I’m honored to be a part of the 2014 Kraft Tastemaker Community, where I am teaming up with Kraft Foods to bring you family friendly recipes using common ingredients found in your pantry!
This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to winner, Amy of Very Culinary who was chosen via Random.org. Thanks to all who entered!
Wow…this winter has been a tough one, hasn’t it? Deep into February, and snow day after snow day after snow day, I honestly thought spring would never get here! Thank goodness the days are getting longer, and the sun is shining warmer…and everything is finally starting to turn green again!
One of my favorite things about spring is the return of my favorite vegetable…asparagus. I absolutely love asparagus, and even though I know I can get fresh asparagus in the other seasons, there is nothing like the big, green stalks of asparagus at the market this time of year!
I love asparagus so much, I’ve partnered with Kraft Foods to create an Asparagus themed Pinterest Board – it’s full of some of my favorite asparagus recipes out there! I hope you’ll come on over and check it out and re-pin some of your favorite recipes.
Follow Kristen @DineandDish’s board Spring Time Asparagus Recipes on Pinterest.
To help celebrate all things Spring, my friends at Kraft Foods have provided me with one $100 AMEX Gift Card to give away to one lucky Dine & Dish reader. To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite thing about spring is. For an additional entry, visit kraftrecipes.com and leave an additional comment on this blog post letting me know what spring time recipe from their collection you’d most like to make. All entries must be received by midnight, CST on Wednesday, March 20th. Winner will be chosen via Random.org and notified via valid email address.
I couldn’t leave this post without sharing a recipe featuring my favorite spring time ingredient! If you’ve never tried roasted asparagus, you must give it a try. Even non-asparagus fans will love asparagus done this way!
I gave a simple roasted asparagus recipe a flavor twist using the lite version of Kraft’s Asian Toasted Sesame dressing. I hope you enjoy it!
Asian Toasted Sesame Roasted Asparagus
- 1 pound fresh asparagus spears washed and bottom ¼ of stalks removed
- ¼ cup lite Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame Dressing
- ¼ cup sliced almonds
- 1 dash Kosher salt
- Preheat oven to 400°F
- Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
- Place asparagus in a single layer on baking sheet. Drizzle with lite Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame Dressing. Roll the asparagus around the baking sheet so each spear is covered with dressing.
- Toss evenly with sliced almonds.
- Sprinkle with Kosher salt.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until asparagus spears are tender when touched with a fork. Remove from the oven and serve warm.
Disclosure: Kraft Foods is providing the prizes for this program at no cost to me and has provided me with a gift of equal value for review. This program is not administered or sponsored by Kraft Foods or its affiliates, but solely by Dine & Dish.
My favorite part about spring is finally having the opportunity to go on picnics again 🙂
My favorite thing is the fact that my son can now go outside to play to run off some of his energy 😉
I’m so happy it’s finally time for asparagus again. And I’m loving this recipe — headed over to check out your pinterest board now!
my favorite part of spring is knowing summer and warm weather is around the corner.
being able to comfortably sit outside.
Oh I’m so ready for asparagus season!!! It’s one of my favorites!!
the return to warm weather!
I loooove the beautiful weather and sunshine of spring!
Favorite thing about Spring… Dandelion greens!!
my favorite thing about spring is the return of the birds back to our area; i love bird watching.
I LOVE planting my garden in the spring!
i just can’t wait for the nice weather and to just wander around and lounge outside! and go for a run without a million layers.
i also wouldn’t mind trying the easy italian pasta casserole
I would like to make the Spring Risotto http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/spring-risotto-63775.aspx
I love being able to enjoy the outdoors without bundling up in a ton of layers!
I’ve never seen asparagus look so yummy! Great recipe.
spring greens, mild temps, and flowers blooming again!
My favorite part of Spring is watching the fruit trees and flowers come into bloom.
Yay for Spring and for asparagus! I have been enjoying it in so many dishes. Love this Asian roasted version!
being able to wear dresses! and asparagus season!
I love spring’s warmer temps and blossoming trees/flowers.
I could go on and on about spring – but one of my favorite things to do is to sit on the deck in the sunshine, with a good book and a drink in hand:) Can’t wait to get my hands on asparagus as well – love to grill it, while wrapped in proscuitto and then sprinkle with parmesan cheese!
