1) Bakeaholic Mama 2) Pineapple and Coconut 3) Fabtastic Eats 4) Lemon Bowl 5) Foodness Gracious 6) Rachel Cooks 7) Dine & Dish 8) Big Bears Wife 9) Nutmeg Nanny 10) Savory Simple 11) What Megan’s Making 12) Beeroness
Happy December! To kick this month off, the month of giving and sharing, Bakeaholic Mama thought it would be fun to get some food blogger friends together to share some of our favorite things and to have a massive giveaway for our readers! I loved that idea so am joining in! Below the picture, you will find links to each of our giveaways. Make sure to head to everyones blog to see what wonderful things they are offering and enter their giveaways too!
My giveaway today includes a few of my favorite things… an Erin Condren Life Planner ($50 credit to create your own Life Planner at www.erincondren.com), a set of my favorite Sharpie Pens (the perfect writing utensil for my Erin Condren Life Planner), and a set of 6 coffee mugs!
To enter the giveaway simply enter through the PromoSimple widget below. Once you are done, make sure to check out my friends links to enter their giveaways too! Thanks for supporting Dine & Dish! I hope you enjoy this giveaway for some of my favorite things.
1) Bakeaholic Mama 2) Pineapple and Coconut 3) Fabtastic Eats 4) Lemon Bowl 5) Foodness Gracious 6) Rachel Cooks 7) Dine & Dish 8) Big Bears Wife 9) Nutmeg Nanny 10) Savory Simple 11) What Megan’s Making 12) Beeroness
Thanks for entering and good luck
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
I love the weather! It finally gets a bit cooler here in Florida in December… plus, December has Christmas- my favorite holiday!
Christmas! Everything about it…what it means, the food, spending time with family, love it all!!!
The kids excitement in December is contagious!
I think I love it all, love the cooler weather, yard if finished for the year, all the great deserts, the christmas programs, parades, etc
The anticipation of Christ’s birthday. It keeps everything in perspective for me.
Snow! 🙂 and how it makes everything extra quiet! :/)
Christmas… and being with family!
Snow days where I don’t get out of my pjs and sip on espresso all day
I love Christmas Eve Mass with my family.
Christmas time, of course! Being with family and friends, my church’s candlelight service, driving around looking at Christmas lights! My list could go on and on 🙂
I love getting together with family and friends around the holidays and curling up with a warm drink and a good book while it snows outside
The lights!
Christmas in general is my favorite. Seeing family/friends and talking about the year is just so wonderful!
I love the shorter days and the snow!!!
My favorite thing about December is Christmas!
I love all the family time!
December is full of big dates : our wedding anniversary, my parent’s wedding anniversary, my nieces birthday, my husband’s birthday. Lots going on!
My favorite thing about baking is holiday parades,festivities like The Nutcracker, The Festival of Lights, The Lovefeast, caroling through the neighborhood! Love the holiday spirit. Can’t forget about the baking-my prime time for baking!
Everything- the scents, the lights, the mood to give.
Snow! Is the best thing about December, bring it on!
Making Memories with my boys is my favorite part of December!!
Christmas morning with Mexican Hot Chocolate!!!
Getting together with family and friends all month long.
I love decorating for Christmas!
I LOVE the Chrismtas lights!
I love December because of all the fun things I get to celebrate during it. Both my sisters and my husband were born in December , and we got married in December!!
I love December because my kids are getting excited for Christmas!
my fav thing about December is all the holiday parties!
Christmas lights!!
I love getting the tree & decorating it.
I love all of the Christmas lights!!
Christmas lights, riding through neighborhood seeing all the lights and decorations
time spent with family and friends
My reliving the excitement through my 4 year old!
Christmas Day with my boys!
All the pretty Christmas lights!
Holiday baking with my family!! It’s my absolute favorite time of year.
snow lights fireplace
Elving for Christmas.
All the family time and traditions
Decorating for Christmas
Christmas Music and Advent at church!
I love all the family traditions!
I love the decorations and the smell of pine in the house.
