Jacob went in to Children’s Mercy hospital on Monday morning for surgery. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed, a hernia repaired and the veins in his nose cauterized. Talk about a triple whammy!
He was really out of it on Monday, as can be expected, but yesterday he was back to his normal self. He ate a ton…eggs, toast, turkey, strawberries, bananas, milkshakes, smoothies, Jello, etc.
Today, he is paying some for it. He is really tired, hoarse and just out of it again. He is still doing really remarkable though, in my opinion. He is such a little toughie!
According to Jacob, the best thing about having surgery is that when you come home, when you ask for something, you get it. Oh boy..this may be a hard one to break!
I’m glad that he is doing okay and getting lots of special attention. That boy has it figured out, huh? How cute… 🙂
Might as well get some mileage out of such trauma, right? Love you, Jacob.
I’m glad he’s doing well!
I hope he has fully recovered now! He is amazing, I love how kids are so resilient and bounce back.
That is a whammy! If I had seen this earlier I would have warned you that day 5-7 is usually the worst. A lot of times, the day after kids are doing fine and want to eat…then it hits them! I hope your little one is back to normal now and that you are free from those sore throats!
Hope he is all better!! I WISH I had been able to eat anything at all besides water after tonsil surgery. You are such a good mom for doing it young. I WISH my parents had not let me wait until I was 26!!!
What a sweetie – 3 surgeries!!