I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately… lack of it, its speed and the meaning behind it. We have 4 weeks of summer remaining. I should be looking forward to those four weeks, anticipating the fun that we can have together, but instead I’ve been looking back, full of regret for the things we didn’t get done that I wanted to.
Where does the time go? Why is it that when you are sitting in a 4×4 cubical, working for someone else, time seems to crawl along at snails pace. When you want time to move slowly, it does the opposite. It steals the moments, the days, the hours and before you know it, the time you thought you had has slipped away leaving behind thoughts of what could have been.
I want more time… but I want it to go slowly so I can have the chance to breathe it in and savor each little moment, roll it around in my mind and enjoy it more.
For some people 4 weeks is what’s left of a lifetime… a gift they have been given. I need to remember that and appreciate it as the gift it is. I guess I should be thankful to have time… whether fast or slow… on my side.
When time is of the essence, I turn to shrimp as our “quick night” meal ingredient. This Lemon Pepper Shrimp over Pasta is a family favorite. Enjoy!
If you love these flavors you will love some of the flavors I’ve been experimenting with for the Alexia Fry Challenge! I can’t wait to share my final recipe with you.
I love every single ingredient. Cant wait to make this and eat it all and not share. 😉
You are absolutely right. Where does it go? The dish looks fantastic. It’s so light and fresh for the summer. Your photos are beautiful too!
Shrimp and I are BEST FRIENDS. And pasta and I are having a love affair. Don’t tell my husband. OR the shrimp. Unless they want to…well, never mind.
Every single item in this recipe makes me happy. This is going on my to do list soon!
Frozen shrimp really is the secret here. I’ve been surprised by how well they work out. That makes it a great last minute meal.
Gorgeous dish and photos! I agree, time goes too fast! How is it the middle of July?
beautifully said Kristen . . . i don’t know why time seems to stand still when we’re in the midst of things we dread and yet marches on at break-neck speeds when we’re trying desperately to hold on. but i do know that being as ‘present’ in the moment, taking everything in, becoming aware of the little things . . . placing ‘markers’ in my memory bank . . . all help in slowing down and being able to savor those moments. remember too, that looking back takes your focus off the ‘now’ and we miss opportunities for joy . . .
i think that is one of the greatest lessons i learned while doing the #30dayphoto journey in June; looking at all the photos i took during that period of time, helped me remember those moments of real happiness!
Easy as well as tasty. This is a fantastic pasta dish.
Ah, no truer words have been spoken – as I get ready to send my oldest off to college I also wonder where in the world the time went!!!
I think however, that is the mark of a life well lived… all we can do is try and appreciate every moment of it!!!
Well said!
thanks for the recipe Kristen! The girls and I would LOVE this!!
I understand how you feel, Kristen. I’ve been thinking about time a lot myself, lately. When we’re young, we think we have all the time in the world. We’re always in such a hurry! Then, one day we look back, wonder where it all went and wish we could get it back. Sigh…
I love shrimp all the time! But I hear ya. It’s a lifesaver when you need something quick to prepare for a hungry family!
What a pretty dish, Kristen! I, too, am wondering where the past month and a half has gone. I just realized today that, after we get back from our family vacation in August, the boys will be starting school. Too soon!
Bookmarked! Sounds SO delicious, and easy enough to whip up even when I don’t reallllly feel like cooking…like tonight. If only I had shrimp!
This looks delicious Kristen. I agree time seems so fleeting sometimes… I’ve been trying to stop and savor the moments more myself.
So true, we never appreciate the time we are given, it’s a gift we should savor.
This is how I love to cook for Hubby the Hubster. I would just leave the shrimp out for me. It’s easy, flavorful and OMG, Hubby loves this kind of easy, tasty food!
Psst. the fries look pretty tasty too! 😉
Beautifully said, Kristen. I’ve had the very same thoughts on my mind today. I skipped my housework and blogging work and took the day to make memories with the boys. We baked, went on a picnic, played croquet, lit a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. They may or may not remember it, but I know I will.
I’m right there with ya. Time is flying for us with two teens in the house. It’s scary to think that in 5 years they’ll be in college.
I interviewed a relative of mine on the occasion of his 100th birthday. I asked him how it felt to be 100. His response I will always remember. “It took a long time to get here, but when I look back, it has just been the blink of an eye.”
I have not had enough shrimp lately. Need to change that!
Well said! Time does fly…but we have to try and stay in the moment ’cause that’s all we really have. 🙂 My grands are teens now and it just doesn’t seem possible. I thought I had yeeearrrrsssss to play with them…I did but it just went so fast!
This recipe looks amazing ~ I love shrimp in anything. Thanks for sharing!
Looks delicious! Love simple sauces, specially with the citrus!
Kristin, this pasta looks wonderful. Not sure where the time is going either. Thank goodness for being very busy though 🙂
Ahh, gosh that pasta looks SO good! Shrimp, lemon and pasta can never go wrong if put all together. Winner in my book 🙂
I like this post lots, it has sentiments I often think about, as well as a wonderful recipe of course! Looks really perfect for a summer evening meal 🙂
Time is indeed a gift that we should all try to cherish. It’s so easy to fritter it away and then then waste more time worrying about what “wasn’t” instead of focusing on what we “will”…thank you for the reminder Kristen. Big hugs to you. xo
Oh this is definitely something I’ll be making soon! So fresh and simple =)
It’s a perfect dish! Love the simplicity of it. I don’t want summer to end either… but we’re just leaving today on our first vacation of the summer, so I feel like there’s a ways to go yet!
can’t wait to try
Great food photography! Shrimp is the greatest “fast food”. I am in denial that summer is heading to an end.
Looks lovely, Kristen. I especially like garlicky wine broths with pasta and shrimp – can’t wait to try this!
My favorite combo…shrimp and pasta. I love quick and easy weeknight meals like this. And yes, summer is flying by. As it always does.
Such a good recipe! Summer meals like this are my favorite. I can already feel fall looming, I’m trying to stay in the moment.
Frozen shrimp is a savior, isn’t it? This recipe is so quick and easy, we can’t help but want to make tonight for dinner! Perhaps we will add a little bit of shaved Parmesan to this.
When something tragic in your life happens, you start to really assess where the time went – and how you want to spend it best. Some don’t have a choice, but it forces us to really evaluate what’s important. On a less serious note, I love your pasta and the potatoes too, but I really love that weathered board you use in the photos.
A beautiful dish, and a beautiful post!
Great recipe! I did my own adaptation last night:
Love this blog! Keep ’em coming!
K – I’m in love with the way you seem to effortlessly give all of us a lesson in life, and then add in a gorgeous soul satisfying recipe at the end as well. Thanks!
Seeing the pasta….now I am craving some. But it’s 10pm…. ahhh lol
I love shrimp pretty much cooked anyway, but this recipe is making my mouth water 🙂
I love shrimp cooked almost any way. I have to say this recipe is making my mouth water 🙂
I think I just found tonight’s dinner!