I’m helping Pillsbury Funfetti mix & frostings celebrate their 25th birthday with some celebration tips of my own!
The giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Patsy! Thanks to all who entered.
When was the last time you had a celebration just to celebrate? Not for a birthday or anniversary or anything, but just because?
Right now, with the snow falling down outside, again, I can tell you *this* family is going to have one heck of a party when spring finally arrives! Want an invite? It’s going to be an epic “Welcome Spring” celebration!
Whether you are celebrating the final snow of the season, a happy birthday, or simply another day, I have some great celebration tips to share with you!
Celebration Tips from Dine & Dish
- Get a little wacky! Throw a wacky theme into your celebration… eat without using your hands, sing everything instead of talking, reverse the order of events (dessert first, appetizers last), etc.
- Keep it Simple! Don’t stress over celebrations. One of our favorite ways to celebrate birthdays is to string streamers from the birthday kids room to their presents downstairs. $3 and 5 minutes can make the best birthday memories! It’s amazing what a few balloons and inexpensive streamers can do to make a room festive!
- Use Free Printables! There are so many ways to make your party festive without spending a lot of money. The spring cupcake toppers I used above were free from The 36th Avenue blog. There are boards all over Pinterest with links to some beautiful, fun and festive printables!
- Celebrate more! Like my friends at Pillsbury, I’d love to encourage you all to celebrate more! Don’t wait for a celebration to arrive… create reasons to celebrate! Did your son ace a hard test? Celebrate! Did you lose those pesky last few pounds? Celebrate! Did it finally stop snowing?? Celebrate! You can never celebrate too much!
Let’s Celebrate With a Giveaway!
How about a little celebration giveaway? Pillsbury is commemorating Funfetti’s 25th Birthday this year with four all-new frostings in bold, vibrant colors and they’d like to invite Dine & Dish readers to join in the celebration. One lucky Dine & Dish reader could win:
- One box of Pillsbury Funfetti Premium Cake & Cupcake Mix
- Funfetti Frostings (1 each of four new frosting colors)
- $50 dollar Visa or American Express gift card
- Total estimated giveaway value: $60
To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post sharing your favorite celebration tip!
For additional entries, share a link with info about this giveaway on any of your social media outlets. Return to this post and leave a comment letting me know where it was shared. Each place you share it will grant you an additional entry. Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc are all great places to spread the giveaway love! You can easily share by using the buttons at the end of this post.
Entries must be received by midnight CST on Friday, May 10th 2013. Winner will be chosen via Random.org and notified via valid email address.
And now, similar to the Rainbow Tie-Dyed Cookies I made earlier in the year, this Tie-Dyed Funfetti Cupcake Recipe is a sure fire way to bring joy and smiles all around!
Tie-Dyed Funfetti Cupcakes
- 1 package Pillsbury® Funfetti® Premium Cake Mix
- 1 cup water
- 1/3 cup Crisco® Pure Vegetable Oil
- 3 large eggs
- 2 drops pink food color I prefer Americolor food coloring
- 2 drops orange food color
- 2 drops yellow food color
- 1 12 oz can Funfetti Bold Purple Vanilla Frosting
- Heat oven to 350°F. Line cupcake pan with baking cups. Prepare cake according to package directions using water, oil and eggs. Place about 1-2/3 cups batter into 3 separate small bowls. Tint one bowl pastel pink with 3 drops of green food coloring and one bowl pastel orange with 3 drops yellow food coloring. Do not tint remaining batter.
- Using separate spoons for each batter, fill each baking cup with a scant 2 tablespoons each of green, plain and pink batters. Do not stir batters together. Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool completely.
- Frost cupcakes using vanilla frosting and Funfetti candy bits.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Pillsbury Funfetti. I was compensated for my time in writing and sharing this post on my blog. All opinions expressed are my own.
I can’t handle how precious your children are!!!
The cupcake colors are pretty! My tip is to prepare beforehand so you have more time to enjoy the celebration!
My kids always start their birthdays with waffles & whipped cream. It doesn’t have to be complicated.
My favorite celebration tip : always include chocolate!!!
Plan ahead is my tip.
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My tip is make it fun and include the kids. Kids always find it tastes even better when they made it themselves.
Delegate is my tip! Don’t do it all yourself!
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Those pictures of your kids makes me want to have a celebration just to capture the fun that kids always have! My only tip is to not stress out and have fun as the host, too!
Stretch the celebration out with lots of “mini celebrations”!
Always remember to plan ahead, at least what you can 🙂 She seemed to really ENJOY that funfetti cupcake.
Love the expression on your daughter’s face with half the cupcake in her mouth. Tip – make sure you have lots and lots of napkins!
My celebration tip is to decorate your table with fresh flowers. The flowers can brighten up the whole room
I made rainbow cupcakes once, and EVERYONE I knew was all–HOW DID YOU DO THAT?? Hehe, it’s quite easy, and fun!
My tip is to let the kids help with the decorating and planning for the celebration.
These cupcakes are adorable and so vibrant. I love those colors. 🙂 My favorite celebrating tip would be keeping it simple and let everyone help out. I think it’s a lot more fun when everyone is involved. Keeping things simple so no one will get overwhelm and we can all enjoy and have fun. 🙂 This is such a wonderful giveaway prize pack and i can’t wait to spread the words.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
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Always have more food than you think you’ll need! Leftovers are great and you don’t want to run out of food.
