Who needs an excuse to make something cool and refreshing like sorbet? I don’t, but just for kicks and grins I will give you the top five reasons why sorbet was on our dessert menu today:
- The temperature today, where I live, topped at 92 degrees Fahrenheit… it was H-O-T hot! Hot chocolate just won’t do today…an icy treat was in order.
- My 5 year old is having his tonsils and adenoids taken out next week. He is looking forward to eating ice cream, Popsicles, and now, sorbet, while he recovers. I have been experimenting with various recipes to try that he will be able to eat post-op.
- It is just seems fancy to say we are having sorbet for dessert
- With all the fresh fruits in abundance, I am always looking for new and interesting ways to use them up.
- The lovely Laura over at Eat Drink Live announced that the theme for this months Hay Hay It’s Donna Day is…sorbet!
There you have it… the top five reasons why I decided to give sorbet a try today. I have never participated in the Hay Hay It’s Donna Day event and since my husband has been raving about the sorbet he gets at one of his favorite New York City restaurants, I decided to surprise him and make some at home. I knew that a lot of people participating in the event would be making sorbets out of the fresh fruits of the season…strawberries, raspberries, etc. As much as I love summertime fruit, I know how much my husband loves apples so I thought he would most enjoy an apple sorbet. Apple just seemed too plain though, so on a whim I decided to throw in some pears as well. The result was a sweet, icy sorbet…rich with flavor and the perfect end to a fantastic dinner al fresco on the deck. You don’t need an excuse… go ahead and try it!
Pear Apple Sorbet
- 2 Granny Smith Apples cored and roughly chopped
- 2 ripe Pears cored and roughly chopped
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup apple juice
- In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine apples, pears, sugar and 1/2 cup water; cover. Cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Press mixture through a sieve placed over a bowl. Discard apple and pear skins and stir in apple juice and another 1/2 cup water. Place mixture in a food processor and pulse 3-4 times until any big chunks are smooth.
- If making without an ice cream machine, pour into a shallow container and freeze 6 hours, scraping with a fork once or twice to break up crystals. If using a machine, churn until firm enough to scoop.
Sounds delish!
Thinking of sorbet (and icecream) I started thinking of Emily Luchetti…which then led me to think of my favorite restaurant in San Francisco, Farallon (where Emily is the pastry chef)
Just looking around…stumbled across some sorbet from Farallon.
Wow, that sounds perfect and looks so delightfully refreshing. Yeah, it’s hot here now. Seems the rain has stopped after 44 days. Now it’s hot and humid.
Hope your kid is feeling better now. With that delicious Apple Sorbet,I bet everybody is happy and cool at home.Enjoy:)
Sorbet with Granny Smith apples??? I’m in.
Looks delicious!
Pear and apple???
I bet that is really yummy! I may have to give this a try. I did my sorbet in the freezer, it made it to easy.
No excuses!
Its been about 110 degrees here so this looks so light and refreshing!
That just looks way too good, and sounds way to easy… I may have to try it! Later in the summer when my pears are ripe… and we may have some warm, summer-like weather instead of this everlasting spring!
I could go for that right about now…too hot here.
Ooh, I’ve been away from your yummy blog for far too long!!! This sounds absolutely yummy (as well as all the strawberry recipes!)!!!
I tagged you for a restaurant meme. Hope you don’t mind. It was kinda fun. Come see mine.
Hope your weekend was good.
I’m licking my spoon. Can I have some more please?
There is nothing more refreshing than a fruit sorbet!
Will you come and fix me ice cream when I have my deviated septum fixed on the 27th? I’ll be good. PROMISE!
Pear & Apple Sorbet for dessert.
It does sound schmancy… and delicious.
Dine and Dish can outshine NYC any day, nothing beats homemade and enjoyed in your home cooking. This sounds wonderful and somewhat simple. I must try.
That is a great flavor comination. This looks so good right now on a day where it is hitting 99 degrees.
This looks delicious and refreshing. Hugs to your 5 year old!
I would have never thought of apple and pear for a sorbet – this sounds so refreshing!!!
That looks lovely!! I made an apple cider granita last fall, but this sounds more refreshing and right for spring/summer or whenever. My boyfriend would love this!
I’m feeling so cold, but why is it that I am still drawn to your lovely pear & apple sorbet. You have magical powers…. can you also send some warmth & sunshine over to Sydney?
I love apple and pear combined. Sounds a delicious combination for a sorbet. Thanks for joining HHDD.
Hold me completely responsible from Lisa’s absence from your blog…my apologies…She is a doll.
This sorbet is going into my to try recipe box. Sounds so refreshing!