pretty special. It’s one of those things that takes 10 minutes, costs a couple of dollars, but is priceless when you see the smiles and hear their giggles as they work their way through the maze of streamers!
Last night I attended a cookie decorate class at Sweet Baking Supply Store in Lawrence. The folks at Best Buy and Cindy teamed up to give a few bloggers the chance to learn how to decorate cookies like the pros and we also learned about the Dell All In One computer. The cookie decorating was fun, Cindy’s shop is amazing, but the highlight of the night was hanging out with my #BlogKC friends. They are truly the sweetest group of people around.
Finally, a good friend of mine posted on her Facebook wall that she was doing 30 Acts of Kindness in 30 days. I decided to join her in doing simple acts of kindness for others over the next few weeks. I started a couple days ago and as selfish as it may seem, doing kind things for others is a huge happiness boost. You should try it!
That’s it for now for me. Make sure to leave a comment on this post letting me know what’s been making you happy lately! Have a great weekend!
Oh, Kristen. One of the things that makes me happy is reading how happy you are right now. That brought a big smile to my face.
Knowing that my boys just have two weeks of school before we have an entire 9 days at home together as a family for Thanksgiving is making me hugely happy today.
And, it is Friday, so, of course, that brings happiness, joy, and a lot of smiles to our home today.
Loved the streamers! I can see why she needed to make sure you put them up. It really was such a good night. I love hanging with the #BlogKC group. Can’t wait for next meetup.
Your cooking decorating class sounds like so much fun! Your little girl is so cute. Mine is still only a 15 months, but I’m sure she will be 8 before I know it and I’ll buying her first easy bake oven too. Can’t wait. In the meantime, I enjoy being a stay at home mom to my beautiful twins. They are my life and makes my days brighter. It is the simple things in life that make me happy! 🙂
This makes MY FACE happy to read! Cheers!
Your happiness reports are wonderful and always manage to put things into perspective. Truly, family and friends are the heart of our happiness. Today I am happy because I have my boys home with me (school’s off for today), there’s lots of cooking planned and we have the whole weekend ahead of us.
Oh my goodness I love the streamer idea. I have thought about doing the balloons and but that would be harder to hide from them! i hope she has a great bday and you have fun with the slumber party!!
I had so much fun last night and I also love the group, it makes me happy that is for sure!
30 days of kindness sounds like a very nice thing! I might to that in January when since I turn 30!
cheesy maybe, but X Factor (getting it in India!!) makes me REALLY happy!!
Love the 30 days of kindness!
I love your happiness reports! I am going to use the streamer idea in January! Can’t wait!!! My son’s birthday is Jan 4th so we sometimes struggle with how to make it special after the Chrsitmas craziness. We are always sure to get the Chrismas tree and decorations down by then but the house just seems so sad after that. So streamers it is!!
I am totally stealing your streamer idea once my boy gets older. That is such a great idea. And how much fun does the cookie decorating sound?! Right now the fall weather is making me happy! It’s hard not to enjoy the beauty of the trees and the cool, crisp mornings.
What happiness to me??? Well, I really like YOU and YOU make me happy. I also am thankful for time with Jesus in the morning… for kids who obey when asked, for a baby who sleeps through the night. (oh wait, mine does NOT do that.) So lets change that to, thankful for a sweet baby. 🙂
Any pictures of the end results from the cookie decorating workshop?! I would love to see what you ladies came up with!
Hi Aly –
My unedited dump of photos is on my facebook page here:
I didn’t get very many ones of the end, but you can get the general idea! It was a lot of fun!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I tried to leave a comment on your last post (the five-year-anniversary) but my computer wouldn’t let me submit it. I will repeat it in part because it goes along with what makes me happy. I have seen you grow as a communicator through your blog. You make me happy! Kathy is moved into her new home and beginning a new chapter in her life. That makes me happy! Mike, Debbie, and their families are doing well. That makes me happy! Larry’s kids and Jo seem to be doing well. That makes me happy! Dad is feeling better and so am I. That makes me happy! I know every day that I am God’s child and He loves me! That makes me happy! God’s angels are watching over my family. That makes me happy!
Oh, I LOVE that streamer idea! And are you guys EVER gonna have fun with that oven?!?!? Happy birthday to your sweet girl!
{So good to “see” you last night!}
Happy birthday to your daughter! I think that streamer idea looks like so much fun.
It was nice meeting you all last night! It was fun!
Being with my 4 year old daughter for Halloween and watching her beam and love every second of it made me so happy this week….and so does this post. Reading about your joy and the love you have for your daughter….so sweet. Hope she enjoys that EBOven! My mom would never let me have one…I wanted one so badly as a kid!
My husband’s band just recorded their first album and I’ve heard it and it’s AWESOME. It sounds fantastic and it hasn’t even been mastered yet and even though I don’t know what that actually involves, it’s supposed to make it sound better and I don’t even know how it could do that. And I love how he was coming home after recording every night all excited and talkative.
And, can’t lie, I’m also pretty happy about the miracle pants I bought recently. I’m pretty fat right now and they make me look like I’ve got slender legs for days. These pants are huge liars and I love them.
Happy Birthday to your first baby girl! LOVE the streamer idea!
Happy Birthday Kelly! Such a pretty name and I don’t meet very many younger Kelly’s these days! Wish I could have played along in the decorating class, fun fun! What makes me happy…..well you know I went to Utah recently for http://www.sparktheevent.com and well I met some awesome women! So, it makes me happy knowing I have more wonderful gal pals all over the US and some in Japan! I tell ya, this internet has brought me some fabulous women into my life! Including you! Hugs from Conroe, TX
Aw Happy Birthday Kelly! Hope you guys get to spend some great quality time together with the Easy Bake oven.
Lately the weather has been making me hugely happy. Here in Georga it has finally cooled off enough to love spending time outdoors. It seems to be THE best way to get all three of my children to get along as well! So it’s a double win really!
Happy birthday to your daughter, Kelly! Eight is such a wonderful age. My daughter asked for the same about that age. We had so much fun baking up goodies.
Hey Kristen,
I am a first time visitor to your website. Thanks so much for sharing such an awesome post.
Happy Birthday to Kelly. You sound like you are doing an amazing job as a mum. I always love to hear about people who are happy and living life to their full potential. That is what I help others to do and I am so happy because I am doing what I love.
I am looking forward to hearing about your 30 days to Kindness. What a wonderful concept.
To health, happiness & living the life of YOUR dreams.
Dee 🙂
I always love your happiness reports – they make me happy!! And I love that your daughter wanted an Easy Bake Oven – how much fun you are going to have together!
I think 30 acts of kindness in 30 days is great. It is true how just letting someone with fewer items go ahead of you at the grocery store can make you feel good.