I love all the lights and decorations
The best part of December is spending time with family. I look forward to the road trips and the arrivals and the warm conversations fueled by coffee and hot cocoa every year! But let’s be honest, the cookies aren’t bad either 😉
December includes my birthday and Christmas. Love it!
Holiday vacation from work!
Putting up the Christmas tree is always my favorite!
My favorite thing about December is Christmas, and my daughter’s birthday! 🙂
I love getting to see all of the crazy decorations that go up in December. I used to drive a golf cart around Fort Wilderness at Walt Disney World and see all of the displays (including a RV sized red wagon!).
My favorite thing about December is the cold weather and the delicious winter food – soups, casseroles, and all the yummy desserts!
My favorite thing about December is going skiing.
My favorite? Christmas Eve church service. Love the candles, the calmness in the midst of the craziness. Love it.
My favorite part about December is the snowy days. While I hate driving in the snow I love watching it fall from the sky while I’m cozy in my house. I’m also a big fan of all the Christmas movies. I could watch them all day everyday!
The wonderful scents of Christmas is my favorite thing… spices, wonderful things cooking, hopefully the crisp scent of snow on the air.. heaven
My favorite part of December is doing a ton of holiday baking!
Christmas Eve service at church by candlelight!
Family time 🙂
My favorite thing about December is hearing all the great music and seeing the fun Christmas decorations around town. There’s a special spirit around Christmas time that you don’t seem to get any other time of the year.
I love the holiday scents! And time with family!
my favorite thing about December are all the holiday, birthday, and anniversary celebrations
I love the lights of Christmas. Love to walk my dogs and look at the decorations.
All of us in our family feel that extra closeness… even the kids long for more family togetherness. As my kids get older, I treasure their appreciation to enjoy things together more and more!
Seeing all of the decorations and the excitement in the air
My favorite thing about December is having just me and hubby time for a couple of weeks (we’re both in academia) to recharge our marriage. Also, the smell of pine.
I like december because it seems like the christmas spirit makes everyone treat each other a little better, and be more generous to those in need.
I love time off from work to spend time with family and friends!
I love the sounds of the season, the Christian Christmas carols etc.
Christmas of course!
I love decorating and watching Christmas movies with my little ones!
My favorite thing about December is SNOW! (And my birthday!)
I like the decorations. I love the reason for the season and I love the getting together with family and friends.
I think my favourite thing is the old carols – and if we had a fireplace, a fire to sit in front of while listening to them.
My favorite thing is getting to spend time with friends and family on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
My favorite thing about December… Celebrating Jesus’ birthday! 🙂
My favorite thing about December is all the decorations. My home feels more home-like this time of year.
I love the first snow!
The joy that is in the air…plus the cookies!
My favorite part is putting up Christmas decorations
Christmas programs at church!
My favorite thing is cooking and eating 😀
I love the weather, the holiday spirit that everyone shares, but most of all… I love eggnog.
My birthday! It’s Christmas eve.
My favorite part is baking cookies.
I love getting together with family and the seasonal FOODS!
I love all of the decorations – especially the lights! my favorite is to drive around at night and look at them all… it really makes everything look so pretty!
Family time
The fun movies and decorations!
I love the spirit of the season. The kids live in constant wonder.
Baking, decorating the tree, and spending time with my family.
family time 🙂
Christmas music
Christmas lights, movies, music, decorating the tree, family time and baking! Guess I love it all 🙂
I love cooking holiday food.
Seeing friends and family over the holidays!
I love holiday food, eating, cooking, baking and sharing it!
favorite thing about december is getting to see family and the calm quiet evenings
My favorite thing is spending time with friends and family.
Love driving around looking at Christmas lights!
I love the joy and spirit of December. The excitement of children.
Directing the choir and orchestra at church on Christmas Eve.
I love the excitement in my grandchildren’s faces.
I love the Christmas music while I shop
I love the cold weather, the christmas music, the happiness that *most* people have…I love Christmastime!
My favorite thing about December is sharing and giving and seeing other people so happy!
