The evening really did start off nicely. The girls and I were be-bopping around in my bathroom to some of our favorite tunes. I was on hair, makeup and costume duty getting my daughters all ready for their dance recital performance that they had been working on all year long. The excitement was overwhelming… neither girl could hold still long enough without squealing with delight over the anticipation of the night to come.
I was in charge of the dancing girls. My husband (I will preface this post by saying I do love him dearly) was in charge of my 8 year old and the baby. As I was running out the door to get the girls to their dance recital, I said “Make sure when you stop by the store to pick up their flower bouquets, you grab some snacks for the baby.” “Snacks? Like what?” he questions. “You know…crackers, blueberries, pretzels… just something that will keep her quiet. Oh – and don’t forget a bottle.” With that, I was out the door and on my merry way.
Fast forward to just a few songs into the recital and Leah is already getting fussy. “Hey… did you remember the snacks for her?”, I whisper to Nick. He hands me a bag and I reach in to find no crackers. No pretzels. No bottle. Instead I find a box of Mike & Ike’s and some Twizzlers. What??? She is one year old! Calmly I whisper, “No… where are the snacks for the baby?” He replies, “Those are the snacks for the baby.” Needless to say, with no snacks and no bottle, the baby was not hip on sitting through a 3 hour dance recital, quietly, for very long.
About 4 songs prior to Kelly’s performance, Leah started squawking. I decided to take her out some doors on the side of the auditorium. I slipped by some ushers who were sitting right by the doors, and went out into a quiet lobby area to let the baby walk around and wear off some of her extra energy. I had my ear up to the door to listen for Kelly’s music. Finally, after several minutes had passed, her performance song came on. I scooped up the baby and went to open the door and it.was.locked. Locked!!! All five doors that lead to the auditorium from that lobby were totally locked. Remembering that there were ushers directly inside, I started knocking on the door. Then as panic started to ensue because I was missing my daughters dance recital performance, I started shaking the handles on the door. Nothing happened. The doors stayed locked and I slipped to the ground in a puddle of tears feeling like a complete failure of a mom.
I didn’t have the heart to tell Kelly that I missed her performance. I know I’ll get to see the video when it comes out, but it still will not be the same. I know that the doors being locked was completely out of my control, but I couldn’t help but feel like I had somehow let her down (even though she has no idea… do you see the kind of stupid pressure moms put on themselves? Rationally, I know it is non-sense, but I still feel this way!)
The only way I know of how to tie this recipe into this story is to tell you that the first time I made it, I was supposed to bring bread to a teacher appreciation luncheon at school. I was running behind and only had a few hours to make a couple of loaves of bread. When I looked into the oven and saw bread dough that wasn’t rising, it hit me that I totally and completely forgot to add the yeast to the recipe. As my son would say, “oh snap!”. Remembering the yeast this time, I am happy to tell you that this recipe is no longer considered a failure in my mind and instead has become a recipe that I love. Just like the hugs and kisses I received from my sweet 6 year old after her recital let me know that even though I had unintentionally screwed up, she was going to love me anyway.
Rosemary Bread (adapted from AllRecipes)
1 cup water
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
2 1/2 cups bread flour
1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1. | Place ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer.Select the dough cycle. Once the dough cycle is complete, place the dough in a sprayed loaf pan. Allow to rise again, then place in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 30-40 minutes or until bread sounds hollow when thumped. |
Oh how that just tugged at my heart strings!! Wow, even I was upset at the locked doors AND your hubby! The recipe sounds absolutely fab…I just can’t stop thinking about all the events you went through though. I so wish I could give you a hug!
Don’t tell them. You WERE there. You did their hair. You were there when it was done.
Taking the baby out helped EVERYONE else in the auditorium, too.
Sweet blog post!
Awww Kristen you poor thing! All I can say is I am sending hugs your way.
.-= picky cook´s last blog ..sweet & salty cake =-.
Ohmigosh. 🙁 I can’t imagine how helpless that felt!
.-= Jessica @ How Sweet´s last blog ..Coconut Rum Cupcakes. =-.
Aww, I know little Kelly would understand. You poor thing! That must have been incredibly frustrating. Your girls look adorable, though, and I’m sure they did a fantastic job!
.-= Julie @ Willow Bird Baking´s last blog ..Lemon Triumph Cake =-.
Oh no Kristen…I cried for you when I read this!! and I had to laugh at the snacks your hubby brought for the baby…..SOOOO something my husband would do!!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..I Heart Faces – "Play" =-.
