Thanks to Hallmark for sponsoring this post.
As many of you know, I completed my first half marathon a few weeks ago. I had so much anxiety leading up to it, but after crossing the finish line I had such an overwhelming feeling of thanks and gratitude. The race I ran was the Kansas City Half Marathon and I was so impressed with how well the coordinators gathered together 10,000 runners and created an event that seemed to be pulled off without a glitch. The course was beautiful, the sponsors were great, the pace runners were friendly and encouraging and it was just an overall fantastic experience.
On Tuesday after the race, I was still basking in the glow of completing the half marathon and decided to send a thank you note to the coordinator. I looked up her address and wrote a note of thanks, explaining how much I appreciated the evident hard work and dedication that was put into creating such a great event. In return I received a nice note that included this…”I certainly appreciate your feedback and insights! It’s not very often that we hear the positive things about the event…I appreciate that you took the time to let us know.”
Her response got me thinking… how often do we complain about the things that have gone wrong and vocalize our complaints? Probably a lot more often than we actually stop and say thank you for things that have gone right or as we expect them to go. When someone meets or exceeds our expectations we may not let them know, but when our expectations aren’t met, I bet most of us make sure to say so.
I decided to take that moment to share some thanks to the everyday people in my life who make my life a little happier. It may be cheesy to send a card or a note for something like “making a great latte” or ” giving a great sermon at church” or “being an extra kind door opener in the car loop line” but those kind of actions and those kind of people deserve thanks, don’t you think?
During this season of Thanksgiving, I’d like to recommend that you reach out to those people you take for granted and say thanks. Make their day by giving them a card (might I suggest sending one of Hallmark’s Thank you cards?) Let them know their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed and that you appreciate the job they are doing. Giving thanks to the everyday people and situations in your life is a wonderful way to celebrate the season of Thanksgiving.
Disclosure: I am honored to be part of the Hallmark 2013 greeting card blogger campaign. All opinions expressed are my own. For special discounts, product offerings and news about Hallmark, feel free to sign up for their newsletter. Thanks for supporting brands that help Dine & Dish to be possible.
It may seem old-school, but a hand-written thank you is often as appreciated as the act you are saying thank you for when you write it. I know I love receiving “snail mail” from someone – really for any reason. Thank you notes are so important because it’s so much easier to complain when something doesn’t go as it should rather than being thankful when things go well.
Congratulations on your 1/2 marathon! 🙂
I ‘think’ about this often, but unfortunately I dont follow thru as much as I would like. Sometimes – oft times – it’s the small things like ‘thank you’ or ‘good job’ notes that mean the difference between someone having a bad day or a good day. Thanks for the reminder, Kristen.
Beautiful post – I wholeheartedly agree! When I used to work in retail it was always a breath of fresh air when someone asked to speak to the manager just to tell them a staff member was doing a great job – too often all we hear are complaints and good work goes unnoticed. Thanks for the reminder to make this part of my daily life!
I lovelovelove your Hallmark posts. Every single time I read one I am inspired to go shopping at Hallmark and buy a TON of cards and celebrate everyone I know!!! Seriously… I know how much *I* love getting a card in the mail… especially one for something I think no one notices. Thanks for the inspiration… off to the store!
I just love your Hallmark posts. Always so inspiring. I just bought the cutest package of thank you cards — I should put them right on the kitchen counter as a reminder. I just LOVE getting fun *real* mail. Need to be sending more of it myself!
Gorgeous post….and as always, I totally agree that nothing is better than snail mail. I seriously just love making someone’s day by sending them a card.
You’ve made my day with a card before. You are one of the most thoughtful people out there Marnely. Thank YOU for that 🙂
This post reminded me of Grandma Sumner. She used to send cards to people for absolutely no reason. If she did it, it must be a good thing to do. Loved this post. My last thank you letter went to the IRS for the lady who was so kind and gracious to me. I sent it to her supervisor and I know she appreciated it.
Agree 100%! In this age of computer technology, something is lost in the art of the written note. And when you send one, it shows someone that you cared enough to take the time. I still send hand-written thank you notes, and I make my kids do it, too. I know for me, opening my mail to something other than a bill, is so awesome.
I worked in retail management for many years after university and it was always a thrill when a customer took the time to seek me out to let me know one of my staff had gone above and beyond, or, took the time to write me a note. I loved getting to share those with the employee who was receiving the kudos. It made both our days. Now as a freelance designer in a world where virtually all communication is electronic, gettting a hand written note from a client doesn’t just make my day, it makes my year! It is such a lovely, thoughtful treat to the recipient 🙂
I love sending “just because” cards to let people know that I’m thinking of them. It makes me really happy doing something that will, inevitably, put a smile (hopefully!) on someone’s face. Plus, who doesn’t like receiving something special in the mail?
Love this Kristen – a few weeks ago I sent a glowing email to the superintendent of our school district complimenting the woman who every day…rain, shine, snow, freezing or scorching greets the children who are dropped off at school. She is amazingly cheerful, always talks to the kids and in my opinion starts their school day off on a super high note. Well that note I sent caused quite the stir…in a good way 🙂
Too often “we” complain not commend. If everyone just did a couple small acts of kindness a day…could you imagine our world? I hope one day that is the world my children will be a part of.
I love to send cards and to receive them as well. Each year I make a bunch of cards to have on hand to send whenever I think about someone special.
I was on a committee that organized and put on a 5K race for a local Chamber of Commerce every Thanksgiving Day and I did it for 5 years. I know intimately how much work goes into one of these events. Planning, scheduling, begging for sponsors and the coup de grace; getting up at 3am to get to the race site and have everything ready for an 8am race and coming home at noon too tired to eat much less cook!
We never expected much in return and you know what? We never got it either now that I think about it. ONE note such as yours would have been so special.
My daughter Emily has been blessed with the most amazing voice and she (I volunteered her!) sang the Star Spangled Banner before the start of every race. I should have insisted we send her a thank you card; maybe I’ll do one now in the ‘better late than never’ way of thinking. Seriously I’m going to Hallmark today and do just that; she might think me a bit crazy but I know it will tickle her pink…great idea!
Great job on this
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