My birthday is in December, so that’s one thing I love. But, I also love time off from school to spend with family (one of the benefits of being a teacher). 🙂
Decorating the house and buying the perfect gift for someone.
My birthday is on the 25th, seriously!
Hot chocolate!
My favorite thing about December is Christmas!
All of the get togethers with friends and family.
The cold weather and the warmth and love during the season! Parties, meals and holidays while laughing and visiting with friends and family.
Extra holiday baking and time with family!
I love making special cakes and pies for Christmas time.
I love making all of the festive holiday recipes!
I love the snow and Christmas.
I love Christmas music and baking!
Snow! Please snow soon…
I love my family cookie baking day!
Christmas parades and gift giving!
it’s my birthday month!
December is a huge month in my house! Me and my SO will be enjoying 7 years together in a couple days and later his birthday! I have to say my favorite thing is seeing our kids faces on Christmas morning!
My favorite thing about December is the end of the year- visiting friends and family, celebrating holidays, enjoying good food, and getting a fresh start.
I love the cozyness of the advent time, when I can snuggle on the sofa with a blanket and a cup of tea and a good book and everything is lighted by candels.
One of my favorite things is driving around with my husband and children to look at Christmas lights.
My favorite thing about December is my mom’s Christmas party and being able to spend some quality time with family!
my favorite thing is driving around with family looking at Christmas lights 🙂
My favorite thing about december is it is the season to snuggle and break out the candles
My fav thing about December is hot chocolate!
My favourite thing about December is the excuse to drink hot chocolate all of the time 🙂
My favorite thing about December was today… my mom’s birthday!
I’m a (graduate) student, so my favorite thing about December is winter break!
I love our annual Christmas Eve brunch with family and friends. It is a fantastic day filled with love and laughter.
Christmas is the best thing about December.
I like the higher probability of snowfall!
My favorite thing about December is all the Festive Holidays with all the loving preparations of gifts from your heart. I just love cooking all the holiday treats, and in particular love to bake cookies with friends and family. Let’s just say I love all the Traditions!
My favorite thing about December is watching all the Christmas lights go up.
I just love December for all the festive holidays and all the loving preparations. I just love cooking all the holiday treats and baking cookies with friends and family. I guess I just love all the traditions!
I love seeing family and friends in December, and the crispness in the air!
Snow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH2KGboA35c Yes, the video is required to feel my excitement 😉
Besides Christmas and being with family would be freshly fallen snow. I love the way it sparkles in the sunlight.
Playing outside in the snow with my daughter!
I love celebrating the birth of my Savior with family and friends. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite thing is Christmas!
I really like all the wonderful food and family and friends…
I love dressing in sweaters and scarves, wearing boots, giving gifts, and enjoying the true spirit of the season.
Spending time with family
I love the cooler weather.
Having friends over for hot chocolate! Warms my heart (literally and figuratively 🙂 )
I like the kids excitement and the family time
I love December because it’s when I get to see my family the most!
My favorite thing about December is Christmas. I love putting up all the sparkly decorations and picking out the tree.
I love the holiday baking!
Family traditions with my kids! We’ve already cut down our tree and have started our advent readings!
I love the anticipation that comes in December as Christmas nears.
the smell of fresh Christmas trees!
My birthday!!
Colder weather makes the holiday spirit come easier!
My favorite thing about December is taking time off of work for the week of Christmas! A relaxing week? YES PLEASE!
Holiday is my favorite thing about DEC.
Christmas baking with my mom
I love the COLD. snowy, winter weather that comes in December!
My favorite thing about December, to be honest is my birthday 🙂 and the fact that my birthday is so close to Christmas, I almost always get to spend it with family.
My husband and myself walk our two big dogs (a yellow Lab-Jeb & Bernese Mtn dog (Max) everyday and in December you can expect there to be snow on the ground. The dogs love to play in it and frolic all over our property. It’s a wonderful thing to do together.
All the treats.
My favorite thing about December is spending time with family and friends…generally over some decadent dessert!