My favorite thing about spring is going strawberry picking with my kids.
The bit-of-irish cheesecake recipe looks good.
This asparagus looks lovely. I can’t wait for spring weather – I love being able to walk and bike to my errands without putting on 8000 layers!
I love all the wonderful produce that spring brings
I love the flowers and green growth on the trees!
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer weather so I can go on more nature walks.
I would like to make their Easy Spring Frittata recipe.
The best part about spring is the return of after dinner family walks. I can’t wait for warmer weather and no more snow!!!
I’d make the Sunburst Fruit Salad. The bright colors and beautiful fruit are perfect for spring!
I love when it starts staying light later and later! Can’t wait.
I love asparagus too! I’d like to try the Asparagus & Parmesan Tart.
It’s supposed to be in the 80’s this weekend for us. Because here in Sacramento, we get robbed of Spring every year :/ Yay for asparagus, though! It’s my absolute favorite vegetable!
My favorite thing about spring is the weather and nature. I love the not too cold/not too warm type of beautiful weather outside and I love seeing the flowers in bloom and the freshly cut grass. It’s so pretty.
I like the shrimp in love pasta recipe. It’s looks delicious.
the nice weather!
My favorite thing about Spring is that it means it’s almost my birthday!
THe chicken bbq sliders look awesome
My favorite thing about spring is watching the snow melt away, and the anticipation of a new gardening season, watching the green things grow.
Sunshine, birds chirping, walking the dog, and open windows.
My favorite thing about spring is hearing the birds chirping in the morning.
And the Bit-of-Irish Cheesecake on the Kraft recipe collection sounds like something I’d love to bake!
Sunshine and wild mushroom!!
i mean i’m just going to be honest and say the weather. that’s all i can really think about with this POLAR VORTEX BREATHING DOWN MY NECK!
The weather!
My favorite thing about Spring is gardening time!
I would like to try Bit-of-Irish Cheesecake recipe.
The warmer weather! It’s been miserable here in Chicago!!
Opening the windows, working in the garage and NO MORE WINTER CLOTHES.
Rhubarb Dump Cake – YUM
WARMTH!!! Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
All the smells! We had a warm day earlier this week, and I had almost forgotten what it was like to go outside and smell earth, and plants and…really anything 🙂
I love the warm weather and spring flowers
Looking at all the new plants and flowers at the garden center!
I like the Rhubarb Dump Cake
Being able to go outside without having to wear a coat! Long walks in the park and lower heat bills 🙂
I love all of the fresh flowers and baby animals
I would love to try their Pineapple Upside-Down Sausage Bake
I love sprng because the weather is finally nice, the birds are singing, we can go to the park, grill dinner outside, and plant our garden.
At this point in the never ending winter I will say my favorite part is definitely the weather!!
My favorite thing about spring is walking the lake with my girls!
I would love to make the Bit of Irish cheesecake!
Love the warmer weather.
my favorite thing about spring is the warm weather
The flowers blooming!
I love all the fun colors that you see everywhere when Spring has SPRUNG – brightness everywhere.
My favorite thing about spring is the beautiful colors outside from the flowers in bloom! Spring also excites me because we can start grilling our meals again!!
My favorite recipe for the spring on their website is the Berry, Mango & Spinach Salad.
i love the warmer weather and flower blooms in spring
My favorite thing about spring is planting our garden.
my favorite thing about spring is watching the horses out galloping & bucking & playing cuz its finally warming up a bit!
My favorite thing about spring is being able to ride my bike around the beautiful trails near my home and the warmer weather.
My favorite thing about spring are the blooming flowers and getting to go outside again!
I like that all the trees and plants seem to come alive!
I added the Pistachio Bar Dessert to my recipe box! That looks GOOD!!!
Besides the better weather I love all the colors and smells of spring- The air smells fresher and the hint of the fragrant flowers is intoxicating after a winter like this one.
warm weather and the shedding of hats and coats!
What I like most about spring is being able to open the windows and let fresh air into the house.
My favorite thing about Spring is not only the wildflowers, but the fresh air.
I love the spring flowers and the smell of rain
I would try the Creamy lemon squares
I love the longer days
My favorite thing about Spring is getting outside more often, working on my garden, walking, riding my bike and just enjoying nature.
I’d like to make a Springtime cheescake
My favorite thing about spring is the weather, not too hot or too cold.
