I married into a family of bar lovers. No – not the “let’s go out to the bar” lovers (although there are a few of those)… the other kind. The kind that you bake and eat. For every occasion or non-occasion when we are all together, you can bet that there are at least a couple of pans of bars to be had. It has become a bit of an inside running joke among my husband and I because the bar thing has gotten to be so predictable. If we are planning something, the question always is “who is going to bring the bars?” In fact, I am surprised that before I got married to him, I wasn’t questioned on my bar making ability or my love for all things bar.
The non-bar history of mine has always made me feel like a bit of an outcast among my in-laws. Growing up, we didn’t do bars. We did cookies. Bars were occasionally made for bake sales, but more often than not, traditional cookies were what we stuck to.
I’m finally happy to say that I may have finally found the cookie bar recipe that will give me the perfect in to my husbands family of bar lovers. Next time we have a reason to be together, I will proudly walk in carrying my very own pan of homemade Sugar Cookie Bars. I found this recipe on Annie’s Eats a week ago and I seriously think it is the recipe that may finally make me fit in with the family.
Head over to Annie’s Eats for the Sugar Cookie Bars recipe and get ready to become a part of the Bar Lovers clique.
Sounds like my kind of family! I’ve been seeing these sugar cookie bars all over the blogosphere, I need to just bake them already. Yours look so inviting!
Glad you enjoyed them. Great photo!
.-= Annie´s last blog ..Oreo Cream Cheese Swirl Brownies =-.
Kristen, I’m literally drooling over that photo! And now, I feel compelled to invent a way to pull these cookies out of the screen of my laptop! Great post! 🙂
.-= kamran siddiqi´s last blog ..jamaican beef patties =-.
Um, I think I could have written this post! Mt mother-in-law only makes bars, but she calls them cookies! To me, cookies are round and dropped onto the pan or shaped with a cutter. Her cookies? They’re bars. And that’s the only way she makes them. Maybe I’ll bring some bars to our 4th of July BBQ!
Sugar cookie bars sounds INCREDIBLE.
.-= Jessica @ How Sweet´s last blog ..Watermelon Gazpacho. =-.
I saw those on Annie’s Eats and absolutely swooned! I never had bar cookies (aside from brownies) until I started the blog and I have to say I really love them. They are so much easier than cookies in my opinion. I think it was a batch of butterscotch blondies that my roommate made for me before my first marathon that really did me in though.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Strawberry Shortcakes with Balsamic and Black Pepper Syrup – Have the Cake =-.
I’d like to eat those bars… IN a bar.
.-= camille´s last blog ..Cucumber Salad =-.
Oooh! I love sugar cookies AND bars, so I feel like I’d die for these. The photo is so pretty and I just love that plate!
Same here … we were a cookie family, and my wife’s is all about the bars. I think it’s a midwest, great plains sensibility … why turn on the oven but then not fill every square inch of the tray? Wasted space … like planting crops in little bunches instead of nice long rows.
.-= 12th Man´s last blog ..Getting ready for Father’s Day =-.
Love the colors – great shot.
.-= Amy from She Wears Many Hats´s last blog ..Lime Sherbet =-.
LOVE sugar cookies and my kids are nuts for them too so these would be a certain hit in our house! Thanks!
.-= Debbi Does Dinner Healthy´s last blog ..Quinoa Salad with Apples & Almonds =-.
LOVE bar cookies – but then again I just love cookies, plain and simple! Have never seen a recipe for bar sugar cookies – can’t wait to try these – just fab!
.-= smithbites´s last blog ..HOME AGAIN & DISHIN’ W/MAC =-.
Hi Kristen
Thanks for your visit to my site. Your blog is absolutely gorgeous. What beautiful pics you have
I much prefer bars to cookies. Have no idea why, but while I have my share of cookie recipes, my bar folder is far bigger.
These look marvelous. Love taking the idea of a sugar cookie into bar-land!
.-= Barbara´s last blog ..Summer Pudding =-.
I have learned to embrace the bar cookie. Easy to make, slice and transport. Never tried it with sugar cookies though. Yours look great.
Oh YUM! I love bars too! These look so sugary delicious!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..Strawberry Gelato =-.
Yummy my surfer would absolutely love these, he is a bar man as well. His mom makes dessert bars especially for him during the holidays 🙂
.-= Tickled Red´s last blog ..We Dropped the Ball =-.
Sounds like an awesome recipe. Thanks for directing me to Annie’s Eats to check it out. To my horror, I can’t even remember the last bar cookie I made. These should change that.
.-= Mrs. L´s last blog ..Sausage, Peppers and Onions Sandwich =-.
I still need to make these. Hopefully soon! Yours look wonderful!
.-= Maria´s last blog ..2peas3-0 =-.
Those look soooo good! I grew up in a family of bar-lovers, but I really wanted my mom to make us “real” cookies all of the time. Now that I am a mom, boy, do I think my mom was SMART! I love bar cookies- so much faster and easier than drop cookies and just as satisfying 😉
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Amy’s Notebook 06.16.10 =-.
i always want to make these. they look so good.
.-= Dina´s last blog ..Cupcake mix =-.
Yum!! I love bars like your husbands’ family, but probably for a different reason — I just find them easier to bake! no scooping and dipping… just pouring or pressing!