Someday, somehow, this will turn into one of those classic family stories that gets told and retold, and it will become a story more funny than sad. Meanwhile, wait for the video!
No yeast … i think we all have a story like that. No sugar in the pumpkin pie and no heat in the oven are my two contributions to the genre.
.-= 12th Man´s last blog ..Crackers from scratch =-.
aw that’s so frustrating! I’m sorry 🙁 I can just imagine your disappointment. But I agree with the other commenter that said you were there, you did everything you could for them, you got them ready, fixed their hair, let the other people in the auditorium watch in peace, etc. that’s what really matters 🙂
.-= megan´s last blog ..Coconut Granola Bars =-.
I can imagine how heartbroken you were to miss the performance! I know I’ve felt awful when I’ve looked the wrong way at a baseball game and missed the best hit or when one of my boys made a great play and got someone out. It’s tough to see them so proud and to have missed the “moment”.
.-= patsyk´s last blog ..Fishing and Food at Lake Gananoque =-.
Oh no! We all have those moments.
Well, at least I think we all do. Don’t we? Please say yes.
.-= Amy from She Wears Many Hats´s last blog ..Benne Wafers =-.
OMG! That’s so not your fault. I don’t know how to put it nicely, but who would lock the doors so late comers can’t come in, and why did the ushers ignore you, people are inconsiderate and just plain mean.
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Three Bean Salad =-.
We moms put ourselves under so much pressure to be “just right” for our children, don’t we? I think we occasionally need to take a deep breath and tell ourselves it’s okay to mess up sometimes. We are human after all. This was beyond your control – forgive yourself!
.-= Lana @ Never Enough Thyme´s last blog ..8 Ball Zucchini =-.
Oh Kristen! The whole time I was reading that I had a huge knot in my stomach! How terrible for you to have to have gone through that! Thanks goodness for video. Wonder what Mom’s did before that???
.-= Judy´s last blog ..What we ate… =-.
Oh no! As a former Dance Mom I just imagine that sudden state of panic you felt.
Aaaaah!!! I think someday you’ll look back and laugh about this. Truly.
You did see the dress rehearsal and you have made it to dance practice all year long. The girls look adorable .
You did see the dress rehearsal and you have made it to dance practice all year long. The girls look adorable .
oh goodness – anyone who’s a mom or been a mom knows what you went through Kristen! it is devastating when events like that happen, no getting around it. yes, the pressure is unbelievable to be perfect and never make a mistake. and not that this will help, but take it from a mom who made more mistakes and letdowns than I can begin to count – my now grown children managed to survive!
.-= smithbites´s last blog ..LET THEM EAT CAKE – LOU’S RHUBARB CAKE! =-.
A sweet story AND one sweet loaf. Your daughter already has a good head on her shoulders if she has such grace at such a young age. Obviously, you’re raising them — and feeding them — well. 😉
That’s rough! All I can say is that if it happened to me, my husband would not be on my happy list.
.-= Crystal’s Cozy Kitchen´s last blog ..Five Cheese Stuffed Shells =-.
Oh what a disaster you had to go through! I can only imagine how bad you must feel, and yeah she will never know but it’s still not the same. You are an awesome mom and you could never have predicted that the doors would be locked.
This bread looks amazing! I love rosemary in baked goods..I am SO trying this!
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Arugula Salad with Roasted Figs, Pancetta, Almonds, and Chile – Symon Sundays =-.
I too have forgotten to add yeast to my bread recipes. What a fun story to share about this wonderful looking bread.
.-= Cooking with Kait´s last blog ..Deviled Tea Eggs =-.
…and for tomorrow night’s dinner your husband will find an artfully laid out plate of Mike and Ike’s and Twizzler’s.
I love “remember the time?” moments. Doing their hair, make-up & costumes is priceless. Nick bringing Mike & Ike’s for Leah though, is a hoot! (I can see his train of thought at least, Mike & Ike’s (and Twizzlers) are top-choice snack foods!)
.-= Sandie´s last blog ..Cookie Love, a.k.a. Olfactory Nirvana (Recipe: Caribbean Oatmeal Cookies) =-.
The bread looks great. I am going to make this for our next pasta night.
It is good you can stay positive! 🙂
Wow, that bread looks delicious… great share!
.-= Jay´s last blog ..Some History On Bread Boxes, And Why I Use Them =-.
Family memories are always about doors opening and doors closing. You warmed my heart.
.-= Charlotte´s last blog ..Bulbs for Summer Bloom =-.