Not seeing a section specifically for spring, but these nacho cups look awesome http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/two-bite-nacho-cups-130400.aspx
ah man i cant wait to go to the ponds and sit on the dock, soaking in the warm sun and doing a little fishing with a tall fruity glass of happiness! dreaming……………………….
yes i love easy!
Easy Spring Pie
bring on the warm sun!
I like the spring flowers.
It definitely feels like spring here in St. Louis. I love the smell and sounds of spring. Flowers, birds chirping.. it’s wonderful.
The newness of everything! Mostly pertaining to flowers, blooms, buds, sunshine again, and the ability to just be outside! 🙂
The chance to get the garden beautiful and the garage cleaned out.
Swiss ‘n Chicken Casserole looks great and looks easy to make and the ingredients are readily available and not expensive.
My favorite part of spring is the warmer weather.
My favorite thing about spring is enjoying the warmth of the sun and fresh air of being able to be outside.
My favorite thing about spring is the blooming flowers.
I have visited Kraft and would love to try their Springtime Spinach Salad recipe. I have pinned this for future reference.
I also could leave your sight without pinning the Asian Toasted Sesame Roasted Asparagus as I am an asparagus foodie. Thanks for posting this!
My favorite part about spring is getting back outside and riding our bikes
My favorite part about Spring is tossing my boots back into the closet for 6 months and putting the flip flops back on!
My favorite part of spring is getting to go see our grandson play baseball again.
My favorite recipe is the Easy Spring Frittata. Looks great.
My favorite part of spring is being able to play with my kids at the park !
My favorite thing about Spring is the beautiful flowers, warmer temperatures and fresh new air.
I would love to make their Heavenly Spring Cheesecakes. Oh my, it looks just wonderful:)
the flowers and evening walks are my favorite things about spring
I want to make the hazelnut brownie tart – yum!
Opening the windows and letting the fresh air come in.
Seeing green grass. Going for walks outdoors and seeing the flowers sprout up.
Tuscan Garlic chicken dinner
My favorite thing about spring is the fact that I can start wearing my lighters sweaters outside without a heavy jacket covering up and put that heavy jacket away. I also love the new borns you can see around.
I love the pretty,bright spring colors!
The warmth would be great too.
I love all the tulips and other wonderful flowers that are in bloom during spring.
My favorite thing about Spring is the return of more birds to my feeder.
I love planting fresh new flowers! 🙂
I love all the freesias and the extra daylight!
The hazelnut brownie tart looks great!
My favorite part about Spring is not having to wear heavy winter coats, boots and having longer days.
I would love to try the Deviled Eggs with Shrimp.
Spring: longer, warmer days; green growing things; birds singing.
Thanks for the contest.
I’d like to make the Bit-of-Irish Cheesecake.
spring, I love the warmer temps and flowers
My favorite thing about Spring is the flowers, trees, baby animals, warmer weather and longer days.
I love working out in the yard in the spring,before the too-hot summer weather comes along.
My favorite thing about spring is the garden flowers.
I like the Stuffing-Topped Pork & Apple Skillet recipe.
My favorite thing about spring are the smells and the butterflies coming out and all the beautiful flowers and everything coming to life…
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer weather and sunshine.
I like the Strawberry Cheesecake Supreme recipe at the Kraft site.
I love the birds! Every spring all the birds gather around the lake where I live and do their spring thing. So much fun to watch.
My favorite thing about spring is taking my daughter to carnivals.
I love spring so I can get ready to plant flowers and opening the pool for summer.
I like being out in the yard and garden and working.
I would try the bit of irish cheesecake ……..the picture was mouth watering.
My favorite thing about spring is walking through our parks without gloves, hats and down parkas! Short sleeve shirts, tennis shoes and a spring in my step, yes please!
Asparagus is my favorite veggie and the Parmesan Asparagus Sticks is the recipe that makes my day. Thank You.
My favorite thing about Spring is finally being able to open all the windows and let the fresh air in!
I like their recipe for Simply Delicious Deviled Eggs!
My favorite thing about spring is the pretty flowers and the warmer weather. Thanks for this awesome sweep 🙂
my favorite this about spring is not having to scrape my windshield every morning and being able to open the windows
My favorite thing about Spring is the fact that the cold and snow are going away. I love to be outside but am not much of a winter person. The arrival of Spring also means that I will no longer have to be a hermit.
