I have had so much interest in the Adopt a Blogger event that I have decided to host a second one… but it won’t be for a month or so. If you have indicated in a different post that you are intersted in signing up to be adopted or to adopt someone and it was past the deadline for the first adopt a blogger (which was in December), please put your information in the comments section here. I will try to gather the comments from the other posts as well, but to make my life easier, sign up here to make sure you are included!
Keep checking back to Dine and Dish and to other sites like Sticky Date and Is My Blog Burning for details about the next Adopt a Blogger event! In the meantime, notify your veteran blogger friends because it looks like we’ll have a lot of newbies ready for your guidance!
I’d like to participate. 🙂
Yay! I was disappointed to have missed the deadline for the first Adopt a Blogger event as I started my blog just a little while after the deadline (I wasn’t quite ready to start at the time). Thanks so much for hosting a second event, I’d love to participate!
I’d be willing to participate. My blog is officially more than a year old but I really only starting *blogging* in September 07. I am willing to be adopted or to adopt, whichever seems more appropriate. 🙂
I’d love to participate as well. But I am not sure if I should adopt or be adopted. In one hand I have learn so much in the relatively short time (about 6 months) I have been blogging, but in the other hand I haven’t done it for much time. What a dilemma!
Hey, I’d love to be adopted! I’ve been blogging since last June, so I’m still technically a newbie. I love the work you’re doing, it’s really inspiring.
Hi, I left a comment on the older Adopt-a-Blogger post not realizing that I had missed the deadline-sorry.
I’d love to adopt or be adopted- I’ve had my blog at http://www.thefeastwithin.com since June 2007 so either way I’d be happy to participate.
Thanks for hosting a second go round- seems like a fabulous idea to me!
Rene from Pages, Pucks and Pantry sent me over to sign up for adopt a blogger.
So after your last post, I finally got my act together and posted for the first time. I feel like such a newbie that I do not know if I even deserve to be adopted but I would love to be, if anyone would have me. Regardless, the tips are very helpful. Thank you so much for doing this!
Oh Kristen, I think my veteran is busy… she contacted me just once… do you have any tips on how this is supposed to be carried on, just visits to each other’s blogs or any activity that could lead to some coaching? I appreciate your insight. xoxo
I would love to be adopted–I’m sorry I missed the last deadline, but I have only just started my blog…Thank you so much!
We’d love to be adopted!
I’d LOVE to be adopted- but only if you manage to find a veteran willing to put up with my potty mouth. And drinking. And cupcake obssession. Oh wait- are they supposed to help me cure these issues??
Seriosuly tho- if you do have willing veterans I’ve only been blogging since OCt. 2007 and could really use some guidance and tips to make the blog (or me) better. Thanks!
Thanks so much for giving us a second chance! I was really sad when I realized it was already too late to sign in for the previous "Adopt a Blogger"…
I’m a newbie by the way 🙂
Oh, yes, I would love to be adopted as well! I am new to blogging, and any guidance from someone who has been at it awhile would be wonderful!
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Me, me, pick me.
Hi Kristen,
I am signing up again here.
I am a newbie blogger(about a month old) – my blog is about food both from India and around the world. I’d like to throw my name into the hat.
I would love to participate. I’ve only been blogging since Aug.
I’d love to adopt for the next round – I’ve had my blog, Columbus Foodie, since October 2005.
I would love to be adopted! I’m a newbie, and I post recipes, cookbook reviews and photos. I think I have a good voice, but the foodblogosphere is massive and I could use some help!
<a href="http://www.thursdaynightsmackdown.com">
Us vs. Food</a>
Pick me!
I’d love to be adopted. My current blog is about my food based business but I’d like to be more than just my business and become a food blog that focuses on sweets.
Hi Krisitn-what a great idea! My blog is about the cuisine (recipes) and lifestyle of Argentina. I’d like to be adopted, as this blog is new and could use some guidance! Thanks!
I’d like to be adopted! I’ve had my blog since the end of last summer but for some reason I still haven’t really broken into the food blog community and rarely get comments 🙁 My blog is vegetarian, but I’m okay with a meat-eating adopter (as long as they don’t try to convert me!)
Count me in! What a fantastic idea! Thank you so much for putting this all together for us!
I’m a baker, and newbie blogger.
Cheers to you!
I’d like to participate – I just started blogging today! 😉
I’d like to be adopted! My blog definitely needs a tweak!