Haul out the good dishes, platters, cake stands, etc. Everything tastes better when it looks pretty.
I love to celebrate with family. As long as the family is there it’s a party! No matter what. 🙂
Don’t overdo it on the menu! I learned early on that party guests won’t miss a dish on the menu, but they will miss you if you’re too busy in the kitchen to mingle and enjoy yourself!
my celebration tip? CUPCAKES!! lol, cupcakes make everything a celebration 🙂
I pinned this page! http://pinterest.com/pin/234187249345686030/
What fun! Those pictures are hilarious… love it!
Cute post, love the cupcakes. Favorite celebration tip–FOOD! There must be food. 😉
I always make sure that they have the cake or cupcake flavor they like. and I always make sure there are goodies galore but there must be water there too. Balloons and sparklers are a great way to help ante up the celebration too.
My tip is to enjoy the celebration. Don’t worry about everyone else and the keeping things clean.
My entertaining tip is to don’t stress. The point is to be with friends and family not for everything to be perfect.
i love making plenty of dips and lots of dip options!
I like to personalize each event with special details. Usually these details are only recognized by the guest of honor. But it really shows them how special they are to you!
For Easter, I make devilled eggs using the leftover eggs from the Easter Egg Hunt, then decorate them to look like little chicks that just hatched
My favorite celebration tip is to do as much of the prep and cooking ahead of time so you can enjoy the festivities as the host.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
My favorite tip is to make sure you have everything for the celebration before it begins. Make lists to help you out!
fb shrae
I like to make celebrations special by surprising the person on their special day. Whether it’s something big or small, the surprise factor always makes that person feel special!
My favorite celebration tip is to choose recipes that can be made ahead of time. I made lasagna rolls and meatballs and froze them several weeks in advance for my daughter’s graduation party, so the main part of the meal just had to be heated up.
My tip comes from my mom. Growing up in our house, she usually had a party for every holiday, and every time there was a group of friends and family coming just because, there was always something to prepare for. I highly recommend making a game plan for when you’re going to work on each project, be it food prep, setting the table, or making sure you have enough time to just take 5 min before everyone arrives to take a breath! It helps me at least to have time set aside for each task so I don’t rush at the end!
Definitely making a really cool cake or dessert that reflects the event, like berries in the summer and cinnamon in the winter. It helps set a theme, and usually the guests love trying something new and unexpected.
My tip is to plan far in advance and make a lot of lists!
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My celebration tip is to be creative with decorations and make a lot of them with your own crafts at home. It may take some extra time but it can be a fun bonding experience if you have family or friends helping out, plus you save a lot of money not having to buy fancy decorations.
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I bought a reusable Happy Birthday banner that I hang for each of the five boys birthdays. Sometimes it is in their room, sometimes at the front door just to mix it up a little.
My celebration tip is to set a theme and plan ahead
Stumbled the giveaway@tcarolinep
My tip is to make a list of food and guests and plan ahead
We need to celebrate “just because” more often! Thank you for reminding me of that!
My tip is to make as much of the food ahead of time so that you can just enjoy the party!
What fun cupcakes! 🙂
When there are a lot of people coming or just a few make it easy by having finger food. Main dish ( being finger food too) and dessert.
Relax, have fun, and live in the moment!
My favorite celebration tip is to have lots of seating and snacks for guests to keep them happy.
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My favorite celebration tip is making sure that the kids get some sort of protein in them (grilled cheese sandwiches or something) before the festivities get into full swing. It keeps them grounded!
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Fav celebration tip: try to prepare treats that can sit out for a few hours so you have time to prepare! It always works best.
Tip – prepare mini take home candy bags for the kids…they’ll love you!
Favorite tip?? Champagne 🙂
What a fun and cute looking cupcakes!
A celebration isn’t a celebration without cake!
My tip is to do as much cooking and prep ahead of time, so you can enjoy yourself as the host.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I do only make-ahead food so I am not in the kitchen during the party.
I like to have everything in an order and ready to use the day before, so I don’t spend more time the day of the party running around trying to find all the stuff i need!
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Prep prep prep!! And have fun!
Make personalized or handmade gifts for your guests.
Prep prep prep!! And have fun!!
My favorite celebration tip is to plan ahead! I always leave things until the last minute so its never exactly how I want it to be.
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My favorite tip is to serve ice cream.
use plastic ware for easy cleanup
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Always have more food than you think you’ll need!
I shop in advance for all party supplies. Picking up a few items here and there plus shopping clearance, so we aren’t spending money all at one time
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I LOVE the photos!!! Oh how sweet!!!!
You’re right… we need to celebrate ‘just because’.
My favorite celebration tip would be more is always better. i rather be too much than not enough.
and to personalize the party, a specialty drink named after the person of the day.
Get extras of whatever you’re buying
always be prepared with extra napkins and papertowels!
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My favorite celebration tip: Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you entertain. The food can be simple, the house can be “lived in”, and you don’t have to use china/crystal/fancy centerpieces etc… Just have fun!
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Having party favors!
Parties are supposed to be fun don’t get all stressed out about every detail just enjoy your party and have a good time!
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You don’t have to get super fancy. If you’re having fun, your guests will have fun
tweeted https://twitter.com/flippingdancer/status/332915377560514560
I think having party gifts!
My tip is having cameras available for partygoers. Its a fun way to make memories. Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I love making cake pops for any celebration!
My tip is that kids appreciate even the slightest decorations and celebrations.