My favorite things are the warmer air and fresh flowers
I would like to try this recipe :http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/corned-beef-potato-cabbage-salad-107486.aspx
My favorite thing about spring is the new growth and new life
I love landscaping during the spring!
My favorite thing about spring is getting to finally play outside with my kids and enjoy some sunshine!
I also love asparagus, but my absolute fave thing about spring is that it will be MONTHS before I have to find my gloves again!
My favorite thing about Spring is seeing all of the plants and flowers in bloom!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Favorite thing about Spring is warmer weather.
kport207 at gmail dot com
yummu yummy
my favorite thing about spring is that everything starts growing and blooming and I can plant my veggie garden
The Parmesan Baked Salmon looks delicious, but so does the Bit-of-Irish Cheesecake
My favorite thing about spring is being able to turn off the heater, not have to use the a/c yet, and open all the windows! It’s a huge money saving time on utilities!
I love the nice weather! It’s good to have a few months of cool breezes before summer comes in and tortures everybody with 100+ degree weather.
My favorite thing about spring is the beautiful and lovely-smelling flowers, and the weather which is warm, but not yet hot.
My favorite thing about Spring is the flowers that start to bloom!
My favorite recipe is their Grasshopper Pudding Pie
My favorite thing about spring is going to the dog park with my pooch.
My favorite thing about spring is the warm weather
My favorite thing about Spring is flowers blooming , birds singing and working in my garden! who can only pick one lol
I wanna make an Angel Lush looks yummy 🙂
My favorite thing about Spring is planting tomatoes.
My favorite thing about spring is watching the flowers start blooming and everything starting new!
My favorite recipe is the Irish Cheesecake! good grief it looks so yummy!
My favorite thing about spring is the blooming flower trees & nice weather!
With spring in the air I’m so looking forward to walking outdoors again.
Thank you.
I’d like to make the Portable S’mores Treat – oh yum!
My favorite thing about spring is watching everything turn green again.
I like the warming weather and flowers.
I love the vegetables my family grows (radishes, spinach, carrots, etc) and the abundance of fresh eggs our hens start to lay.
I love the vegetables my family grows (radishes, spinach, carrots, etc) and the abundance of fresh eggs our hens lay.
I love the cooler weather, I am in Florida, LOL!
The warmer weather and the flowers!
My favorite thing about spring is the smells from all the things blooming.
I love the spring weather. Its not too hot and not too cold.
My favorite thing about spring besides the obvious warm weather, is lilacs!
My favorite thing about spring is warmer weather and it’s closer to summer!
My favorite thing about spring is being able to have the windows open at night! Love that cool, fresh, spring breeze while i’m sleeping 🙂
The recipe I’d love to try from the Kraft site is the two-bite nacho cups! YUM 🙂
I love seeing everything in bloom.
The beautiful weather!
My favorite things about Spring are getting out to fish and hike.
Getting outside and working out
I look forward to Dandelion greens in Spring, young as tangy, delicious! The unopened buds are also scrumptious in an omelet, too.
I love the warm weather! Me and my son love to play outside!
I really like the Shrimp Spring Rolls, they look delicious!
My favorite thing about spring is nature. I love the flowers outside.
The pistachio bar dessert looks like it would be great.
the warm weather
I would love to make Shrimp Spring Rolls.
I love the warmer weather
Id love to make the bacon appetizer crescents
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer weather, which means we can go hiking and it isn’t to hot or to cold. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
I love to see the new buds and baby animals.
I love the longer days
spring meens no more snow!!!!
I love that softball season has started! I just hate that at our first big tournament yesterday, my youngest daughter broke her arm. I guess accidents happen. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to try the Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad recipe. I’m all about salads right now. thank you!
Spring means the start of high school baseball. I love watching my nephew play ball.
All the pretty flowers!
I love the giddiness that comes with the warm weather 🙂
I love being able to go to the beach! (it’s already 85 degrees here in socal)
I am a warm weather person
My favorite thing about spring is playing outside with my kids
I’d like to try the Bistro Chicken-Pasta Salad
I can’t wait for this snow to leave for good. We woke up to white-covered roads this morning. Squirrel and I eat asparagus at least once a week during the spring. It’s our favorite. This recipe looks amazing! Pinned.
