I’ve got a fun giveaway for you today!! If you have been at all observant recently, you’ve probably seen every other person you know wearing little colorful bracelets on their arm. No, these aren’t the new “Livestrong Band” replacements… they are FitBit’s! The most recent innovation in health and fitness wearable exercise tracking!
If you aren’t familar with what a FitBit does, it’s a bracelet that can track your daily steps and your overall activity level. It can also monitor your sleep, which I love. When you pair it with the handy FitBit smart phone app, you get a screenshot of your days activity and your sleep snapshot… so you can see exactly why you might be exhausted in the morning. Maybe you thought you were sleeping when really you had an incredibly restless night. It’s a great little device, I tell ya!I’ve teamed up with some of my favorite bloggers to give you the chance to win an awesome FitBit Prize package! Give the extra to your best friend, your husband, your mom, even your kid… sharing this with someone you love and motivating each other to reach certain goals during the day is a great thing you can do for your health and well being!
Taste and Tell • Iowa Girl Eats • Inside BruCrew Life • Crazy For Crust • The Lemon Bowl • Foodie with Family • Mom On Timeout •Confessions of a Cookbook Queen • Dine & Dish • Very Culinary • Rachel Cooks • Fake Ginger
To enter the giveaway, just fill out the giveaway widget below. And good luck!!
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I’ve been contemplating a FitBit for ages but I just haven’t done it yet. If I win then I won’t have to make the decision, the decision will be made for me!
Have asked for a fitbit flex for my birthday – turning 60 next month! Would be nice if my husband had a fitbit too!
I have been looking into activity trackers for some time but couldn’t decide which was the best one. It’d be great to win this Fitbit for my hubby & I so we could track our progress together! I’m 2 time cancer warrior ready to get healthy again & feel much better! I hope to walk a 5k or 2 this year so it’d be awesome to be able to track my progress…& for hubby to get on board & join me!