I cannot sadly enter as i am minus a blog but i think it is a wonderful idea and should become a regular thing – maybe once or twice a year?
Hi, I’d like to join, too. I’m a newbie. Thanks.
What a great idea! I want to be adopted. I’m a newbie also and I’d love to get some advice. My blog is about food and cooking with my little sous chefs(kids).
Hi Kristen:
What a great idea! I’m a one-month old newbie and I would love to have advice from a veteran blogger. Thanks.
I am just launching my blog this week and was sad to have missed the first. I’d love to be adopted.
I would very much welcome some parental guidance from a vetran blogger! I’ve been blogging since September.
Many thanks for organising this,
I’m a newbie and would love to be adopted!!! This is an awesome idea. Thanks.
Oh yes, most definitely I’d love to be included in this. Thanks!!
I’m happy to adopt!
I REALLY need to be adopted. I just started yesterday, and I am very lost. My blog is about food (mostly baking). I need a veterans help for sure!
me again, yes,would love to be adopted 🙂 am a newbie
i love recipes from around the world
This looks wonderful. I love citrus falvors in baked goods… and will try this very soon!
Sign me up to be adopted please! I love the idea of this but I was too late to sign up for the last one.
My blog is all vegetarian cooking, with a bit of baking here and there.
I am a new blogger and I would love to be adopted. I started the blog to catalog the recipes (mostly vegan) that I cook for my daughter. But, it turns out my whole life of food is making in on there. THanks. feedingmaybelle.blogspot.com
Hey.. thanks for sharing a 2nd round!
I’d love to be adopted! My blog Ann’s Food is about my food – recipes (mostly is about baking)- stores,…!
Have my blog since this year and looove to share it with others!
Like Cris, my veteran blogger seems to be out of the country most of the time or just plain busy!!! I was really hoping to get some advice!? 🙁 I’m not even sure if she’s interested in continuing or not!?!?! Could I be considered for "adopt-a-blogger, part II"?
Is this still open? I’d be happy to be adopted by a vegan veteran blogger 🙂
I’d love to be involved! I think I’d classify as a newbie, my blog has been around about a year but with some serious periods of inactivity 🙂 If anything the comments section of this post provide some great links to other blogs so we can all support each other!
I would love to try this. I am a newbie. I love to travel and cook well balanced and healthy, simple dishes. I like to bake and enjoy ethnic dishes.
Robin Sue
I’m available for adoption.
Please have a veteran adopt me! I’m a newbie that has thrown herself into the food blog world and have been a reader for some time now but never really got into it until these past xmas holidays. I love to cook but baking is more my ‘thing’ http://cookinginanapron.blogspot.com/
Oops… looks like I missed out this post before posting in "Adopt a Blogger 1"…. I am a newbie and blog about the food I cook from all over the world (sometimes I ramble about life in Germany). I do try to focus on Asian food as I come from Msia… Would be very grateful if someone would adopt and guide me 🙂
Thanks in advance,
Mellie http://melliecooks.cheeli.de/
I would love to have a veteran mentor me for a bit. I started my blog in Aug. of 2007. I’ve become more skilled in designing my blog and posting photos, and while my stats continue to rise there is one big problem-no one is commenting!
It’s so frustrating at times that I feel like throwing in the towel. I would love to interact more with my readers because I feel that I am putting a lot of love, time and money into making my blog interesting to read and view.
My blog focuses on seasonal cooking, occasional baking,local eateries and shops, and a big part of it is local farmers markets, which I support whole heartedly.
Thank you for putting this together!
Oh joy! I am very much a newbie (less than a week) and I would absolutely LOVE to have some help from a "vetran". I hope to have my blog focus mainly on baking (that is what I do for a living) But I have been sharing recipes that I make while doing dinner for my family as well. I also decorate cakes on the side and have many picture of these as they are done. So there you have it. My name is Carrie Fields, I love to decorate cakes, bake, do any kind of dessert and create new recipes. My blog is http://fieldsofcake.blogspot.com
Thanks soo much for this!
I’d love to be adopted! Is it too late?? I just started my blog about a month ago and was kind of wondering who I might ask for advice…
Let me know!
Hmm I thought I posted a comment already, but now I can’t find mine. Well, my blog was created in April 2007, so that would make me a newbie. It’s a general cooking/baking blog (although I’d rather bake!)
We, Penn Appétit, are a student run food blog at UPenn and would love to be adopted!