Update your bookmarks and your RSS feeds and hold on to your hats… Dine and Dish has moved! I’m so glad you found our new home.
Hello friends! I’m so glad you made it and hope you’ll stay awhile. Aren’t our new digs gorgeous? I am so excited to be making a change. My home on Squarespace was lovely, but I feel like Jules over at the fabulous Everyday Design captured my personality perfectly with the new design… and she was done in like a day! Quick, affordable, amazing, talented….the list could go on. Jules, thank you again for your wonderful contribution!
The move has been absolutely effortless on my part. With a recommendation from Jules at Everyday Design, I hired Lauren from WebEx Hosting to do the transfer and I feel so blessed to have met her. She is such a great person with a fantastic sense of humor and personality…an instant friend! Please make sure to check Lauren out at BloggedIn News & Networking. We are partnering together to do a fun menu segment at BloggedIn, so stay tuned!
If you like what you have seen in the past over at my Squarespace Blog, I hope you will consider joining me at my new home! I’ve loved having you on this journey and look forward to our continued relationships.
Looks good, congratulations!
Congratulations! Having recently gone through a move myself I know how exciting this is…looks *fabulous* 🙂
Beautiful Kristen! Congratulations! Looking forward to your next post! 🙂
Love the new look!
I love this new design!!
Lovely new website, very festive. Congrats 🙂
Kristen–I’m wild about the new site design! It’s gorgeous and the colors really pop. Very fetching…and here I was beginning to wonder if you had moved up north or something. (Although the weather certainly feels like that today, doesn’t it?!)
Anyway, beautiful design. Maybe I can get Everyday Mommy to work some magic for me!
Kristen, I absolutely love this design. I am thinking of moving to WordPress too but am too chicken because of all the moving issues and work it involves. I do not know I am capable of it alone. Look forward to joining you on this space in the future!
It looks so PRETTY here! I love the red but then, you know that red is my favorite color. 🙂
Can’t wait to see what all you cook up over here!
Karen Beth 🙂
The new place looks great!
Kristen, this is amazing!!!
I really LOVE the artwork!
I love it, love it, love it!!! Congratulations on the move–everything looks great!!! 🙂
Many hugs and best wishes for happy dishes! 🙂
I love your new site. It’s so cute! I just tagged you for a meme. Didn’t remember if you had done it yet.
Looking good.
Your new place looks great. I love the design!
I love the new look! I’ve updated my bookmarks so I won’t miss any new posts!
Yummy! Congrats!
What a beautiful site! Looks so professional. I love it. Congrats!
Kristen, your site is beautiful! Great layout!