Ohhhhh…I feel your pain. I could envision myself crying and feeling like a mom failure, too, given your situation. But, as an outsider looking in, I beg you to not submit yourself to that negative pressure! You were only caring for another child who needed you. And…I love rosemary – can’t wait to try the bread with a summer salad!
I only have eyes for the angels in the photograph. Oh they are so adorable.
.-= Cynthia´s last blog ..Negotiating & Bargaining =-.
This has been on my mind since I read it earlier and I had to come back to comment! I really think that what’s going to happen is this: she’ll grow up, and one day when she has her own kids, she’ll call you and say “Mom, you’ll never believe what I just did, I’m a huge Mommy failure, I’m so ashamed, etc.” And then you’ll be able to say, “Well you know what… one time at your dance recital, I did something similar, and it wasn’t the end of the world…” 🙂
.-= Bethany´s last blog ..Mocha Cream Pie =-.
Oh my. I nearly cried for you, reading this. It’s something that happens to all parents at some point and we feel so rotten about it. You MUST make a list of baby-appropriate foods for your hubby.
You may have missed their recital but you probably saw them practice over and over. You can tell them about it (or send them to this blog) when they are MUCH older and they probably will say: which recital?
.-= Barbara´s last blog ..Gourmet’s Apricot Galette =-.
Oh darlin’ I am so sorry that you had to go through that experience. I know how much you wanted to see her and you are right she loves you no matter what. There are always those moments as a parent where we want to crawl in a hole and pull the covers over our head but this wasn’t you failing at all. It was one of those jinxed moments that I usually blame pesky Leprechauns for. Here’s hoping the next recital goes off without a hitch.
.-= Tickled Red´s last blog ..Tidbits about Dad =-.
Ahhhh, yes, I can totally relate! Sometimes it feels like we just can’t run fast enough doesn’t it?
When one door opens another one closes…or in your case, when one door closes, don’t worry, another one will open…you just don’t know what it is yet! 🙂
.-= Wenderly´s last blog ..It’s Summertime… =-.
Oh Gosh, I want to cry. But, you have many more memories to make and this one will be one to laugh about later. Your bread sound really good, but your photo is very stunning!
.-= The Teacher Cooks´s last blog ..Blueberry Muffins with a hint of Lemon =-.
I could totally feel your panic trying to get back inside (while wanting to kill your hubby!)
I love rosemary bread and have recently decided to try my hand at making bread! This will definitely go on the list!
Thanks for the recipe!
.-= marguerite´s last blog ..Sushi =-.
That’s so sad. I don’t think your hubs will ever live this one down. Yikes. In any event, you were there and the photo you took of the children is exquisite.
I love rosemary bread! I sent you an email w/ my contact info through this site! I was a doofus and saw 1000 Facebook notices and erased my messages in my inbox-so thanks for notifying me through my blog or I would have been clueless!
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to get my new apron! You made my day!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..It’s been that kind of morning…(Chocolate Swirl Sour Cream Coffee Cake) =-.
How unfortunate. I know how you feel as my daughter went to ballet for many years and I know I wouldn’t want to miss any of her performances. It was no fault of yours and there will be many more performances for you to enjoy in the future.
.-= Ivy´s last blog ..In Memory of Rosie =-.
So bummed for you that you missed the show! Buuut if it makes you feel any better my parents saw all of my dance recitals when I was a kid and I would think no less of them today if they hadn’t!
Next time, I have an idea. Put your 8 year old in charge of the baby. Your husband will be just fine 😉
Kristen, I can so relate to your story. The guilt of motherhood….. Can’t wait to try your recipe. Sounds delicious.
.-= Carrie´s last blog ..Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins….Bright Bits of Hope =-.
Great story, although I felt your frustration with your hubby and the locked doors! I’ve missed reading your blog and have it bookmarked on my iPad now, so hopefully I’ll get caught up again! Love that Black Eyed Peas song!! And, wow, your kiddos are growing up so fast. I can’t believe how big Leah has gotten.
And, not to forget this recipe, it looks fabulous! I’ll try it when it’s not too hot to have the oven on. Gotta love our Midwest summers, eh? 😉
This sounds so great! I actually have a bread machine and just planted my first herb garden with rosemary! Yay 🙂 I will for sure try this using Kamut Wheat (our favorite) and maybe even some garlic which would go great with pasta!! Thanks for sharing it 🙂
I totally teared up reading the story about the recital! But… there will be future recitals, right? Your girls sound like born performers 🙂
.-= Michelle @ Taste As You Go´s last blog ..Malaysian Restaurant Week 2010 =-.
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