Giveaway closed.
There are days where by 8am I am ready for an escape.
Do you ever have days like that? I could sit here and run down what most of my mornings are like trying to get four kids plus myself dressed and out the door in time for school, but I’ll save you the belly aching. If you have kids, I’m sure my mornings are just like yours. Something comes over me on those mornings and I turn from nice mom to yelling mom.
And to be honest with you, the yelling doesn’t help at all. It only makes me feel guilty for losing my temper.
What does make me feel better is a mini breakfast escape. Five minutes locked somewhere away from my children (which is sometimes in the bathroom or sometimes even hiding out in the car in the garage). Five minutes of silence…no yelling… no rushing…just me, a cup of something warm, and my breakfast.
This morning I had an even better escape because I had a cup of Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Cocoa along with a Dark Chocolate Muffin I made using another cup of Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Cocoa. I felt like it was way too indulgent to be breakfast, but it was just the escape I needed!
Cafe Escapes believes that every day should be an escape… treat yourself to pampering, me time, whatever pleases you. Because of that, they are providing one lucky Dine & Dish reader the chance to receive a little pampering every month for a year through a Birchbox subscription. With a Birchbox subscription, every month you’ll receive 4-5 hand-picked beauty samples from the best brands around – from the luxe lines you covet to the new and niche companies you’ve yet to discover. Sounds pretty awesome, right?
To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post telling me one thing you do to escape the everyday stresses of life. For additional entries:
- Become a fan of Cafe Escapes on Facebook. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you did so.
- Tweet the following: ” Escape by winning the @CafeEscapes @Birchbox 12 month subscription giveaway through @DineandDish #yourperfectcup ” Return to this post and leave a comment letting me know you’ve completed this.
All entries must be received by midnight CST on Saturday, February 11th, 2012. Winner will be chosen via and will be notified via valid email address soon after the giveaway close.
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Now on to the recipe:
Recipe: Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Muffins
- muffin tin
- 2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- 1/2 cup baking cocoa
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1 cup Dark Chocolate Cocoa brewed
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare 12 cup muffin pans by lining with cupcake liners.
- In a large bowl, beat the eggs, sour cream, brewed hot cocoa, oil and vanilla.
- Continue beating while slowing adding the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cocoa, salt and baking soda). Mix until well blended.
- Spoon muffin batter into prepared muffin cups. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes or until knife inserted into the center comes out clear. Cool for 5 minutes before removing.
A hot shower, a cup of tea and good good book
Those muffins look absolutely amazing!
I wait until Sean comes home so that I can lock the bathroom door and have a nice, quiet, hot shower while he plays with the littles. 🙂
I eat dinner with my husband… electronics off… and try to be mindeful of how precious our time together really is.
Lately, my escape has been Pinterest.
Those muffins look delicious Kristen!!
My escape is yoga! And baking, of course!
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For me it’s taking a few minutes to write each day – could be for my blog or it could just be letting of steam and writing out my anger then shredding it up when I’m done. Always manages to help me put things into perspective!
Hidden stashes of chocolate can fix any stressful situation.
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For me, my idea of an escape is watching one of my guilty pleasure shows, which is really anything on Bravo, but especially Real Housewives. 🙂
i like to take some quiet time, and curl up with a good book and a warm blanket. and hot chocolate!
I tweeted about the giveaway! @ambersconfctns
Mmm… those look lovely!
I like to fix myself a nice cup of coffee or a glass of wine and hide in my room with a good book.
a cup of tea and the latest issue of real simple.
umm, i would have to say some hot tea, a shower, and fluffy blankets!!
I would say going to the gym. I like yours better though!
I escape by taking the dog for a walk. It’s a nice way to get outside, be with a happy dog and just clear my head. 🙂
I tweeted!
I’m not sure if this really counts but to remove the added stress and annoyances I sometimes cheat and give my kids a total cheater meal that they’ll love. It means peace and quiet for at least 30 minutes and that 30 minutes is absolutely golden, especially on the rotten days!
I’ve been curious about Birchbox – it looks like a fun service. I’ll admit, I de-stress by watching Real Housewives (any city) and the Kardashians (any set of family members).
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My escape is getting a chapter read on my nookcolor usually…while the kids eat a popsicle! Lol 5 minutes- yes!!!!
Oh, I forgot to tell you what I do to relieve the daily stresses of life ~ I do Wii Fit and Dance Dance Revolution. 🙂 Oh, I became a fan of Cafe Escapes on Facebook and I’m going to tweet right now. Thanks for the chance to win this very fun prize!
My escape is a long, hot bath.
Okay, I tweeted, too. 🙂
A cup of really good hot coffee and my Kindle. I’ve been thinking about trying out Birchbox, what an awesome giveaway!!!
a walk in the woods.
I like to lose myself in a good book. A generous glass of wine helps, too 😉
Every night I make myself a cup of hot tea, snuggle in my recliner under the lamp and pull out the book I’m reading at the time. Nothing to set your day right like a trip to another world…
I unwind with a long, hot bubble bath or read a chapter in whatever current book I’m reading with a nice, comfy blanket and some hot chocolate……
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A good book and a tasty beverage!
I play music to escape…either piano or flute.
I tweeted!
I love this giveaway!! I relax by putting on the headphones and catching up on TV – my latest obsession is watching reruns of the Big Bang Theory on TBS!
i write poetry. or bake. {smile}
thank you for a chance at the giveaway!
I do yoga every day, even just 5 minutes; it all helps!
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The thing I like to do in order to escape from the day is to light a candle and dive into a great book…..and just pray that the children don’t bother me for a solid 5 minutes!!
