Celestial Seasonings packaging and logo got a makeover! Check out the fresh new look of their tea boxes below.
Do you see that up there? That’s my first ever attempt at a stop motion video. I created it because I wanted to show you how fantastic the new look for Celestial Seasonings packaging is! The video is a little rough (it’s my first one, after all), but hopefully you can tell just by watching those few seconds how fresh and current Celestial Seasonings new logo and tea boxes are!
I am not a huge fan of change… but I love what Celestial Seasonings has done and I am totally good with this change. They recognized it was time to give their company and tea a newer, contemperary look, while keeping with the same simple style. In my opinion, they totally succeeded!
Don’t worry though… just because their look has changed doesn’t mean what you’ll find inside has changed. In fact, you’ll find the same quality teas inside as before. You’ll also find that Celestial Seasonings has maintained their commitment to reduce waste – the tea bags remain without staples, individual wrappers and strings (saving 3.5 million pounds of material from landfills every year).
The first Celestial Seasonings teas in refreshed packaging are available on store shelves now, with the full new shelf set expected to be in place by fall. However, if your anxious to get your hands on these pretty new boxes now, I’ve heard that many of the boxes with the new look are available from their online store as well. Head over to their website to do some shopping and grab yourself some Celestial Seasonings tea so you can admire their fresh new look in person!
Disclosure: Celestial Seasonings hired me to help spread the word about their packaging and logo makeover. As always, all opinions expressed are my own.
I LOVE the video! So cute! I can’t wait to stock up with the new boxes of Celestial teas. They are my favorite!
I just love their new look so much! Their artists are so talented!
I saw these new boxes/packaging at a recent food show and I love them!! As long as my sleepy time bear is still in his green chair I’m happy. Awesome video!!
Sleepytime Bear is such a staple, they’ll never change him I bet! People would have a fit!
That video is awesome! I seriously thought it was done by Celestial Seasonings – totally legit. Nice work!
Awwww you are so sweet! Thanks so much. It was so fun to try something new – and for it to work!
I am loving your video skills!! Seriously great job. Need to stock up on some tea 🙂
Thank you, friend! I was really happy with it. It’s inspiring to try new things!
This is so great. Bravo!! I love they don’t have staples because the tea bag can just be tossed into the compost bin.
Ahhh yes – I love that too! They definitely take pride in not harming the environment with their products.
You did a fantastic job with the video! Celestial seasonings Sleepytime is a staple at our house, and I love the new packaging.
Thank you so much! The new packaging makes me so happy – it’s so clean and bright!
I just used my last bag of their sugar cookie sleigh ride flavor…..in August…..I know. But it’s so good!
Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride is my favorite – all year long too!
So incredible, great job on the video!! Love it. And love Celestial Teas!
Thanks so much, Kelly! You’ll have to come over for tea sometime soon!
I love that they incorporated the old design with the new design. Love!
That’s what I love too! It’s still recognizable as the brand but fresh and clean!
TOTALLY in awe of your video-making skills! And so good to see one of my favorite companies doing such good things. 🙂
You are the sweetest – thank you! And I agree… I really appreciate how environmentally conscious Celestial Seasonings is as a company.
you did a fabulous job!! as did Celestial Seasonings 😉
I drink the Sleepytime Vanilla and I love it! As long as it tastes the same, I’m good with the packaging. Great stop motion video!!!
I adore Red Zinger Tea, one of the greatest and most inspired herb tea combinations of all time
PS: These boxes are terrible! Why on earth did they change them? They are so bland that they look like generic herb tea boxes and the other designs were so distinctive that you could always see them on the shelf. This is a big mistake! Tell them.
I’ll pass your feedback onto them 🙂 Thanks!