My favorite thing about spring is seeing everything start to bloom and turn green. Even though I love winter, lots of pretty blooming greenery is always nice after a dreary winter season.
I love being able to open up the doors & windows to air out the house!
I would love to try the FRANK’S® & PHILADELPHIA Dip
I love being able to wear sandals again!
My favorite thing is getting the yard cleaned up so my grandson can play in it.
My favorite spring thing is the weather and being able to take a nice walk in the park.
Peanut Butter Banana Monkey Bread looks like it would be great.
My favorite part of spring is switching over DST>
Swiss ‘n Chicken Casserole
I love the warm weather.
I’m looking forward to warmer weather. This winter has been horribly cold.
Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad makes me think of spring/summer!
my favorite thing about spring is switching over to spring clothes 🙂
i would love to try the chocolate covered smores
My favorite thing about Spring is the warmer weather,
I’d like to try the Bistro Chicken-Pasta Salad
My favorite thing about spring is the sunshine! I love sitting with my coffee in the sunshine every morning. It’s a great way to start the day!
I like the warming weather and going outside with less clothes to enjoy the air
My fav thing is the nice weather!
The blue & turkey cafe cobb sounds good!
My favorite thing about spring is the warm weather, the grass turning green, and the longer days. Guess that’s three things!! Thank you.
I’d like to make these Double-Chocolate Filled Strawberries using the lovely fresh berries that are starting to appear in the grocery stores. http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/double-chocolate-filled-strawberries-122857.aspx Thank you.
I love starting my garden from seed under lights in my basement….then I know the nice weather is really coming.
I love when my family can start playing outdoors in beautiful weather!!
My favorite thing about spring is that after months of dreaming over gardening catalogs I can get some seeds started.
I love fresh veggies and I miss my flowers.
My favorite thing about Spring is the fresh air and the reappearance of green leaves and flowers.
I would like to try the Seafood Bisque recipe.
My favorite thing about spring is watching everything come back to life. A true miracle.
The Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad recipe sounds yummo!
i love all the fresh veggies…. and sundresses. picnics. all of the above!
My favorite thing about spring is the weather. I love being able to run outside
I love being able to leave the house without my coat!
I love baseball season!
I would like to make the caesar pockets.
The warmer weather is my favorite
My favorite thing about spring is that it’s not winter.
I love the trees blooming in the spring 🙂
My favorite thing about spring is not having to scrape ice off the car – and seeing grass on the ground instead of snow and slush!
The Easy Spring Frittata recipe looks mighty tasty!
My favorite thing about Spring is the abundance of flowers and green grass everywhere!
My favorite part about spring is seeing the tulips bloom throughout the city. So much color!
My favorite thing about spring is watching the trees flower and bloom.
I like the warm days and cool nights of Springtime.
My favorite thing about spring is crawfish season.
I love the blooming Tulips.
like the warm days
My fiance and I were just talking about going asparagus picking at the local pick you own farm! We’ve never had a lot of experience with the veggie and want to try! Maybe that will be my new favorite thing about spring!
The deviled eggs with ham would be a great addition to Easter dinner!
My favorite thing about spring is the longer days. I miss the sun during the winter. Thanks
My favorite thing about Spring is the weather getting warmer and the flowers starting to bloom.
everything turning green again
My favorite thing about spring is there is no more snow and no more black ice on the roads!
After this winter, the warmth!
Spring flowers
I love so many things about spring! The warmer weather, the flowers and the garden where we will be growing our vegetables! thanks for this recipe, I have saved it. Sounds very good as I love asparagus!
Watching the daffodils burst from the ground!
My favorite thing about spring is going outside and breathing in the crisp spring air, it smells so fresh and it’s so revitalizing!
I can’t wait for warm weather and the beach!
My favorite thing about spring is the warm weather.
love the spring air and flowers
Spring is when I can get outside and start planting some of the early seed in my veggie garden! Can’t wait to get my hands dirty. 😉
My favorite thing about spring is the tulips and daffodils that will soon start popping up all over the place here. We planted so many bulbs in the fall!
I also enjoy the spring produce coming into season because that means I can cook with the freshest ingredients while the growing season in my area is going on.
From the recipe collection, I’d love to try the Shortcut Carrot Cake… it looks delicious and I enjoy trying as many new recipes as I possibly can try! 🙂
My favorite thing about spring is more day light and knowing that soon everything will thaw and bloom.