Decorating the Christmas tree, because I love going through all the old things from my childhood, & some newer things, that is only get to see once a year!
Favorite thing about Dec. is the holiday
I love December because I get to come home to Christmas decorations and especially Christmas lights! They just put me in such a good mood and they’re bright enough that I can turn out my other lights so that I can have a dimmer, more relaxing environment.
Spending time with family cause I’m off most of December
My favorite thing is the 25 days of christmas on ABC family!
i LOVE drinking hot chocolate all wrapped up in a warm blanket. love it.
My favorite thing about December is spending time with my family!
Snowball fights!
Hot cocoa, xmas music and children giggling when the open their presents.
I like Christmas, my birthday and all the baked goods that come with it
The first snow is my favorite
My favorite thing about December is making lots of Christmas cookies with my kids.
My favorite thing about December is the holidays because that means family, friends and food!!
My favorite things about December are the Christmas decorations and the snow.
I don’t even butter my bread; I consider that cooking.
Katherine Cebrian
My favorite thing is Christmas of course!!
Christmas lights!
My favorite thing about December is watching my kids’ joy over the Holiday season and each little piece that goes with it.
Holiday stories, hot cocoa, cookies, and snow!
My favorite thing about December is all the holiday baking!
my favorite thing about december is spending time with family and friends during the holidays!
My favorite thing is being able to spend time with family and friends
My favorite thing is that it is our Lord’s birthday.
winter boots, mittens, hats, just winter accessories in general!
My fav thing is celebrating the magic of the season with my kids!
Christmas, of course 🙂
all the time with family!
I love baking Christmas cookies!
I like that most people have holiday from school at the same time
I like the Christmas cookies–also that I’m going home for Christmas 😀
Hot cocoa, friends, family, snow!
baking cookies!
getting ready for the holidays, family and extra time off work!
Christmas and my daughter’s birthday
Snow, hot chocolate and sledding with the family!
Knowing that a new year will be beginning…A new chance, a new start,
a blank canvas to paint new memories on.
I love getting together with family and driving around to see the Christmas lights 🙂
I love December because it’s cold enough to curl up and get cozy on the couch.
Getting to decorate my first apartment for the first time for the holiday!
One of my favorite things about December is the scents – baking cookies, Christmas trees, seasonal candles. It just makes me feel all warm and cozy!
Lights and family!
Putting up the tree, spending time with family and friends, and of course, all of that holiday baking! 🙂
All the cookies!!! And celebrating the birth of Jesus!
I love celebrating my wedding anniversary in December.
i love the smell of cold air and warm fires
the possibility of snow, putting up a christmas tree
Eating, of course–the reason for all that cooking I do.
Tonight its the Sound of Music … I’m a goofball
I just signed up for your newsletter and saw that we are almost neighbors. Live in Lenexa.
I LOVE that feeling of pure joy in the air. and the lights twinkling at you from all over.
Decorating the tree and wrapping presents is one of my favorite things to do in December.
My fave dec. thing is food! Cooking it, baking it, sharing it, eating it…. and decorations. (Looking at them, but NOT hanging them LoL)
My favorite thing is wrapping gifts!
My favorite thing about December is the whole Christmas “spirit” – just the general feeling of merriment you can sense everywhere!
I love baking and cuddling up in the warm house with a good book!
Making snow people with my little girls =)
I love several things: first snowfalls, my daughter’s birthday, baking cookies, and the celebration of Christmas.
My favorite thing about December is hot apple cider – yum!
My favorite thing about December is that it brings families together to enjoy love, laughter and good food.
Thoughts in Progress
Spending time with family
the lights and the love of family
I love the frosty dew on the grass outside.
My fav. thing in the cold days and nights: Hot creamy boozie coaco
I love having time off from work to spend with friends and family.
Snow! I love to ski.
we live in florida and the best part about december is the weather…..it is finally comfortable with no humidity and the temps are awesome
baking cookies and other goodies for Christmas time
Baking with my grammy & my little boy now!