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I’m going to blame it on Pinterest…
You know the feeling that what you are doing just isn’t adequate? That feeling. This Halloween, that feeling is thanks to Pinterest.
I volunteered to make the snack for my son’s 4th grade Halloween party. I’m a simple gal when it comes to baking and treats. I have no talent when it comes to decorating fancy cookies. I’m not a creative crafter. And I sure as heck can’t turn a blob of fondant into something fancy like a pumpkin patch.
So, last night, after fretting all week about what to make, and wishing I lived back in the days when a sucker wrapped in tissue with eyes marked on it with pen was fancy, I decided to just do something simple and make cupcakes. Not even cupcakes that look like jack-o-lanterns… simple, plain, white cupcakes with orange butter cream frosting.
Oh, and I sampled them to make sure… you know… they were decent enough to feed 4th graders. They were delicious. I bet that’s more than can be said for some of those fancy Pinterest treats. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
I like to say I’m setting the bar low to make other mom’s feel good about themselves. That’s why I do what I do and go the simple route. I’d hate to be responsible for the over achieving behavior caused by creating elaborate treats no one can replicate. Sounds like a good enough reason to go simple to me!
If you too want to go plain and simple, you can find the recipe for Millie’s White Wedding Cake on my past blog post. Also, Amanda has a pretty darn good buttercream recipe that really can’t be beat.
I think these are perfection. ♥
I blame a lot of things on Pinterest too!
Pinterest can pin its own face because these are AWESOME.
Well, these cupcakes look divine! And if it makes you feel any better, both Pinterest and YOU have been making me feel inadequate lately. But I still love you both.
Very cute
The cupcakes look perfect!!
Those are beautiful. Great color too. Pinterest is great for inspiration!
I think those are great! I appreciate your concern for other mom’s emotional well-being by so graciously setting the bar low!! Top tip for the day: kids don’t slow down long enough to appreciate the back-breaking intricate details that go in to making fancier treats!
I bet those kids were pleased as punch! These are adorable 🙂
They look like they taste great… and after all it’s better to have a cupcake that tastes great than one that looks amazingly cutesy.
I think that they are good and perfect in every way. Simple is the new perfect, in my opinion.
I think they are perfect!
I am so with you on not being a fancy food maker. No, thank you.
My mother-in-law asked me to make a Halloween treat for her Halloween party this year. I’m making rice krispy treats with Reese’s Pieces. Ha!
Your cupcakes look and sound super delish!
you may think you’re setting the bar low but these look
Amazing …. and the photography too.
Yeah, Pinterest does have a way of making you feel like an under achiever there are so many crazy pins I could never hope to even come close to. I think your cupcakes are beautiful and I could never pipe frosting as pretty as those, so there!
Moms would love these, kids would love these, you know how to create a crowd-pleaser, my dear!
Smart woman. You have to gauge how much you invest on the receiving party too. I loved making my kids birthday cakes and snacks for their rooms but I did not kill myself trying to impress their moms…the snacks were for the kids and if they were happy with them…I was happy with my effort.
Now those moms…yes, sometimes I did kill myself making something to impress them; I’m wiser now!
I love simple Kristen!
The best cupcake in the whole wide world is a white cupcake with pink powdered sugar frosting and sprinkles…just like my mother used to make.
These are lovely…just like YOU!
Sometimes fancy is overrated for kids. I once spent hours painstakingly creating snowman cupcakes for my 4 year olds preschool Christmas party. Not ONE single one of them liked coconut! They all got thrown in the trash. Lesson learned – kids are easy to please!
As a mom at the party, I can tell you that the cupcakes were a huge hit! They were gobbled up in no time flat and the kids thought they were de-lish. No mommy guilt necessary 🙂
these look amazing and i have spent soooo much time on PT the past few weeks, and am totally in love.
and whenever i see your stuff, i try to re-pin it all too! your food always rocks, Kristen!
I’d say these look pretty good! I’m not great at decorating cupcakes… but, I keep trying with the hope one day they will look pretty! At any rate, they always taste great, which over-shadows my decorating skills!
Perfect Halloween cupcakes!
I love the simplicity of this cupcake, while it still looks elegant.
These are way nicer than anything I could ever make, for sure!
Totally know what you mean. I either leave Pinterest feeling inspired or like a loser. It has been a good resource for working on projects, etc. and has certainly cut down on my magazine purchases.
These are perfect in my book.
Just darling! Love those cupcakes!
So so pretty. And I would gobble them up! Don’t tell….but I didn’t even volunteer to bring anything to my little guy’s party this year! :O
Those are beautiful Kristen & in my opinion- the perfect amount of decorating. I don’t want to have to bite through a bunch of extra decorating to get to the good stuff. I want a delicious cupcake that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye but not overdone. And this is coming from a gal that grew up in a bakery watching her mom decorate for a living. Cake in general is my weakness- but really- we are moms with a million things going on- I would rather do a simple yet pretty cupcake & leave all that extra time for my kids- instead of slaving away in the kitchen.
I love these!!
These are lovely!
These look great! I can say if 4th graders loved these, they must be pretty good. The hardest to please with sweet treats are always kids. Adults would have something nice to say…while kids will always say the truth. Kids don’t lie! I can’t wat to try my version of your recipe too…
These are perfection!! If this is a low bar, then I’m limboing somewhere beneath it. I know what you mean about Pinterest though – I’m obsessed, but it does have that affect. I love cupcakes, and buttercream, and these look amazing! I hope you’ll consider submitting this and any other Halloween recipes to my Halloween blog hop!
Just came across your blog and could immediately relate to this post. I blame SO many of my kitchen concoctions on Pinterest and all that it’s worth haha
Happy 5 years!