I like the warmer weather and being able to spend more time outside.
My favorite thing about spring is getting back into my veggie garden.
I love to clean out my flower beds and watch the flowers come up and bloom.
it is feeling a little like spring here in KY but not going to last long.calling for more snow next week.i love spring the whole family gets out together and enjoys the nature and lakes and mountains around here.it is nice time to send family time together.every one has a lot of energy built up form being couped up i the house all winter.and it nice to watch mother nature come to life and everything get colorful and animals start coming out and having babies.it is nice thing for kids to see growing up
I love fresh asparagus. I have it in my fridge. In fact I ate it last night just steamed. THIS is a much better idea. And guess what
I have the makings for this too. Sooooo guess what I am having for dinner tonight. Awesome.
love the longer days and flowers in bloom…
on the kraft site, i would most love to make the Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad
Spring is my favorite time of year. I live in the Pacific NW which is renown for its spring gardens right along
with England. The gardens are spectacular. Color, Color, Color everywhere. It truly is a time for the soul to rejoice in being alive.
In fact Daffodils were my wedding flower, which is an unusual choice. In my area many old homesteads were bought by timber
companies many decades ago. Nothing is left that a home was there, except sometimes a jaunty clump of daffodils. My feeling
was this wonderful flower represented a cheery sign of resilience thru all kinds of weather/situations. Thus it was the perfect flower
to start off a marriage. So naturally the re-emergence of daffodils in the spring is list topper for favorites parts.
My favorite thing about Spring is the warm weather and Daylight Savings Time
annabella @ centurytel dot net
My favorite thing about spring is that the weather finally warms up.
My favorite thing about spring is being able to take my dog for a walk in the park and it not be freezing outside!
I would love to make the Spring Vegetable soup with all those yummy spring veggies! http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/spring-vegetable-soup-54396.aspx
My favorite thing is watching everything turn green and the smell of rail
the warm weather!!!Ω
My absolute favorite thing about spring in the warmer weather! Come on Ohio and bring on the warmer weather. Happy Spring Everyone!!!
This salad would be amazing in the summertime.
I enjoy planting flowers.
My favorite thing about spring is seeing everything come alive again. The grass greens, trees bud and flowers begin growing.
I would like to try this layered enchilada bake. http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/layered-enchilada-bake-107317.aspx
My favourite thing about Spring is being able to get back outside for warm stroller walks in the sunshine, and starting my annual vegetable garden!
I like the strawberry candied pecan salad with raspberry vinaigrette on the Kraft site – such a simple and flavourful dish!
I love the rain!
I like this recipe http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/spring-vegetable-soup-54396.aspx
my favorite thing is the warm weather
My favorite thing about spring is being able to walk outside again. You forget how much miss it until 5 months of winter roll around.
My favorite thing about spring is my gardens start popping out of the ground and the birds singing of course 🙂
I would love to make the Cheesy Cornbread Casserole http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/cheesy-cornbread-casserole-126198.aspx
I love thunderstorms.
My favorite thing about spring is the new life coming from the earth.. all the snow is gone and the grass turns green
My favorite thing about spring is being out in the yard, tilling the garden and enjoying more sunshine
What I love about the spring is being able to get out more and do activities.
The rainbow layer cake looks really good.
My favorite thing about spring is the warm weather.
I want to try the Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad
The weather gets warmer!
I love the sun shining in spring. cold weather leaving..and the looking foward to summer
My favorite things about spring is the rain!! I love the rain, and get excited when our snowfalls turn into rain storms! 🙂
I love the warmer weather and starting to garden!
Longer daylight hours & warmer weather 🙂
My favorite thing about spring is watching the flowers bloom.
The earth wakening after a long cold winter, spring flowers blooming, and fresh fruits and vegetables are my favorite things about Spring.
My favorite thing about spring is the weather is nicer so we can BBQ, garden, and hang outdoors
My favorite thing about Spring is that I can finally get to the beach and enjoy it without shivering.
Spring Risotto sounds like a delicious dish!
My favorite is seeing wildlife like birds and bunnies in the yard.
I love seeing the birds returning to our bird feeder.
My favorite thing about Spring is when the trees get the green leaves back, and the flowers start to bloom!!!
The best thing about Spring is opening day of baseball.