I tend to take a hot shower at the end of the day when my boyfriend comes home so he can keep an eye on our daughter! It helps loads!
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I Tweeted:!/Dinky_Diner/status/165719860100349952
After the kids go to bed, I light some candles, do a quick “round up” by tidying up only what’s visible, then I sit down and say some prayers.
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I relax with a nice hot cuppa tea to escape the everyday stresses of life ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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I go for a run or a walk… best way to clear my head!
Those muffins look delicious. I love any dessert that has coffee in it.
After the kids are in bed it’s a glass of wine and a mindless tv show.
I love propping my feet up with a hot cup of coffee and a good book!!
My favorite way to escape is reading a good book.
I listen to relaxing music and light an aromatherapy candle to relax
i like cafe escapes on fb as amanda sakovitz!/aes529/status/165833561235132416
I rely on running to help me de-stress!
I became a fan of Cafe Escapes!
I also left the tweet!
I escape by blogging. And sometimes exercising. No, not really, but it sounded good didn’t it?
I tweeted.
my favorite way to relax is a cup of coffee, pjs and a rainy day…
i Liked Cafe Escapes on FB
I retweeted the giveaway as kledford65
I love to relax with a cup of fresh brewed coffee listening to classical baroque music.
Just left this tweet:!/leighvme/status/165624880690233345
I read magazines to relax.
Believe it or not, when I get to take a shower uninterupted, that’s my chance to escape. Most days, it’s not a relaxing thing, but when I have those few minutes all to myself, I savour them!!
I go for a walk. When I’m stuck indoors, I escape by catching up with blogs.
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To take a break, I simply turn on some relaxing music, shut my bedroom door, and read a book.
Oh, if only I had a little more time to relax!!! To get away, per say, I read a book before my eyes close and I go to a far, far away place with my dreams 🙂
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a cup of hot caramel coffee & a good book!
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I re- tweeted the giveaway
i like to relax with a book, blanket and cup of cafe!
I love just taking my dog for a walk to escape, can’t take work, dishes or bills with you on a walk!
I love enjoying a good book to relax
I bake when I need to escape!!
To escape, I like to read a good book. Especially one that I can really get into and lose myself in.
I tweeted this and like cafe escapes
As a homeschooling mom,I’m with my kids nearly all day long every day. Ever since they were toddlers we’ve had an afternoon quiet time where we all disappear to our rooms for an hour to read or nap.
Homeschooling mom, so I look forward to evening time… climbing in bed with a good book and a cup of tea! Aaaah, relaxation.
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I re- tweeted the giveaway, too! 🙂
But… my favorite time is getting up early in the morning before anyone is awake and making that first cup of coffee to get my day started right… Love my coffee and flavored is even better 🙂
sounds LOVELY. the stacked muffins are such a great pictures! xoxo
Baking is my stress relief. in every way. Can’t do that everyday as it will make me grow really wide and drill a hole in my wallet. Another thing i’d do is clean. If that is too tiring, i turn to TV comedies like The Simpsons, HIMYM, TBBT. If that doesn’t work, it would already be a weekend and i’d bake. 😉
something chocolatey for when i’m really stressed..
I de-stress by playing the piano or taking a long walk in the outdoors.
I follow Cafe Escapes on facebook.
(Sharon O.)
Going for a walk along the bike trail and sometimes bringing along my puppy.
I enjoy a hot cup of coffee, a little bit of chocolate and my favorite TV show..Law and Order SVU.
I make a cup of Cafe express chai every morning. Enjoy it as i am watching my 12 year old daughter get on the school bus. It helps me forget about how stressful getting her up and ready can be!
One thing I do is turn on my favorite tv show and enjoy a bowl of ice cream 🙂
I like cafe escapes on fb as Dee G.
tweeted 🙂!/DeeGee13/status/167165123167916032
I escape the everyday stresses by getting my coffee and me time! I just bought the Cafe Escapes cafe Mocha’s. They are a treat for sure. I like to drink my coffee and read a good book/or magazine!
I am a Cafe Escapes fan on Facebook.
I tweeted the tweet.!/CouponmomASH/status/167281809846054912
I escape by baking! A plate of warm cookies can make absolutely anything better!
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I like to hit the gym, even if it’s just for half an hour. It helps me calm down after a crazy day.
Bubble bath with a glass of red wine.
I am a fan of Cafe Escapes on Facebook.!/davisesq212/status/168099208627359745
Retweeted the giveaway!/CouponmomASH/status/168229429020073984
I “like” Cafe Escapes on Facebook.
I tweeted the message! 🙂
I like Cafe Escapes on facebook!
To escape stress I take long baths or go shopping 🙂 Wine helps too!
I tweeted the message!
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I escape by reading a book.
I like cafe escapes on facebook
Spending a few minutes, without any interruptions, reading my current book. A cuppa tea or glass of wine is also a good option!
I like Cafe Escapes on FB.
Pedicures…Lots of Pedicures! 🙂
I like Cafe Escapes on FB
I cook, or bake! 🙂
I relax and read a book!
i live cafe escapes on fb; sammy gumer
i tweeted the comment.!/sgumer/status/171515120441237504
I’m a fan of Cafe Escapes on Facebook.
Kim Howman Crane
I tweeted here:!/cranepuffin/status/171526168045039616
I shared on FB here:
Liked on Facebook and tweeted ” Escape by winning the @CafeEscapes @Birchbox 12 month subscription giveaway through @DineandDish #yourperfectcup ”
FB Name Judy Ann Carlow
Twitter Name JudianneRI