I love the flowers
I like the warmer weather so I can start grilling again.
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer weather and the blooming flowers, tulips & dafodils.
I love seeing all the plants and trees come back to life with blossoms and new green leaves.
I’d like to try this Grilled Asparagus http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/grilled-asparagus-143443.aspx
I love listening to spring storms.
I love walking through the trails near my home and seeing all the animals and their babies coming out of hibernation.
My favorite thing about spring is that the warmer weather makes it a lot more fun to enjoy outside activities!
The start of flag football!
My favorite thing about spring is that I get to start my herb & vegetable gardens & my farmers market opens! I love to cook with fresh ingredients.
The Springtime Asparagus Pasta Toss looks so tasty
I love the sunlight, the fresh air , the birds chirpping
I love the weather.
I love everything about spring but mostly the flowers. Especially tulips.
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer weather.
I love everything about spring! Warmer weather, getting out of the house and most of all fresh produce! Mmmm artichokes.
looks really good
My favorite thing about spring is the return of good juicy strawberries.
From the kraftrecipe site I would love to try the Creamy Strawberry Pie recipe this spring.
I love seeing the flowers start to bloom
My favorite thing about spring is the beautiful weather
I’d make the kraft deviled eggs with ham recipe
My favorite thing about spring is my spring/bulb flowers that are blooming, like daffodils and tulips!
I love that the weather starts to get warmer! I hate the winter!
My favorite thing is the gorgeous weather!
The Deviled Eggs With Ham recipe sounds great, I will be making them!
My favorite thing about spring is the flowers.
My favorite thing about spring is no more snow! Grass will grow soon
My favorite thing about spring is the temperature! Winter has hit my pocket book hard this last year! I will be so happy not to have to run the heater & open some windows …let in some fresh air! My bills will be less & that is what makes me the most happy…at least until summer heat comes & ruins everything.
I would most love to try & make the Pan-Fried Fish with Creamy Lemon Sauce for Two! We have an almost endless amount of fresh fillet bass once spring is sprung & it would be awesome to try this recipe!
My favorite thing about winter is being able to open the windows and let the fresh air in.
my favorite thing about spring is all the lovely flowers that come up
I like the Easy Italian Pasta Casserole receipe
Snowdrops and crocuses are my favorite thing about spring.
Oven fried 4 cheese chicken is my favorite recipe.
Thanks for the giveaway… we love being able to start planting in our flower / vegetable garden in the Spring !
We like the Quinoa with Feta & Vegetables recipe !
Favorite thing about Spring is seeing all the dormant plant life come to life again!
I want to try and make the strawberry-candied pecan salad
My absolute favorite thing about spring is the sunshine! Finally, after all the dreary winter days, we have more light all day long. 🙂
I’ll eat anything with avocado in it. Would love to try the recipe for Bacon, Bleu Cheese, Avocado, and Basil Pasta.
My favorite thing about Spring is seeing the new baby animals.
I would love to make the Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad recipe.
I love the incoming weather! The great temperatures are perfect for spending time outdoors.
I love the smell of fresh cut grass, sunny, yellow daffodils, beautiful bright green leaves appearing on the trees and cool mornings turning into beautiful days!
Spring recipes always include for me Strawberries! Their Heavenly Strawberry Roll is just that, fantastic and always a favorite is their Banana Pudding!
My favorite thing about spring is the return of warm weather and the lovely flowers that start to bloom.
The Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad recipe immediately caught my eye. It has so many of my favorites.
My favorite thing about spring is the warmer temperatures.
The Bacon, Bleu Cheese, Avocado, and Basil Pasta recipe looks very tasty!
I like the flowers coming in bloom.
I like working in my garden.
Strawberry-Candied Pecan Salad looks good.
My favorite thing about spring is NO MORE BOOTS. Cute boots are one thing, but snow boots are just yuck.
My favorite thing about spring is sitting on the deck and listening to the birds chirp while enjoying a good book!
Hi there, yup this piece of writing is in fact pleasant and I have learned lot of things from it
on the topic of blogging. thanks.
The best part about spring is everyone getting outside to enjoy the weather! Such a great feeling!
Also, the zuchini fries with lemon aioli sound amazing!
Oh wow! Totally thought that was 2015 – found you through pinterest – i even checked the date 🙂 – should have known!